Chapter 1636 Killing ([-])

Chu Tian didn't know where this Nine Dragon Demon Realm was, but it sounded like it had something to do with dragons, until Chu Tian followed him to a main hall, where he saw a middle-aged man who was seriously injured and covered in blood.

The Holy Master was shocked, and hurried over to ask, "What's wrong, all messengers?"

The middle-aged man had a square face, but at the moment his face was covered with blood, and he looked at the Holy Master with trembling eyes, "Holy, Holy Master."

"What happened?"

"The Kowloon Demon Realm was attacked by a group of men in black."

"Man in black?"

"Well, those people are wrapped in giant snakes, and these snakes can swallow countless immortal gods in one bite. We can't resist them at all. In addition, their demonic energy is overwhelming, and we can only rely on you."

The Holy Master turned serious and looked at the Holy Maiden, "Holy Maiden, you take some saints and some people from the Demon Guards to go, and you must catch those men in black and find out what they are doing."


The saint turned around and found Chu Tian pleading behind him, "Young Master Chu, I wonder if you can go with me."

"Go together? Why?"

"Nine Dragons Demon Realm is a place where Demon Dragon once visited. Although I don't know what he did there, I think you must be interested in it!"

Chutian didn't expect Molong to have been to this place and said, "That's fine, let's go."

The saint hummed, and then left here with Chutian, some saints and those who could control the weak magic energy.

On the way, they took a huge boat and quickly shuttled through the space. Even Chutian had no choice but to marvel at the power of the boat, but the saint was always standing somewhere on the deck with Chutian.

This made those who controlled the demonic energy feel a little disappointed. After all, they could control the demonic energy, so at last a young man stood up and said, "Holy lady, is our status in the Holy Cult not as good as an immortal god?"

Those members of the Forbidden Demon Squad also expressed their dissatisfaction, but the saint looked back at them, "Are you really not as good as him?"

These people quit and felt that the saint was insulting them, so the young man stared at the saint, "Holy lady, if you are like this, we can't continue to work for the holy church."

The saint stared at the young man and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Kou Yan."

The saint nodded slightly, "Okay, Kou Yan, you are already the Immortal Lord God, then you come, as long as you can defeat him, I will not say anything, but if you lose, then you will have to listen to him in the future."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded, and even the saints couldn't understand why the saint wanted these people to listen to an immortal god.

This Kou Yan suddenly laughed and said, "Saint, you are looking down on me."

"I'm not looking down on you. If you can do it, you can do it. But don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes."

Kou Yan immediately looked at Chu Tian with enthusiasm, "Boy, come on, I want to see what you are capable of, that you can be favored by the saint."

At this time, the saint cast an enchantment to look at the two, "The two will stop."

But Chu Tian said, "Why do you always make me do such boring things?"

Seeing Chutian's complaint, the saint said awkwardly, "I just want you to be recognized by everyone."

"Is recognition important?" Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, but Kou Yan was impatient, "Boy, don't pretend, come quickly."

Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "Come on."

This Kou Yan was not polite, and immediately rushed to Chutian, wanting to kill Chutian, but at this moment something unexpected happened, that Kou Yan had just rushed over, before he even touched Chutian, Chutian was already dead. Get out of the way quickly.

The people present thought that Kou Yan was releasing water, so they accused him one after another.

Kou Yan looked depressed, "I didn't, it was him."

"He what?" Everyone was staring at Kou Yan, which made Kou Yan continue to look at Chutian, "Boy, I won't make you polite if I come again now."

After finishing speaking, Kou Yan stretched out his hands, and the weak demonic energy entwined himself, and then proudly said, "Boy, you see, I can control the demonic energy, but I am not a demon cultivator, do you know why? That is Because I am a righteous person who can guide demon energy."

Everyone nodded in agreement after seeing Kou Yan's ability, but at this time Chutian was full of demonic energy, like a big demon, which immediately scared everyone.

Many people stammered, and Kou Yan dared not answer, "Why, how is it possible."

Chu Tian looked at the saint, "Can it be over?"

The saint looked at Kou Yan, "He also controls the devil energy, but he can control a lot, can you guys do it? If you can outnumber him, then he will lead the team."

These words immediately silenced everyone, and that Kou Yan also willingly bowed down, "Brother, I offended you just now, I'm sorry."

Chu Tian didn't expect to gain the respect of the other party by controlling the devil energy, but he didn't want to care about such things, so he said, "It's okay."

However, the moment the saint put away the barrier, these people swarmed up, intending to surround Chu Tian and let him show those devilish energy.

Chu Tian immediately looked at the saint, "I said saint, let's solve it."

The saint had no choice but to let everyone step aside to rest, and she continued to take Chutian aside and said, "How is it? It feels very fulfilling?"

"Sense of accomplishment? I don't think so."

The saint laughed and said, "You don't know how many people want to be their leader, but none of them can convince anyone, but your strength just now convinced them directly."

"What's the use of being convinced?"

"You can use this power."

"Just them?"

The saint laughed and said, "Don't underestimate them, they are extraordinary, and may even burst out with different powers at any time, so make good use of them."

Chu Tian didn't think so, and the saint didn't say much, until some gravel gradually appeared in front of her eyes, the saint put it away with a smile and said, "It's almost there."

Chu Tian looked curiously at the surrounding gravel, "What are these places?"

"The gravel forest in the Nine Dragon Demon Realm, and it will be very uncomfortable if you hit it a little bit, but our boat can avoid it freely."

Chu Tian watched silently. After a while, they landed in the ruins. At a glance, there were corpses everywhere, and at the same time, there were countless huge snakes flying in the air.

The saint immediately looked at everyone, "Kill them with all their strength, and catch those men in black."


Those people rushed out immediately, joined by the Holy Cult, and these people began to fight against those people crazily.

Chu Tian was curious about where these men in black came from, and these men in black could easily control those snakes, making them bigger and smaller, making it difficult for those people to fight against, and even many people were killed by these giant snakes. Injured by the poisonous mist.

The saint was shocked and wanted to go over to help, but five men in black suddenly appeared and surrounded her, and one of them laughed loudly, "Saint, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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