Chapter 1639

Chu Tian looked at the enchantment with a strange smile, "It's ok, let's go like this."

After Chutian purified and sprinted, he came outside. The Wanmo Cult was as peaceful as ever. No one would have thought that Chutian would come out one day.

After all, it was already decades later, and those Dharma protectors were practicing in seclusion until Chu Tianyan opened his eyes. When he saw where those people were, he smiled strangely, "I'm back."

I saw Chu Tian leaping and rushing into one of the main halls.

This hall is an important place of the Wanmo Cult. When Chu Tian came inside, the guardians in the hall were shocked, and the old man with a hunchback was even more shocked, "Impossible, boy, how did you get out."

"How did I get out, do I need to explain to you?" Chu Tian looked at the hunchbacked old man with a smile.

The hunchbacked old man was frightened and even stared at Chu Tian in disbelief.

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Okay, it's time for me to deal with you."

The hunchbacked old man snorted, "We were able to seal you back then, so we can now."

I saw these people wanted to repeat the old trick again, but the Immortal God of Chutian, whose power was so terrifying, immediately came behind the hunchbacked old man and said with a smile, "Do you think you have a chance to resist?"

The hunchbacked old man said angrily, "I am the Immortal God, you are an immortal god, dare to compete with me? Die."

The hunchbacked old man exploded, wanting to kill Chutian, but Chutian laughed strangely, the other party couldn't do anything about him, so angry that the hunchbacked old man cursed, "Boy, you."

Chu Tian smiled, "Okay, nonsense, I won't tell you more."

Suddenly a powerful force from Chutian penetrated into the opponent's body, and the hunchbacked old man was crippled at once, and Chutian Soul Eater locked the opponent with white light and said, "Stop struggling."

The hunchbacked old man kept screaming, while Chu Tian looked at the rest of the people, "You guys, do you need to continue?"

They all shook their heads in fright. They were obviously scared and didn't dare to continue, but Chu Tian calmed down and said, "It's so. Then, I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

Everyone was curious about what Chutian was going to do, but Chutian said, "From now on, you are not allowed to get together with the magic dragon, so in order to prevent you from getting together with him, you should abolish your cultivation first."

Those people couldn't bear it, so they wanted to escape one after another. Chu Tian smiled strangely, "Want to escape? Did I agree?"

Seeing that Chutian started to attack, the speed was very fast, and all the remaining people were injured at once. Those people were dumbfounded, and they all wondered what Chutian had done.

Chu Tian didn't speak, but silently looked at them and asked, "Tell me, where is Tianshan Xuelao."

Everyone was curious about what Chutian wanted to do with Tianshan Xuelao, but Chutian stared at them, "What? No more talking?"

Those people became nervous, apparently afraid, Chu Tian frowned, "Let's talk."

Those people had to say that they finally compromised and revealed the old place of Tianshan Xue, but they needed to go through a teleportation array, and the hunchbacked old man reminded, "That place cannot be detected by any magic weapon, so after entering, you Perhaps the consciousness is useless.”

"That's my business."

The hunchbacked old man had no choice but to stop talking, but led him to the teleportation array. After Chutian stepped here, he threw the hunchbacked old man into the space, and left through the teleportation array.

When Chutian reappeared, he had already come to a continent full of snowflakes.

"The snow here is so special." After a moment of doubt, Chu Tian began to search slowly in the continent, but he couldn't use his divine sense, and Chu Tian could only use his Celestial Eye.

Although Tianyantong can see the surroundings, the range is very small, so Chutian had to borrow clairvoyance.

Only after the two powers were blessed together did they start to walk on this continent.

However, a few days later, Tianshan Xuelao didn't see it, and came to a small town instead. There were still people in this small town, and these people seemed to be of low cultivation level, and they were nothing more than immortal gods, gods of heaven.

The aura of Chutian Immortal God was hidden, those people thought he was a mortal, and ignored him, obviously anyone can coexist here.

Many people even gathered around the stove to keep warm and listened to storytellers telling stories.

"This town is so peaceful."

While Chu Tian was chatting, a group of children ran in the snow, and some children shouted, "The old man is here, hurry over and listen to his story about fighting monsters."

"Monsters?" Chu Tian wondered what the monsters mentioned here were. As for those children, they had come to a place with a big tent, and there were children everywhere, as well as some stoves, as well as some older people, standing there silently. Waiting for the people on the stage to appear.

Chu Tian really wanted to know what monster they were talking about, so he also went in and sat down.

Those children looked at Chutian as if they were strangers, but many children mustered up the courage to let Chutian go over to join their fire.

"Big brother, come and sit down, our place is warm, but yours is too cold."

Chu Tian looked around and smiled, then got up and sat down, and gradually there were many adults around, and those people came for this so-called old man.

Chu Tian looked around curiously, but didn't see anyone, until an old man in a cloak came from outside, and he was covered in snow.

Everyone applauded, Chu Tian stared at the old man curiously, he saw that he looked very ordinary, nothing special, but it gave people a sense of mystery.

The old man sat down, stroked his white beard after drinking a glass of water and looked at the crowd with a smile, "Today, I will talk about the snow monster in the mountains."

"Snow demon?"

"Yes, it is a snow demon that appears in the snow, can turn into snow, and can also become a demon."

Some people didn't believe it, "Old man, how can there be such a powerful thing."

The old man laughed and said, "Really, that snow can eat a living animal as soon as it flies over."

The children thought it was scary, but the adults didn't believe it. The old man saw that they didn't believe it, so he explained it in detail. As for Chu Tian, ​​he was curious whether this so-called snow demon could be human or something.

After all, there are many people who practice some mysterious techniques and turn them into invisible people to kill people.

So Chu Tian was thinking about it, and the old gentleman looked at the crowd and said with a smile after talking for an hour, "Okay, today, we'll stop talking, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Many children stepped forward to ask questions, but the old gentleman waited patiently one by one, until after dark, everyone dispersed one by one, and the old gentleman also calmed down, walked out of the town, and started walking in the snow.

After he walked for a while, he stopped and said, "I don't know what's the matter with the little brother?"

At this moment, Chu Tian came not far behind him, and said with a smile, "Senior, I am very interested in the Snow Demon you mentioned."

(End of this chapter)

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