Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1640 The Snow Demon Is Her

Chapter 1640 The Snow Demon Is Her

The old gentleman looked at the strange Chu Tian suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"My name is Chutian, I'm passing by."

The old man fixed his eyes on Chutian, "An immortal master god."


But the old man said unhurriedly, "Young man, although you are already the main god of immortality, the snow demon is extraordinary, so if you plan to find it, I advise you to give up."

"I just wanted to know, didn't say I was looking for it."

The old man smiled, "But your eyes and tone have already told me that you are very interested in that snow demon and even want to find it."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the old gentleman laughed after knowing all this, "Senior said so."

"What are you looking for?"

Chu Tian truthfully explained, "It is very important to me."

"Oh why?"

"You said in the story that it could turn into a human being, and it was an old woman with disheveled hair, and could even control countless snowflakes."


"Maybe she has something to do with the person I'm looking for."

The old man stared at Chutian for a long time and then said, "She looks terrible, you are sure you want to know her whereabouts."


After meditating there for a while, the old man gave a picture to Chu Tian, ​​"I can find it here, you can go by yourself, but I have to remind, this man is very scary, he has turned into a demon, you have to be careful."

"Well, thank you."

Chu Tian took the above picture, a leap disappeared from here, and the old man stared at Chu Tian's back and muttered to himself, "Interesting boy."

Afterwards, the old man disappeared faintly, and Chu Tian found it after several days according to the picture.

I saw that this is a big canyon, and there are still snowflakes everywhere. Chu Tianyan and clairvoyance are open, even though the distance is limited, you can still see the situation under the canyon.

Soon Chutian saw a hole, deep inside the hole was the aura left by Tianshan Xuelao, "It really is her."

So Chutian leaped into this cave, and after leaping for a while, he could feel the cold air everywhere, until Chutian entered again, his body gradually began to stiffen.

Chu Tian snorted secretly, and directly circulated the flames in his body, and the flames drove back the cold air one by one, allowing Chu Tian to move forward easily, until Chu Tian saw a person covered in white hairs frozen there.

Chu Tian stared at this person for a while and then asked, "You are Tianshan Xuelao."

Then the man suddenly moved, and then made a hoarse voice, "I didn't expect you to find this place."

"I didn't expect that you are no longer human." Chu Tian looked at the whole body and soul, and found that her body had long been deformed except that her soul was still human.

But this Tianshan Xuelao gave a strange smile, "Boy, do you know why I became like this?"

"It's none of my business."

"Of course. In this way, I can kill a lot of people, and then inhale their blood into my body, and cooperate with me to practice a kind of magic, called demon transformation, so that I can change at will, and even you can't touch me .”

Chu Tian didn't believe it, "You think I can't catch you if you're like this?"

"Hehe, boy, don't be crazy, come if you have the ability."

Chu Tian was not polite, and came to her in a leap, but this Tianshan snow aged into countless snowflakes floating around and said with a smile, "Boy, I am already a snow demon, and I can turn into snow and blend in with the surroundings at any time. You It's impossible to catch me."

Chu Tian shot out a ball of flames, and the snow demon laughed loudly, "It's useless, it's useless."

Chutian didn't expect that this would not work, so he planned to seal her up, but this old Tianshan Xue seemed to have lost his body, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't trap him.

Instead, Tianshanxue laughed triumphantly, "Come on, come on, continue."

Chutian's eyes flickered strangely, and finally he stared at Tianshan Xuelao and laughed, "You really take yourself seriously."

Tianshan Xuelao didn't take Chutian seriously at all, but Chutian took out the magic bottle at this time, released countless magic energy, and directly enveloped the entire cave.

Tianshan Xuelao felt the powerful magic energy and was shocked when he saw the magic bottle, "Boy, you actually have a magic bottle."

"How is it? Is it cool?"

Old Tianshan Xue snorted, turned into a gust of wind and snow, and rushed out of the cave. Chu Tian was shocked, and hurriedly chased out, but found that there were snowflakes everywhere, and it was impossible to sense her whereabouts with the naked eye.

Not only that, that Tianshan Xuelao even teased, "Boy, it's useless, give up, you can't catch me."

"If you don't try it, how will you know?" Chu Tian finished speaking, and opened Tianyantong.

Soon he found Tianshan Xuelao hiding in the snow, but Chutian didn't call the name right away, because he knew that if he just passed by like this, he would definitely scare him away.

So he began to meditate, and finally took out the magic whip, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "You are a demon, so I will use this to try."

"What are you?"

"God whip."

After Chutian finished speaking, the whip was thrown out, and the target was a certain place, and that place immediately screamed, Tian Shanxue came out, and said in a huff, "Damn it, you."

Chu Tian smiled, "Do you want to continue?"


The other party turned into a gust of snow wind and wanted to escape, Chu Tian immediately induced the wind, and controlled the snow wind as if it were a wind, but that snow wind was spinning around in place, unable to escape from here.

This made Tianshan Xuelao curse, "Boy, you are really hateful."

"You should know what I came to see you for."

Old Tianshan Xue snorted, "Don't even think about it, I won't return that girl's soul to you."

"If you don't, then I'll catch you first."

"It's ridiculous, you just trap me, you can't hurt me at all."

Chu Tian didn't care, the whip frantically flicked, and then the whip crackled and hit the snowflake non-stop, and the snowflake roared angrily, "Bastard, let me go!"

Chutian still asked her to hand it over, but Tianshan Xuelao refused, and finally said angrily, "Boy, you forced me to do this."

At this time, Tianshan Xuelao condensed into a demon body, and then let out a roar, the sound was earth-shattering, the surrounding snow mountains began to commotion, Chu Tian had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, countless snow demons appeared around him. Although these snow demons were not as strong as Tianshan Xue Lao, they rushed out fiercely, with the purpose of catching Chu Tian.

But Chutian snorted and directly led the dragon.

The power of the giant dragon erupted in his body, Chu Tian hit one person with one palm, and directly knocked them into the air, and when those snow demons were almost defeated, there was a loud noise in the air.

A huge body fell down, and the boss Tianshanxue was overjoyed, "Here we come, here we come, finally we're here."

Chu Tian didn't know who the other party was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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