Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1635 The Origin of the Holy Religion

Chapter 1635 The Origin of the Holy Religion
Chu Tian didn't expect that the holy religion was so interesting, but at this moment they came to a portal, and when they stood on it, they came to an empty square.

And there are eight towers around the square, and there are many people on each tower, and these people are staring at Chu Tian and the saint at the moment.

But the saint brought Chu Tian to one of the tallest towers.

The gate of the tower was guarded by one black and one white guard, and the black guard stopped him, "Saint, this is the Holy Lord's private place, no one is allowed to approach without his summons."

"I'm in a hurry to find the Holy Master, so please forgive me."

The two shook their heads one after another, and the saint became anxious, and hurriedly said, "He can control the demonic energy, please ask the Holy Master to take a look."

The two lowered their guard a little when they heard this, and the white guard said, "In that case, wait a minute, I'll ask the Holy Master."

Afterwards, Chu Tian and the saint waited here until a while later, an old man with full beards and a strong body, wearing a golden robe appeared.

He came out with a golden cane in his hand, looked at the saint and then at Chutian, and asked, "Saint, do you think he can control the magic energy?"

"Yes, this is the one I mentioned earlier, the one who entered the abyss of the hall."

As soon as these words came out, the Holy Master was surprised, "A year ago?"


The Holy Master couldn't believe it, but he still wanted to try, so he looked at Chutian, "Can you show me?"

At this moment, Chu Tian flicked his hand casually, and a cloud of devilish energy appeared, the Holy Master said excitedly, "Okay, great, then from today onwards, you will be a member of our Holy Cult Demon Slayer Squad."

"Demon Slayer?"

"Yes, look, these high-rise buildings are all used to control the magic energy. What about you, go to those high-rise buildings, and then you can help purify the entire continent together."

But Chutian frowned, "Sorry, I'm not here to help you."

These words made the black and white guard unhappy, only to hear the man in the black robe say, "Boy, it's your honor that the Holy Master has taken a fancy to you, don't be ignorant."

The man in the white robe also said, "That's right, kid, please take care of your own mouth."

The saint was worried, because she knew that Chu Tian would not let others bully her, and sure enough, that Chu Tian laughed, "Oh? Really? Those two, what do you want?"

These two people didn't expect that Chu Tian would dare to provoke them, but the Holy Master said, "Okay, young man, don't make trouble. I respect everyone. Tell me what you want to do."

"I came to you to ask some questions about the magic dragon and the magic bottle."

As soon as these words came out, the holy master was shocked, "Magic bottle? How do you know?"

"Because it's in my hands."

The face of the Holy Master changed drastically, and the man in the black and white robe looked at Chutian in disbelief, but the Holy Maiden testified, "Holy Master, what he said is true."

The Holy Master looked Chu Tian up and down and said excitedly, "Can you let me have a look?"

Chu Tian got out the magic bottle, and the Holy Lord became excited, "Okay, it really is it."

The saint looked at the Holy Master, "Holy Master, look, can you tell him this?"

"Okay, please follow me upstairs."

The Holy Master brought the saint girl and Chu Tian in, and the two gatekeepers looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

As for Chutian and the Holy Master, they came to the eighth floor, and on the eighth floor, there are countless statues and murals, and these murals are very magical.

The holy master pointed to these murals, "The totem of Wanlong Shengjiao."

Chu Tian took a glance and found that they were all dragons, and there were all kinds of dragons. The Holy Master finally pointed to a high mountain in the center of the picture, and there was black demonic energy everywhere.

"Look, this mountain is called the Magic Mountain, and there is a magic bottle in the magic mountain, but this was many years ago, but then the land changed dramatically, the magic bottle and its surroundings were covered up, and it is said that a hall was also buried. But its magic energy is still exuding."

Chu Tian became curious, "So, that forbidden area is the place on this map?"

"Yes, so our Holy Cult sealed this place up, and our Wanlong Holy Cult is responsible for guarding these dragons, but one day, some dragons were affected and became magic dragons. They wanted to control the magic bottle and destroy this dragon. Continent, rush out."

Chu Tian became suspicious, "There is more than one magic dragon?"

"More than that, afterward countless holy dragons fought with them and suppressed them, but I heard that one ran away, until recently this one ran back, but this one has been huddled in the hall and has not come out, we dare not go in .”

Chu Tian didn't expect that the magic dragon became like this due to the influence of the magic bottle, but he was curious about how the magic bottle got here, so he asked, "How did the magic bottle get here?"

The Lord explained, "It is rumored that the magic bottle is guarded by the holy dragons. As for its origin, it is estimated that only the oldest dragon knows."

Chutian thought of the ancient dragon, so he wanted to summon it to ask.

So Chu Tian retreated to the side, and a power circulated in his body. The sixth generation dragon appeared. He was puzzled, "Why did you get me out? Didn't it give you strength?"

Those two people were frightened, because at this moment the shadow of a giant dragon was swimming in front of them, that Chutian looked at him, "The sixth generation of ancient dragon, I want to ask about the magic bottle."

The dragon's eyes flickered and said, "What? Did you see it?"


After pondering for a while, the giant dragon said, "This thing is related to the secret of the dragon clan. I don't know how to tell you now, but you just need to know that the magic bottle cannot be broken. Once it is broken, there will be endless troubles."

"Then you tell me."

The giant dragon shook his head helplessly, "I dare not disobey the order of God, that's it, don't let me come out in the future, it will consume a lot of energy once I come out, unless your life is in danger."

Then the giant dragon disappeared, as if escaping from something, Chutian became depressed, and the Holy Master stared at Chutian strangely, "It was just now."

"The sixth generation dragon king."

The Lord was surprised, "It is rumored that the Dragon King is the Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons and the leader of the Holy Dragon, but there are only six generations."

"Well, I am the sixth generation."

The Holy Master excitedly said, "Then can you summon other generations?"

"I am not strong enough now, if I am stronger, maybe I will try."

The Holy Master was a little disappointed, but the saint asked curiously, "Then why can't this magic bottle be broken?"

Chu Tian also wanted to know, but now no one told them, he could only stare at the mural in front of him, until a hurried voice sounded outside, "Holy Master, it's not good, something serious happened."

The Holy Master asked puzzledly, "What happened?"

"The person in charge of the Kowloon Demon Realm came and said something happened there."

The Lord's expression changed, "Nine Dragons Demon Realm."


The Holy Master hurriedly looked at Chu Tian and the Holy Maiden, "Let's go and see what happened."

(End of this chapter)

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