Chapter 1643
Chutian's movements were quick, and he disappeared from his original position in one fell swoop, and the bearded man couldn't be caught at all. This made the people present wonder how Chutian did it.

Chu Tian looked at the bearded man with a smile, "Do you want to continue?"

The bearded man went crazy, and even looked at Chutian in disbelief, "Boy, I don't believe it anymore."

I saw the powerful air currents on the bearded man transformed into attacks, targeting Chu Tian, ​​and then hit him with crazy air currents.

Everyone thought that Chu Tian would be sent flying or something, but something unexpected happened, that is, Chu Tian turned into nothingness, the opponent's attack was emptied, and the teahouse suddenly became lively.

Chu Tian stared at the bearded man, "Don't bother me, I'm not your prey."

Chutian just walked out of the teahouse, but just as he was about to step out, the waiter stopped Chutian and said, "Guest officer, if you come in here, you can't go out unless you can find ten prey."

"Ten prey?"

"Yes, attract ten people here, and you can go."

Chu Tian wondered where this teahouse was and why he had to do such a troublesome thing, but he didn't like it, so he said, "Sorry, I'm not free."

I saw Chu Tian touched the barrier with one hand, and when he was about to go out, the little boy stared at Chu Tian and said, "If you can't get out, there is a barrier here."

Chutian didn't think so much, but went through the barrier directly under the gaze of everyone. The little boy was shocked, and he looked at Chutian in disbelief, "How did you do it?"

"That's my business."

Then Chutian left under everyone's shocked gaze, and some people began to ask Chutian for help, and some even shouted, "Brother, take me out, I am willing to do things for you."

"Yes, buddy, take us."

These people are looking for help, just want to leave here, but Chu Tian turned around and said, "You are so deceitful, why should I help you?"

Everyone became embarrassed when they heard this. Obviously they didn't expect this to happen, but Chutian continued to walk, but after walking a few steps, a waiter stopped him in front and took out an invitation letter, " Congratulations on your invitation to our teahouse."


"Yes, this place is only eligible for those who can get out of here."

"What is the use of this qualification?"

"Through it, you can participate in the selection on the top of the snow mountain."

Hearing the top of the snow-capped mountain, Chu Tian immediately took it over, and saw that there was a selection address written on it, so Chu Tian packed up his mood and left from the original place. When he appeared again, he came to a manor.

I saw that there are dozens of people in this manor, and these people have received invitation letters, but their cultivation bases are all very high, at least they are also Immortal Earth Venerable, or Immortal Celestial Venerable.

But when they saw Chu Tian, ​​they showed curiosity, and some people even asked, "Boy, this is not where you came from, go out."

"That's right, this place is for selection. Look at our cultivation." These people obviously don't like Chutian.

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, but looked at these people, "I don't disturb you, and you don't hinder me."

Chu Tian's words made them unhappy, and many people even sneered, "What can an immortal Lord God do?"

Chu Tian didn't speak, he sat in an empty seat and waited quietly, and many people came one after another, which made Chu Tian wonder if not all of them came to Qi Teahouse.

So Chu Tian observed them carefully and found that these people were all very talented, as if they came from somewhere.

It went on like this until it got dark, and there were already hundreds of people here. Then, an old man in a purple robe with a smile on his face came, and he looked at the crowd, "Everyone who can come here has someone Special ability, so I first welcome everyone here on behalf of the top of the snow mountain."

Everyone immediately became excited, and Chu Tian was curious about who this person was and why he represented the top of the snow mountain.

At this time, the old man said again, "However, there are only three quotas per day, so you must go through a struggle, and the way to fight is very simple. Later, there will be three passes in one enchantment. All you have to do is Stay in the barrier for half an hour, and then the three people who get three passes at the last moment can follow me to the top of the snow mountain."

When many people heard this, it was as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they became excited, but the old man looked at everyone calmly, "Everyone, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I will start now."

I saw an enchantment appear, and then there were already three passports floating in this enchantment. Seeing these three passes, everyone entered the enchantment one after another.

Three of them were the first to get it, and then protected them excitedly, not giving everyone a chance to get close, but the old man said with a smile, "You still have a chance in half an hour."

This remark irritated many people, so some people began to join forces to deal with these three people.

The scene was very fierce, more terrifying than a one-on-one battle. Many people were seriously injured in an instant, and many people were too scared to hide and dare not continue.

There were also people who got the pass and threw it away quickly, but Chutian got the lost one all at once, and someone stared at him immediately, only to see that the person was carrying countless knives on his back, and then glared at Chutian, "Boy, Give me this, or I'll cut you to pieces."

"What is in my hands will never be given to others, so you give it up."

The person who heard Chutian's words stared at Chutian, "Boy, do you really want to die?"

Others also thought that Chu Tian wanted to die, but Chu Tian laughed, "Oh? Death? What is it?"

Those people ran away, and immediately surrounded Chutian, and Chutian continued to act as if nothing happened. The man with countless knives shouted loudly, and the countless blades flew out, and the target was Chutian.

But Chutian resisted, and everyone present was shocked. They all wondered how Chutian, an immortal god, did it. But Chutian didn't speak, but looked at them coldly, "If you do it again, I will definitely not I'll be polite."

Those people laughed loudly, and the old man also smiled, obviously everyone felt that Chu Tian was joking again.

But the next moment, no one could laugh, because Chutian cast a five-element ball and hit the man with countless knives directly. The man was immediately sent flying, and he was lying there seriously injured and looked at Chutian in shock, " Boy, you."

Chu Tian looked at that person with a smile, "How is it? Do you want to continue?"

That person was scared, but the others were not reconciled, so some people tried again, but the result was the same. Those people were all blown away one by one, and no one dared to approach again.

Chu Tian looked at the old man with the pass, "Senior, is it necessary to continue?"

(End of this chapter)

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