Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1644 time freeze

Chapter 1644 time freeze
The people present were already dumbfounded, they never expected that they would be taken down by an immortal god, and the person in charge also came back to his senses after being stunned, "Okay, today's winner is you, you can follow me later!" Go to the top of the snow mountain."

"Thank you."

After Chutian finished speaking, he walked out of the enchantment, and the people present were speechless immediately, as if they had forgotten all the sarcasm they said before, and the person in charge looked at everyone and finally stared at Chutian, "Let's go .”

Chu Tian immediately followed the person in charge, and the person in charge wrapped Chu Tian in a cloud of air, and then the two disappeared from their original positions.

When they reappeared, the two landed on the top of the snow-capped mountain, and saw the cold wind blowing everywhere, and the person in charge said, "Everyone can only come to the top of the snow-capped mountain once a day. After today, I will send you to the top of the snow mountain tomorrow." take away."

Chutian nodded, and then the person in charge went to take away the people who came here yesterday, and what was printed in front of Chutian was a cave entrance, and Chutian got out Tianshan Xuelao, "Now we are on the top of the snow mountain, you Tell me, how did you find that snowman?"

"On the top of this snow-capped mountain, there is a fruit called Snow God Fruit. It is rumored that anyone who can get it and eat it will be able to use divine sense and other exploration abilities in this world without being restricted."


"Really, and you can feel any person and thing in this world at will."

Hearing this strangeness, Chu Tian asked, "What kind of world is this?"

"This is a strange ice and snow world discovered by Mr. Molong, and the people here came in from different places one after another, and finally stayed here."

When Chu Tian heard this, he continued to enter the cave, looking for the so-called Snow God Fruit.

But according to Tianshan Xuelao, this Snow God Fruit is very difficult to obtain, and there are dangerous things everywhere in this Snow God Fruit, but I don't know what these dangerous things are.

Until Chutian went deep into the cave, he saw spider silk all around. These spider silks shone white and made a buzzing sound, as if Qin Xuan was blown by the wind.

Chu Tian stroked it with one hand in surprise, and found that this was not ordinary spider silk, and if he let it go easily, there would be blood stains on his finger, as if it had been scratched or shattered.

This made Chu Tian look curious, "It seems that it is not as simple as imagined."

Chu Tian wrapped a ball of fire around the spider silk, trying to dissolve the spider silk, but the spider silk could not be melted at all, so Chu Tian had to turn into nothingness and walk through it step by step.

After Chutian reappeared, he was already inside, but there were more spider silks inside, and countless spiders could be seen walking on it.

These are not ordinary spiders. Even if Chutian turned into nothingness, these spiders seemed to be able to find him. They approached and trapped Chutian immediately.

Chu Tian looked at the spiders and said with a smile, "What? Want to kill me? Naive."

The spider went crazy, and really wanted to rush to Chutian, and even wanted to kill Chutian, but Chutian smiled strangely, "Forget it, you can't stop me."

But these spiders suddenly spit out countless cold air, and these cold air turned into strands of spider silk, surrounding Chu Tian there, not giving Chu Tian any chance.

Chu Tian frowned, "What? Are you trying to trap me like this?"

But Chu Tianxia had already turned into a snowball-like thing, standing there motionless.

Chu Tian tried to use the technique of nothingness in it, but it was useless, so he had to use demon magic, and then concentrated his backlog of powerful power on the five-element ball, directly blowing the ball to pieces.

There was a loud bang, the cave moved, and many spiders were blown away, but Chutian said with a smile, "I told you, don't mess with me, but you won't listen, that's all right now!" Bar."

Those spiders never thought that Chu Tian was so terrifying, so they spit out some silks, and now these silks are blood-colored, making the whole cave shimmer with blood, and even have a trace of bloody smell, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Chu Tian released Huoyao very calmly. This Huoyao cooperated with the demon magic, and its power increased wildly. All of a sudden, the cave was raging with fire. Moreover, this Huoyao was extraordinary.

As a result, these spider silks were burned up immediately, but Chu Tian was very calm, as if nothing happened to him.

When the spider silks were all burned, the spiders were scared away, but Chutian quickly saw a small hole, and when Chutian went in along the small hole, something unexpected happened.

That is, the entrance of this small hole is full of snowflakes at the moment, and these snowflakes suddenly fly up, forming a big tree, and a huge fruit is shining around the big tree.

The fruit is surrounded by snowflakes, like a huge egg.

Chu Tian approached step by step, but the moment he was about to touch the egg, the egg suddenly scattered, and a huge force was released, before Chu Tian had time to avoid it.

The egg suddenly burst into golden light, bursting out from its original position, Chu Tian's whole body was frozen, and the ice was golden, Chu Tian wondered what the golden ice was, but it could be absorbed.

Seeing this force enter the body one by one, the whole body began to swell, Chutian took a deep breath seeing the swelled force in his body, "It seems that it is not easy."

So Chutian decided to continue absorbing it to see if there were any changes.

Soon this power spread in Chutian's body, and Chutian gradually found that he had some kind of connection with this world, and he even seemed to be able to see through the whole world.

This made Chu Tian look curious, "Is this the Snow God Fruit?"

Just when Chutian was excited, it was as if Chutian's mind was going to explode. In an instant, another world appeared in his mind, and all the people and objects in this world were under his surveillance.


At the same time, a voice rang in Chutian's mind, "Welcome to my world inheritance."

Chu Tian was shocked, "Who?"

The voice said with a smile, "I, the master of this world, everyone likes to call me Snow God, and some people call me Wuying Snow God."

Wuying, Chu Tian guessed that he was already in the Wuying realm, so he asked curiously, "Where are you?"

"I have already gone to the Shadowless Realm, and this is just a space I left in this world, but now that you have obtained it, you are eligible to receive my inheritance and my most powerful magic trick."

"Divine magic?"

"Well, time is frozen."

"Time is frozen?"

"Yes, this is a terrible time magic, which can freeze time, and at this moment of time freezing, you can do what you want, especially in battle, time freezing means that any object will stay at that moment , but you can move, now understand?"

Chu Tian was already stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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