Chapter 1637 Killing ([-])
The saint felt that the voice was familiar and said in surprise, "Snake King, Rocco."

At this time, the man took off his mask, his face was covered with snakeskin, his eyes were still red and he stared at the saint with a strange smile, "Saint, you have good eyesight."

"You betrayed the holy religion and came here to make trouble, what do you mean?"

Rocco laughed strangely, "Holy Cult? What's the future? Why don't you join the Demon Cult."

"Myriad Demon Cult?"

"Yes, in the Wanmo Cult established by Lord Demon Dragon, there are many talented heroes working for Lord Demon Dragon. How about it? Come?" That Rocco stared at the saint with a smile.

The holy girl stared at Rocco, "Dreaming, I won't be with you people."

"Hey, is that right? Then today I will arrest you and take you away, so that everyone can see how the saint of the Holy Cult was caught by me."

The saint immediately released countless golden lights, intending to fight the five people, and each of the five people shot out demon energy, and these demon energy turned into chains to trap the saint.

The saint struggled frantically and cursed, "Bastard, let me go!"

"Let you go? You are so naive."

That Rocco laughed while talking, and at this moment Chu Tian came over, glanced at them and said, "Let her go."

Seeing Chutian, the saintess heaved a sigh of relief, and that Rocco turned to look at the immortal god, "Who are you? You love to stand out so much."

"I am the enemy of the dragon."

Rocco laughed out loud when he heard that, "Just you? Are you worthy?"

"Then what is matching?" After Chutian finished speaking, he approached them step by step, and Roco laughed, "Then I will let you see what is matching or not."

I saw this Rocco hit out from the palm of his hand with a powerful force, and the target was Chutian, but as soon as he reached Chutian, Chutian disappeared, and when he came to that Rocco, he hit a five-element ball.

That Rocco was blown away, and the other four were shocked, and that Rocco roared, and a huge snake appeared behind him, leading him to Chutian.

The saint was startled when she saw this, "Such a big snake."

I saw the snake standing there like a pillar of heaven, and Rocco said with a ferocious face, "My boy, even if you are going to die, then I will let my toy accompany you well."

At this time, the snake suddenly fell towards Chutian, but Chutian quickly avoided it, but the snake suddenly spit out countless black mist, and the saint was shocked, "Be careful, it's very poisonous."

Chutian didn't take it seriously, but that Roko laughed, but at this moment Chutian suddenly rushed out of the black mist and came to Luokona all at once.

Rocco was shocked, "You, how did you come out."

"Do I need to explain to you?"

Luo Ke looked at Chu Tianhou in disbelief, stepped back step by step, and finally said with a ferocious expression, "Boy, I don't believe I can't kill you."

I saw a strange aura released from Rocco's body, and instantly countless snakes flew from all directions, surrounding Chutian all at once.

That Rocco laughed loudly, "Boy, look, there are countless snakes here, they all have the blood of divine beasts, they are very powerful, no matter how strong you are, you can't fight against so many."

Just when Rocco was self-righteous, Chu Tian took out the first magic whip and smiled slightly, "Then try it."

At this moment, Chu Tian cast the magical magic of the magic whip, countless rays of light flickered, and the snakes were smashed to pieces or flew away instantly, and there were corpses all around.

That Rocco was dumbfounded, and those men in black around him were also stunned.

The saint's eyes widened and she finally took it back, then looked at Rocco and said, "Rocco, you saw it too, you have nowhere to escape today."

"It's ridiculous, you want to catch me? Dreaming." Knowing that Chutian was scary, this Rocco planned to flee quickly, but Chutian directly wrapped his whip around him, and then quickly restrained him.

That Rocco cursed and wanted to break free, but Chutian forcibly suppressed him, so that Rocco remained motionless there, and could only let Chutian manipulate him and said, "Boy, you will do no good if you fight against Lord Molong!" next."

"Tell me, where is the dragon?"

"Hmph, he's in the Shadowless Realm, so what if you know?" That Roko rolled his eyes, but Chu Tian stared at him, "Then how did he contact you?"

"Do not say."

Chu Tian went in with white lights of Soul Eater, and that Rocco immediately compromised, "I say, I say."

I saw Rocco explaining, "In the Nine Dragon Demon Realm, there is a Nine Dragon Fragment, and I'm here to get it."

"Shards of Nine Dragons?"

At this time, the saint came over and said, "There are nine pieces of Nine Dragons, which are located in nine different areas. It is rumored that as long as the nine pieces are put together, an ancient dragon continent can be opened, where there are many places where dragons live, but that is just a rumor .”

Chu Tian had seen many dragons, so he was not surprised, but he didn't understand what the dragon wanted to do, so he asked, "Did the dragon ask you to do it?"


"What was he doing this for?"

"He said that the nine dragons will be resurrected, and there will be nine terrible dragons to help us unify the world."

Chu Tian laughed, "This magic dragon really treats you as cannon fodder."

That Rocco stared, "The masters are not treating us as cannon fodder, we are accomplishing great things."

Chutian stared at him, "Then do you know Tianshan Xuelao?"

Luo Ke hesitated for a while, but shook his head, Chu Tian said coldly, "I know you hesitated just now, why don't you hurry up and say it?"

Luo Ke stammered, "Tianshan Xuelao is one of the protectors of our Wanmo Sect."

"Where is she."

"She was seriously injured, and she is retreating in a mysterious space of our Wanmo Cult."

Chu Tian was overjoyed, he did not expect to finally get the whereabouts of Tianshan Xuelao and looked at the saint, "I want to go to the Wanmo Sect."

Now the saint refused, "No, the Wanmo Cult is too scary, if you go, you will definitely be besieged by them."

"Don't worry, I'm not even afraid of the magic dragon, so I'm afraid they won't succeed?"

The saint could only say, "Then I will be with you."

"You? Forget it, I have to protect you then."

The saint became embarrassed, and felt that it was really unnecessary to say, "Then, be careful yourself."

After Chu Tianen said, he looked at Luo Ke, "Let's go to Wanmojiao"

"It's useless, no outsider can pass through the formation set by Lord Demon Dragon."


"Yes, you need to go through a formation to go to the Ten Thousand Demon Cult. Only those who are loyal to Lord Demon Dragon can pass, otherwise everyone will die in the formation."

What Chutian was most afraid of was formations, so he didn't take it seriously at all and said, "That's none of your business, you can just lead the way."

Luo Ke is in Chutian's hands at the moment, and he has no ability to resist at all, so he can only look at Chutian depressedly, "Then let's go."

I saw those people from the Demon Sect looked at each other in blank dismay, but the saint asked everyone to trap them, and without the help of the snake, these people immediately weakened and were trapped immediately, even if one or two escaped, they would still be seriously injured .

(End of this chapter)

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