Chapter 1620

Chu Tian was not a fool who would fight hard, so he quickly turned into nothingness and dodged one by one. This made the black dragon curse, "Bastard, I will kill you, I will kill you."

"Go ahead, I'll see what you can do."

The black dragon ran away violently, and was so angry that it changed in various ways. It made a small figure and a loud voice. The purpose was to kill Chutian better, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take Chutian down.

But Chutian smiled strangely, "That's it? It's too bad."

"You, you." The black dragon was furious, and Chutian knew the opportunity was coming, so he stood there and stared at the black dragon, "Come on, I'll stand here, you can attack me, I'll take a look , what ability do you have?"

The black dragon glared at Chu Tian, ​​"Okay, all of this is what you want, then I will send you to die."

The black dragon began to swell, and a huge ball began to condense in its mouth. Seeing that the ball was getting bigger and bigger, it seemed to be several times the size of the previous ball, and Chu Tian smiled strangely.

That black dragon didn't know what Chutian was laughing at, but he still wanted to kill Chutian, but he stared at Chutian, "You're asking for death."

Then the black dragon spewed out that mouthful, and the mouthful flew towards Chutian.

Seeing that they were about to touch Chutian, they were rebounded one by one by Chutian's purple god armor. After the purple god armor returned with [-]% of its power, the black dragon was also enveloped by this force.

At the same time, Chutian endured the pain and rushed over quickly, and then beat the turbid air around him one by one, and let the turbid air restrict his freedom when it was seriously injured.

For a moment, the black dragon couldn't move, and cursed angrily, "Boy, Lord Demon Dragon, I won't let you go."

"Where is the magic dragon, and where is Xuelao Tianshan?"

"Hmph, how do I know." The black dragon became stubborn, and Chu Tian stared at the black dragon, "I don't have to be polite if you want to do this."

I saw that Chu Tian made a move, directly destroyed its body, then detained its soul, and then flew out of here.

When Chutian came outside, they saw the domain masters in the main hall proudly discussing that Chutian had been cleaned up, but when Chutian suddenly appeared, they were all frightened, and even looked at Chutian in disbelief.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Everyone, what are you talking about?"

These people shouted in terror, "Messenger, Messenger."

At this time, the old man with the snake appeared again, he stared at Chutian in disbelief, "Boy, you, how did you come out from there?"

Chu Tian looked at the old man with a smile, "What do you think?"

The old man fixed his eyes on Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you are really hateful."

Chutian smiled strangely and didn't want to talk, but the old man couldn't think of any way to deal with Chutian, so he stared at Chutian there.

Chu Tian laughed, "What? There is no other way?"

The old man was anxious, "Boy, don't be complacent, I will find a way to deal with you later."

"Oh? Really? Then I'll wait."

The old man thought about it, and at this time a domain master suggested, "Messenger, you can let him go to that hall, let him learn that thing, and make sure he gets mad."

Others also agreed one after another. Chu Tian was curious about the place they were talking about, and the old man suddenly had an idea, "Boy, you want to find the magic dragon, right?"


"Okay, there is a hall behind me, you keep walking, as long as you can open a door of space inside, you can see him, but I don't think you have the guts."

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "Before going in, I'll clean you up first."

At this moment, Chutian made a move suddenly, and killed a few domain owners first. Those domain owners wondered why Chutian had become so terrifying again, but the old man snorted, and was about to attack, Chutian directly released the turbidity in the entire hall. gas.

Under this turbid air, the domain owners and old people were affected all over their bodies, which shocked them, and they were all curious about what happened and why they couldn't move.

Chu Tian looked at them with a smile, "Everyone, are you comfortable?"

The old man was out of breath, "Boy, what have you done, why can't we move?"

"It's nothing, I just moved some hands and feet on you."

The old man was upset, and looked at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, let us go."

"is it possible?"

Chu Tian ignored them at all, but the old man wanted to resist, but in the end Chu Tian killed his body directly, and then detained him and asked, "Tell me, is the door of space you mentioned just now, is it true?"

The old man said depressedly, "Yes, as long as you open that door, you can see Lord Demon Dragon, but that door is very difficult to open, especially because you need to learn a magic technique, and many people have tried this magic technique." , and finally went crazy."

Chu Tian didn't believe that there were magic arts that he couldn't learn, so he looked at the messenger, "You'd better not play tricks, if I know that what you said is wrong, then you will die."

Seeing that Chutian was about to go in, the messenger said in horror, "You, you don't want to go in, do you?"

"What do you think?"

The emissary suddenly became angry, "Boy, what if you die inside, won't I be trapped by you forever."

"Then just pray that I'm okay!"

Now the envoy was not happy, and even looked at Chutian angrily, but Chutian smiled slightly, didn't say anything, instead walked towards the back where the envoy just said.

Then Chutian walked in, and after a while the stone gate was opened by Chutian, and behind the stone gate was a long tunnel.

When Chu Tian passed through the tunnel one by one, he saw a space deep in the tunnel.

Until Chutian entered this space, he saw strange runes on the walls of this space, and the place where these runes gathered was a door.

There was a strange face on this door, and Chu Tian looked curious when he saw this face.

Then Chutian gave the system an order, "Appraisal."

"Ding~ Demonic Dragon Transformation."

Chu Tian was curious about what the Demonic Dragon Transformation was. After seeing it, he knew that it was a kind of magical cultivation, which could make his overall ability go crazy and enter a terrible mode in an explosive state.

But Chutian was not afraid, and let the system learn directly.

Chutian just stood there for a while, and a month passed. After Chutian learned it, the surrounding runes disappeared. That Chutian put one hand on the so-called space gate, and then operated the magic dragon transformation.

When performing the Demon Dragon Transformation, Chu Tian's eyes were blood red, his body's aura turned into demon energy, and his whole body became very scary.

Until the next moment when the door of space opened, Chu Tian recovered again, and then released the envoy and asked, "Is this it?"

When the envoy saw that Chutian was fine, he looked at Chutian in shock, "This, how is it possible, how did you open it."

(End of this chapter)

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