Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1632 Under the Great Hall

Chapter 1632 Under the Great Hall
Chu Tian came to this saint like a ghost and smiled slightly, "Are you looking for me?"

The saint looked at Chu Tian in shock, "You."

Chu Tian struck again, this time very fast, and touched the arm of the saint with one hand, and the saint quickly withdrew her hand as if she had touched something.


Chu Tian joked, "I didn't expect the saint's hands to be quite slippery."

The saint is the saint of the Holy Church, and she usually doesn't even talk to men, and she has never been teased like this. She was so angry that she became angry, "You, you are shameless."

"I'm a shameless person, what's wrong?"

The saintess didn't expect Chu Tian to say so shamelessly, "You are really thick-skinned."

"It's okay, it's always been like this."

The saint didn't know what to say anymore, she could only stare at Chu Tian, ​​"Today, I will let you experience how powerful I am."

After the saint finished speaking, she sat there cross-legged, and then she closed her eyes, and soon the golden lights around her flickered, and these golden lights finally condensed into a huge palm behind her.

This palm grabbed Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian wanted to turn into nothingness, but found that this palm actually restrained him, and there was a powerful attraction that directly swallowed him.

There was a golden barrier around Chutian, and the saint was proud, "You see, you are already trapped by me."

When Chu Tian saw that the saint was about to go out, the surrounding space suddenly shattered, but the saint looked to the side in surprise, and found that the hall suddenly shattered, and countless demonic energy gushed out.

Countless saints present were crazily destroying the devilish energy, which frightened the saint, and stared at Chutian, "I will lock you here first, and I will deal with you later."

The saintess calmed down, leaped to the side of a saint and asked, "What's going on?"

"When you were going to deal with that kid just now, the hall suddenly became full of devilish energy for some reason, and then the whole hall began to crack, and now the devilish energy is spreading wildly. That affects the very foundation of our religion."

The saint frowned, "This is not the way, hurry up and cast the saint formation."


Those people set up a formation to suppress the devilish energy, but no matter how they suppressed it, the devilish energy surged out crazily and spread around terrifyingly.

The saint was shocked, but Chu Tian had already walked out of the barrier silently, looked at them jokingly and said with a smile, "With your strength, do you still want to suppress this devilish energy?"

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Chutian to come out alive, and Chutian looked at them with a smile, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, I just want to say that we all have the same purpose, why stop me?" Woolen cloth?"

The saint stared, "Common purpose?"

"Aren't you trying to prevent this magic energy from leaking?"

The saint's eyes were puzzled, "Yes, then you trespassed because of the demon energy?"

"I'm looking for the magic dragon, and it probably produced the magic energy, so we have a common enemy." Chu Tian said bluntly, and the saint was surprised when he heard the word "molong", "What is your relationship with the magic dragon. "


The saint hesitated for a while, but she muttered to herself, "Is it true or not?"

After thinking for a while, the saint looked at Chutian, "Okay, I will trust you for now."

Chu Tian jumped into the hall and disappeared, but everyone looked at each other, and the saint could only look at the others, "You are here, I will go and see."

Seeing that the saint also quickly sneaked into the hall, and in an abyss in the hall, seeing Chu Tian standing there, she was puzzled, "What are you standing here for?"

"Where is this abyss connected?"

"This abyss is the outlet of devil energy, and it is said that there is a huge source of devil energy under this land, and these sources of devil energy are very violent, which is devastating damage to our holy religion."

Chu Tian looked at the saint, "Aren't you doing well now?"

"Don't mention it, I just have a protective cover, but the others don't. If they encounter magic energy, they must be very uncomfortable."

Chu Tian stopped talking, but the saint became anxious, "What are you?"

"I have a solution, but I don't want to help you."

The saint suddenly panicked, "What do you mean?"

"You Wanlong Sacred Cult wants to deal with me, why should I help you?" Chu Tian smiled, but the saint was anxious, "You villain."

"I was not a great person."

The saint gritted her teeth angrily, "You."

"Anyway, I won't help you, so I'll go down and play." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he leaped into the abyss, and the saint was stunned, "Is he not afraid of death?"

As for Chutian running wildly all the way, the devilish energy became more and more terrifying, and even exploded around Chutian.

Chu Tian was still flying calmly. After a while, he came to the depths and saw a palace below, and powerful demonic energy shone everywhere in these palaces.

After Chutian fell, he walked in curiously, and the palace was full of purple light. Just as Chutian was about to enter the palace, those purple lights gathered into a burly warrior to block Chutian.

I saw the warrior pointing at Chu Tian with a spear, "Trespassers, die."

Chu Tian looked him up and down, "Who are you?"

"I, the general of the demon clan, the demon thorn."

Chu Tian said in a low voice, "I don't care what kind of thorn you are, you should hurry up and get out of the way."

The devil thorn was annoyed, and he stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you are really crazy."

"Fortunately, it depends on who."

The devil thorn was furious, and the spear in his hand stabbed at Chutian, wishing to penetrate Chutian, but the ghostly figure of Chutian was impossible for the opponent to catch, and Chutian came behind them all at once.

Unwilling to be reconciled, the devil thorn threw the spear out at once, and countless shadows of the spear gathered together, and then there were shackles to lock Chutian.

Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's useless."

Soon Chutian escaped from the shackles again, and now the demon thorn stared, "This is not okay? I don't believe it."

The devil thorn came again, and this time it was even crazier. With a shout, countless spears turned into golden light, and these golden lights entered Chutian's body, and then exploded in Chutian's body.

I thought that this would crush Chutian's body, but the corners of Chutian's mouth curled up, "You want to kill me like this? How naive."

The devil thorn was shocked, he never thought that Chutian would be so terrifying, so he shouted, "Twelve devil generals come out."

At this time, twelve people in armor suddenly appeared, and these people were dull-eyed, but their bodies were filled with demonic energy. It was obviously not an ordinary task. Sure enough, the twelve people made a unified gesture, and the gesture exploded instantly. gas.

That gas blew up Chutian's area on the spot.

With a loud noise, the area where Chutian was located turned into nothingness, but Chutian calmed down and suddenly appeared and looked at them with a smile, "Should we continue?"

(End of this chapter)

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