Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1634 Respected

Chapter 1634 Respected

Outside the formation, there was the holy girl sitting in town. At this moment, the holy girl didn't know that Chu Tian was coming out. Instead, she was discussing with a group of people how the magic energy was getting weaker and weaker, until Chu Tian suddenly stood behind them and said with a smile, " What are you discussing?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw it. They never thought that Chu Tian would come behind them in such a frightening manner, and the saint stammered, "Boy, you, who are you?"

"Me? Didn't I introduce it? What's the matter? Forgot it after only a year?"

The saint blinked her eyes in disbelief, and looked up and down Chutian, "You, are you not dead?"

"not dead."

"How is it possible, you didn't go to that abyss."

"You said that, of course I went, and solved the root of the evil energy, you should thank me."

The saint stared at Chu Tian strangely, "Did you really solve it?"

"Really, how about you try it?"

Everyone was confused about what to try, but at this moment Chu Tian took out a bottle and waved it casually, surrounded by countless demonic energy, and these demonic energy was countless times thicker than before, which scared everyone back.

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Is it fun?"

The saint stared at Chu Tian in shock, "How is it possible, why are you able to control so much devilish energy?"

Chu Tian put away the magic bottle, "That's my business, I don't need to explain it to you."

The saint became anxious, and after a flash of inspiration in her mind, she said, "I want to invite you to our Holy Church."

"What are you going to do with the holy religion?"

"Don't you want to know how the things in your hands came from? Also, don't you want to know why the magic dragon appeared in this hall?"

These words really tempted Chu Tian, ​​and made Chu Tian laugh, "Yes."

The saint was overjoyed, and hurriedly led Chu Tian away. After they reappeared, they had already arrived at the Wanlong Sacred Continent, and the people on this continent were very harmonious and there was no fighting.

Even walking around the mainland was very quiet, which made Chu Tian wonder, "Why doesn't anyone in the Wanlong Sacred Church fight?"

"Fighting? It's forbidden here. If you are found, you will be arrested."

"So strict?"

"Yes, this is our Wanlong Sacred Cult, so it is the most harmonious in this continent."

Chu Tian was dubious, until they came to a mountain, and this mountain was huge, and there was a huge castle on it.

There were countless people flying around the castle, and there were also countless people patrolling inside the castle. When Chu Tian entered, many people looked over, and some guards stopped them.

"Who is this person?" A person in charge with a golden helmet asked, and the saint replied, "I brought him to see the Holy Lord."

As soon as the words came out, the man with the helmet looked at the saint with some displeasure, "Holy lady, you know our rules here, no outsiders are allowed in, if you want to see the Holy Master or something, you must agree with the Holy Master, I to let him in."

But the saint said, "I said Golden Dragon Guard, I think you should step back quickly, his strength is very terrifying, you can't compete with it."

The guard named Jinlong laughed when he heard this, "I said saint, what do you mean? Can he beat me?"

"According to the rules of the holy religion, if the people I lead can defeat you, you have no right to interfere, so I advise you to back down, or you will be finished when he makes a move."

Jin Long laughed out loud, and the surrounding guards also laughed in various ways, and even felt that the saint was talking nonsense, and the saint was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, so she just said, "I will say it for the last time, will you go?"

Jin Long shook his head, "I'm not leaving, I'm here today."

The corner of the saint's mouth curled up, "It's so, then I don't need to be polite to you."

The saint looked at Chu Tian, ​​"You're welcome, just do it."

Chu Tian was stunned and asked, "Really do it?"

"Well, do it, just defeat him."

After the saint finished speaking, she took a step back, but an enchantment formed around Chutian and the golden dragon automatically, and Chutian wondered, "Didn't you say that your holy religion doesn't fight? This is fooling me. "

The saint said, "This is an exception."

Chutian had no choice but to look at the golden dragon, and the golden dragon looked at Chutian, "Boy, I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise you won't know how you died."

"I think it's you who stopped, otherwise you will regret it."

The golden dragon didn't expect Chu Tian to be so crazy, dare to compete with him and then stare, "Boy, if you want to die, I can't stop it."

After finishing speaking, the golden dragon snorted, and then countless golden lights flickered all over his body, and then these golden lights converged into countless attacks, all of which went to destroy Chutian.

All of a sudden Chutian was annihilated by the golden light, and the guards present pointed at him one after another, and some people even said, "The people brought back by the saint are really weak."


Jin Long was even more smug, "I said Saintess, who did you bring with you, and you said that she was very strong, that's all."

The saint knew that Chutian could not be wiped out like this, so she said, "Don't worry, you should pay attention to yourself, if something happens later, it will be troublesome."

Jin Long became furious when he heard this, "I don't believe it."

But at this moment, a five-element ball flew out of the golden light, and the target was the golden dragon, and the golden dragon was defenseless, it flew backwards and hit the barrier.

Then the golden light disappeared and Chu Tian came out, everyone present was startled.

Jin Long yelled, and then looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, you have offended me."

"I think you should retreat, otherwise, you will regret it."

"Regret? It's ridiculous. I'll let you know how good I am."

As a result, Chu Tian held a ball of devilish energy in his hand, and then the devilish energy was blown out, wrapping around the golden dragon, and the golden dragon instantly felt uncomfortable and said, "Bastard, you are from the demon clan."

"No, but I can control the magic energy, so you'd better not mess with me."

The people present were shocked. After all, a person who can control the demonic energy is very scary, especially in the Holy Church, he is a distinguished guest.

As for the golden dragon, his eyes were shocked, "What? You can control the magic energy."

"Yes, any questions?"

Jin Long was startled immediately, and hurriedly said respectfully, "I'm sorry, my lord, I didn't know you had this ability, I offended you just now, I'm sorry."

Chu Tian was stunned, he didn't expect to control the demon energy, the other party was so frightened, and the saint put away the barrier and said with a smile, "Can I take someone away now?"

The golden dragon nodded wildly, "Yes, yes."

The saintess left with Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian asked puzzledly on the way, "Why does the person who controls the devil energy seem to have a high status here?"

"Of course, our Wanlong Sacred Cult has been fighting against the demons, so it's not easy for people who can control the devil's energy, so it's not easy for you to control it."

(End of this chapter)

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