Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1633 Magic Cloud Bottle

Chapter 1633 Magic Cloud Bottle

The devil stared strangely at Chu Tian and asked, "Boy, who are you and why are you here?"

Chu Tian asked instead, "What is this place? Why are you here?"

The devil stinged, "I'm asking you something!"

"I'll ask you too."

"Damn it, you're courting death." The devil's thorn wanted to attack again, and this time it gathered everyone's strength on the spear, but when the attack from the spear suddenly reached Chu Tian, ​​a purple light flashed.

The power of the long spear was bounced back, and the twelve devil generals and the devil's thorn were all sent flying. One can imagine how powerful this attack was.

Although Chu Tian was not directly attacked, the remaining 20.00% of his power made him take a few steps back.

The devil thorn stared at Chutian unwillingly, "Boy, why are you against us?"

"I just came to see."


"Yes, why does all the magic energy fly out?"

But the devil's thorn said coldly, "Then what can we do, our magic weapon is out of control, and the magic energy is gushing out madly, it's useless if we try to control it."

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "Then let me try."


"Yes, what's the problem."

The Devil Thorn hesitated for a while and laughed at Chutian, "Boy, I didn't scare you, you can't help it."

But Chu Tian looked at him, "You'd better take me there, otherwise you have such a strong devilish energy, let alone the outsiders, I don't think you can bear it yourself."

Hearing this, Demon Thorn thought that if he could lure Chutian to that place, maybe Chutian would die there, so he returned to God and said, "Okay, I'll just take you."

The magic thorn then led the way in front, and Chu Tian followed. After a while, the magic thorn pointed at a door, "Just go in here, but boy, don't say I didn't warn you, it's you inside, don't say it's you!" , we dare not go in."

"It's you, not me." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he ignored them and flew directly into the door.

When Chutian reappeared, he had already entered the door, where the devilish energy was even stronger, and could even choke people, but Chutian was very calm, as if it had nothing to do with him, he came here.

Those demonic qi inside seemed to be something that was about to invade Chutian's body one by one, but they were cleaned up by Chutian one by one. Instead, Chutian said with a relaxed smile, "That's right."

At this time, there was a small bottle in front of Chutian, and the bottle was completely black, and at the same time, it was crazily spraying out demonic energy, Chutian suddenly wondered, "Isn't it possible that the demonic energy came out of a bottle?"

This made Chutian think it was incredible, but Chutian still went there. The moment he touched the bottle with one hand, the bottle suddenly entangled Chutian with countless demonic energy, wishing to drag Chutian into the bottle.

Chu Tian frowned, frantically resisting, as if trying to get rid of the devilish energy.

Chu Tian was still approaching the bottle step by step. Seeing that he was about to be sucked into the bottle, suddenly something flew out of his body. It was the golden cudgel.

The golden cudgel suddenly became bigger and blocked the mouth of the bottle at once. Chu Tian who was there was surprised, "This."

I saw that the demonic energy from the bottle was no longer gushing out, but suddenly a shadow flickered on the golden cudgel. It was Monkey King. Chu Tian stared at him and frowned, "Why are you here?"

Sun Wukong said, "I have always kept a soul in this golden cudgel, and it will only appear when necessary."

"Then you know this bottle?" Chu Tianhu questioned, and Sun Wukong hummed, "This bottle is a magic cloud bottle. It was left behind by a terrible mission back then. I met it when I was fighting, and I was looking for it everywhere. It just didn't expect to see it here."

Chu Tian was surprised, "What are you looking for?"

"This magic cloud bottle hides a secret of the demon clan. If you can unlock it, it will be of great benefit to you, but if you can't unlock it, don't let others get it, because the person who gets this thing is easily changed. The mind is controlled by the magic bottle."

Chu Tian hesitated, "Aren't you afraid that I will be controlled by the magic bottle?"

"You are different." Sun Wukong said to himself, and Chutian wanted to continue asking something, that Monkey King disappeared, and the golden cudgel turned into a plug to block the mouth of the bottle.

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Are you still there?"

Monkey King was silent, so Chu Tian had no choice but to pick up the magic bottle, "How to control it?"

Chu Tian thought for a while and then went to refine the magic bottle, but the system reminded him that it would take a year. Chu Tian gasped, but he still chose to refine it. After all, he couldn't find the whereabouts of Tianshan Xuelao now, and he had nowhere to go , So he entered his own space to refine.

Yan Xian'er watched from the side, time passed by like this, and a year later, everyone thought he was dead.

But when Chu Tian walked out, he seemed to have spent countless years saying, "This bottle is really not simple."

Then Chu Tian laughed and left here. After he reappeared, he had come to a place, that is the underground palace hall, and those demon generals were long gone, as for the demonic thorns, the demonic energy still remained there.

The moment Chutian appeared, the devil thorn was stunned, and immediately turned into a human figure and stared at Chutian, "You are not dead."

"Of course I'm not dead, why? You thought I was dead."

"It's been a year, you've been in there for a year, of course I thought you were dead."

Chu Tian smiled, "That's because I have great skills."

The devil thorn stared at Chutian strangely and asked, "Did you do something inside?"

"How do you say that?"

"Not long after you entered, the devilish energy became weaker, and after a year, it seems that the devilish energy has completely weakened a lot."

Chu Tian nodded slightly, "Yes."

The Devil Thorn wanted to know what Chutian got inside, but Chutian laughed, "Sorry, I'm not free, goodbye."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he wanted to leave, but the devil thorn asked anxiously, "You got that bottle?"

Chu Tian suddenly stopped and turned around and asked curiously, "What? Do you know this bottle?"

The magic thorn hummed, "Yes, this bottle is something we guard, but I didn't expect you to surrender it."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Why do you guard this thing?"

The Devil Thorn didn't speak, but looked at Chutian, "That's our business, I don't need to tell you."

"Okay then, I'm leaving."

The Devil Thorn reminded, "This magic bottle is not an ordinary item. I advise you not to take it with you, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Chu Tian smiled triumphantly and said, "Don't worry, I have already refined this magic bottle. I can use it however I want, and no one will interfere with me."

The magic thorn didn't believe it, "Impossible!"

Chu Tian ignored it, but looked at the devil and said with a smile, "Goodbye."

Afterwards, Chu Tian leapt away and disappeared there, but the Demon Thorn said in shock, "He won't really surrender the magic bottle, will he?"

However, Chu Tian walked out of the abyss at this moment, and saw that the surrounding halls had become a formation. Obviously, those members of the Holy Cult changed into a formation in order to prevent the leakage of magic energy.

(End of this chapter)

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