Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1621 Invitation

Chapter 1621 Invitation

Chu Tian didn't explain to him, but asked, "Is it possible to see the magic dragon after entering inside?"

"should be."

"What should it be?"

"Master Molong once said that as long as you pass through here, you can see him. I don't know if it's true or not. After all, we haven't tried it."

After hearing this, Chu Tian stopped talking, but calmed down and walked inside, only to see that it was a desolate space, and it was very quiet everywhere, which was terrifyingly quiet.

Chutian opened Tianyantong and Clairvoyance suspiciously, and began to look for the so-called magic dragon there.

But there was no shadow of a magic dragon at all, which made Chu Tian frown, "Did someone cheat?"

But at this moment, a black light flickered in the sky, and then a laugh came from the black light, "Boy, you really take yourself seriously."

Chu Tian heard this strange voice and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me? It's the dragon you're looking for, but you'll never know who I am, haha."

Chu Tian leaped forward, but was blocked by the black light, and the dragon teased, "It's useless, you can't rush in at all."

Chu Tian stared at the dragon and asked, "Who are you, and why are you targeting me?"

"Aiming at you? That's because you are the descendant of the dragon, and you have the immortal seed in your body. These are all what I want. If you are willing to drive away the dragon in your body and give me the immortal seed, I will not How about embarrassing you?"

Chu Tian sneered, "Do you think it's possible?"

"If you don't give it to me, you will never be able to find Tianshan Xuelao, and you will never know who I am, and you will have more troubles in the future, and these troubles will make you more painful."

Chu Tian snorted, "I've never been afraid of things."

"It's good that you are not afraid of things, that's fine, I hope we have a chance to see you again." After the other party finished speaking, he disappeared faintly, and finally laughed wildly, and the other party was gone all of a sudden.

Chu Tian raised his brows and began to search for traces of the magic dragon, but the magic dragon disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it, let him escape again."

Chu Tian became depressed and planned to turn back and try Tianlong Mirror, but what he had to do now was to leave here, so he went back the same way, but the original way was blocked by a force.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Tian put one hand on it to run the Magic Dragon Transformation, his whole body transformed again and walked out of here.

Then Chutian disappeared there and returned to Tianlong Sanctuary. The elder Jin said excitedly after seeing Chutian's return, "How is it?"

"Those domain owners and forces have been dealt with by me. It is estimated that some people will come to harass the four holy domains in a while."

Elder Jin looked at Chutian in astonishment, and Chutian said, "I want to use the Dragon Mirror again, I don't know if it is possible."

"Yes, please."

Chu Tian came to Tianlongjing after a while, staring at the Tianlong Realm and asked, "Who is the magic dragon?"

But there was chaos in the mirror, which made Chu Tian puzzled and asked, "Elder, what does this mean?"

Elder Jin explained, "It is a place that cannot be detected, so the mirror can't do anything."

Chu Tian frowned, "If this is the case, it will be troublesome."

"What exactly is the magic dragon you are talking about?"

After Chu Tian explained, that Elder Jin was startled, "Could it be the owner of the rumored Fengtian Demon Realm?"

"Sealing Heaven Demon Realm?"

"Well, a long time ago, this Fengtian Demon Realm raised a dragon named Demon Dragon. Later, this demon dragon somehow became the owner of the Heaven Feng Demon Realm, and later this Fengtian Demon Realm disappeared into those demon realms. I don't know where it went."

"The Heaven Sealing Demon Realm disappeared?"

"Yes, the entire Demon Realm has disappeared without a trace, but now there is the Heavenly Dragon Realm, if you can find the Heavenly Demon Realm, maybe you can find him."

Chutian naturally thought, so he looked at Tianlongjing, "I want to know the whereabouts of Fengtian Demon Realm."

At this time, a picture flashed there, and there was purple light everywhere, and there was a piece of chaotic air flow outside the purple light, and there were pieces of rivers outside the chaotic air flow.

The elder Jin was shocked when he saw it, "It turned out to be in the magic flow."

"Magic flow?"

"Well, the magic current is called by those in the Demon Realm. It is said that that place can prevent any righteous people from stepping in, and whoever steps on the magic current will be sucked away by the magic current and never return."

Chu Tian took a deep breath, "The specific location of this magic flow."

"you want to go?"


But Elder Jin worried, "That's too dangerous."

Chu Tian was not afraid of danger, so he looked at Elder Jin, "Senior, tell me, I'll take care of the rest."

Elder Jin had no choice but to tell Chutian about this place, but Chutian calmed down and left. The elder Jin sighed, "Hey."

As for Chutian, it took a few days to come to the so-called magic flow, and there was a place like a river floating in the void, and there were countless fogs outside the magic flow.

Chu Tian took a deep breath and walked over, but when he was about to get closer, a voice suddenly stopped him, "Don't go."

Chu Tian turned around curiously, it was a group of people, and all these people flew over, the leader was a young man, he looked Chu Tian up and down, "Boy, don't go in, this is the magic flow."

Chu Tian looked at them curiously, and found that these people were all demon cultivators, but Chu Tian said, "I have something to do, so I have to go in."

Seeing that Chutian didn't listen to the persuasion, the man said, "Boy, I didn't scare you. If you go quickly, you will die."

Others also nodded, and some said, "You might as well follow us, and you won't die."

"Follow you?" Chu Tian asked curiously, and the young man hummed, "That's right, we have found a way to break the magic flow, and we are currently experimenting. If you follow us, you will definitely succeed a lot."

Chu Tian stared at the young man and these people, and then identified them one by one. The young man in charge, named Luo Guang, was also their team leader.

I saw Luo Guang staring at Chu Tian with bright eyes at this moment, "How about it, follow us."

Chu Tian looked at the magic flow, and didn't know what it was like, so he wanted to see how they did it, so he said, "That night walk."

These people were overjoyed, and Luo Guang said with a smile, "Now we have six people, and we can just go in according to the way I said."

"The way you said?" Chu Tian asked curiously, and Luo Guang hummed, "I have a magic weapon that requires six people to control it, and only six people can control it together to enter."

Chu Tian was dubious, but Luo Guang took out something like a spaceship, and saw that there were exactly six seats in it.

That Luo Guang looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Sit on it."

Chu Tian had no choice but to go up, and after the six people sat in different positions, that Luo Guang said in front, "Okay, I'll start, but this is the first time we go in, so there may be accidents, everyone should be careful, do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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