Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1642 Become Prey

Chapter 1642 Become Prey

There are offensive, defensive, and illusion techniques in this sorcery. After looking at it, Chutian murmured, "I have the Purple God Armor, so I don't need defensive ones. Why don't we look at the offensive ones."

There are several types of attacks. Chu Tian saw the most powerful one. It needs to cooperate with demon energy and devil energy, also called demon magic. This kind of magic can instantly increase the attack by dozens or hundreds of times Even a thousand times more powerful.

But the premise is that the person who casts it will know demonic energy and demonic energy, and the condensed demonic energy and demonic energy will somewhat affect the power displayed, which makes Chu Tian very happy, because he has a magic bottle, if he can learn this now, the power must be very powerful .

So he chose this demon magic, and the demons gather their strength to fight.

Soon the system exchanged it for Chutian, and the corner of Chutian's mouth curled up after getting it, "Interesting."

At this time, the snowman in the dark was puzzled, "Boy, why didn't you die."

"Want me dead? Do you think it's possible?"

The snowman who heard Chutian's words snorted, "If you don't die now, you will die later."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, but looked around and said, "I think you should come out, otherwise I will absorb all the power around here later."

The other party didn't believe it, "If you have the ability to absorb it, I don't believe you have this ability."

Chutian laughed strangely, "Oh? Really? That's fine, I'll continue to absorb."

Chu Tian absorbed the power of the Yao Yuan one by one. After a while, the power of the surrounding Yao Yuan became thinner, but Chu Tian found that the surrounding walls were about to collapse gradually.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Tian began to accumulate his demonic energy, and when he reached the limit, he suddenly cast the Demon Gathering Art and then the sword technique.

The power of this sword technique instantly increased so much that when it hit the wall, the wall immediately began to crack. The snowman in the dark was shocked until Chu Tian directly shattered the wall. After seeing the snowman hidden behind the wall, he smiled. Said, "You are here."

In a hurry, Xue turned around and escaped into the depths of the wall again, but Chutian didn't give the other party a chance, so he continued.

The snowman ran away, and he cursed while hiding, "Boy, you can't escape."

"If you can't escape, I'll crush you one by one."

"Continue if you can."

Chu Tian didn't care about it, so he continued, and the time passed little by little, until a few days later, Chu Tian had broken through the wall and came to the snow.

That snowman had already escaped, and Chu Tian frowned, "We must find this snowman before we can find Xian'er's soul."

But the place was empty, where to find Snowman, this gave Chu Tian a headache, so he took Tianshan Xuelao out and asked, "Tell me, Snowman, where might he go."

"I don't know, it's usually hidden, and it can come back only when something big happens."


Tianshan Xuelao didn't dare to offend Chutian at the moment, he was afraid of becoming Chutian's punching bag, and Chutian showed his brows there, not knowing what to do, after all, he couldn't use his eyesight, divine sense, etc. on this day. scary place.

So Chutian looked at Tianshan Xuelao, "How can I find him."

Old Tianshan Xue kept silent, but Chutian stared, "Tell me, if there is something to hide, I will never forgive you."

"If you want to find him, you can go to the top of the snow-capped mountain. There is a palace there called Xueming Palace, but it is rumored that all the people who enter are dead, and no one alive will come out, so if you want to go there, you must die."

Chu Tian didn't believe this, but directly asked Tianshan Xuelao to tell him the location of this place.

After Tianshan Xuelao told Chutian, Chutian rushed there in one leap. At that time, he only saw snow mountains everywhere, and he didn't know which one was the so-called top of snow mountains.

Chutian had no choice but to ask Tianshan Xuelao again, and Tianshan Xuelao explained, "It is rumored that there is a city under these snow mountains called Xuecheng. You have to live there for a few days before you can see the top of this snow mountain."

Chu Tian frowned, he thought it was too weird, but Tianshan Xuelao didn't seem to be lying, so Chu Tian had to swim around under these mountains, and finally saw a city.

I saw that the city was covered with snow everywhere, just like the beautiful scenery in the painting, and there were few people walking in it, only the houses were full of heat.

When Chutian entered, countless auras swept over his body in an instant. Obviously, everyone wanted to see who it was, and they didn't take it back until they looked at it for a while.

Chu Tian was curious about where this snow city was, and why there were so many masters, especially after scanning them one by one just now, Chu Tian thought that these people were going to attack, after all, they were too powerful.

But when Chutian walked a few steps, a little boy ran out, holding a note to Chutian, "Big brother, someone gave you this note."

"give me?"


Chu Tian couldn't understand why someone gave him a note for someone he didn't know here, so he calmed down, and when he opened the note, he saw the location and a picture written on it.

Chu Tian walked along here curiously, and came to a teahouse, and there were many people in this teahouse. When Chutian came with a note, the waiter smiled and said, "Come, come, please come inside."

Chutian didn't understand who gave him the note, until he went in and was about to sit down, those people looked at Chutian, as if they were looking at a monster.

At this moment, a burst of laughter said, "He is my prey, don't move."

The person who spoke was a bold bearded uncle with bright eyes, and he walked towards Chutian excitedly, but Chutian was curious, "You asked me to come."

"Of course, why not?"

Chu Tian had an ominous premonition, "Why did you let a little boy attract me here?"

"If you come in here, you can't get out, so I can only trick you in and let you be my prey, haha." The big man laughed, and Chu Tian was suspicious, "A prey?"

"Yes, here, as long as you can attract one person, you can get a reward. This person is naturally called a prey, and this reward is of course a good thing."

After the big man finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Er, "Xiao Er, register for me, he is mine."

I saw that Xiao Er came to Chu Tian and asked, "Guest officer, name."

Chu Tian was a little displeased, "I'm here for something, I'm not crazy to accompany you, please don't hinder me."

After Chutian finished speaking, he was about to stand up, but the big man slapped the table with his palm, and the table instantly turned into nothingness, then stared at Chutian, "Boy, if you dare to leave, I will immediately make you the same as the table."

Chu Tian continued to walk with a half-smile, but the people around him talked about it.

"This bearded man doesn't really want to kill people, does he?"

"It's hard to say, who made this the prey of the bearded man."

Seeing that this man named Big Beard became popular, he grabbed Chu Tian with one hand, intending to capture Chu Tian before he could speak.

(End of this chapter)

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