Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1645 Snow Soul Goddess

Chapter 1645 Snow Soul Goddess
"What? What are you thinking?"

Only then did Chutian come back to his senses, "I want to know, is the ice light real or fake at this time?"


Chutian was already very excited, and immediately asked this person to teach him, and this person passed the time ice and light technique to Chutian one by one, but this ice and light technique was incomplete, and it was very difficult to perform. It can only be used once, and each time it is only less than ten breaths.

But ten breaths is enough for a duel between experts, and Chu Tian is also very satisfied, so after asking this person to tell him in detail, Chu calmed down.

After a while, Chu Tian came back to his senses, with a strange smile on his lips, "We should go find this snowman."

Chutian searched the whole place at once, and soon found out the whereabouts of the snowman.

The snowman was still hiding in the snow at the moment, and he never thought that Chutian would appear suddenly, until that Chutian came under the snow, and when he looked at the snowman, the snowman stared at Chutian in shock, "How is it possible, you , how did you find this?"

Chutian looked at the snowman's hiding place and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

The snowman took a step back immediately, and then snowflakes flew around, and the snowman laughed loudly, "I'm leaving."

Then the snowman disappeared, and the corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "Do you think you can escape?"

Chu Tian opened up the exploration of this world again, and suddenly found that the snowman had come to another mountain at this moment. At this moment, he was proud of this mountain, "This world is so big, I still don't believe you can find me."

Chu Tian laughed, "Are you challenging my abilities?"

The snowman was shocked, "You, you."

"Okay, it's time to end."

That snowman was about to turn into snowflakes and disappear again, but Chu Tian smiled and cast Time Ice Light. The snowman stopped suddenly, but Chu Tian was able to move. He suddenly came to the snowman and stabbed him with a sword. , and then injected with white light Soul Devourer.

When the ice light disappeared at that time, Chu Tian found that the strength in his body had been emptied a lot, which made him a little weak, but the snowman even screamed, "You, what kind of trick are you doing?"

"It's fine if I can deal with you."

The snowman was frightened and began to tremble, "You, what the hell are you trying to do?"

"It's very simple, give me the soul that Tianshan Xuelao gave you."

"You said that soul."


"She, she was put in one place by me."


"Snow Soul Cave."

Chutian didn't know where it was, but he still let the snowman lead the way, and the snowman said nervously, "If you kill me, I won't go if you kill me."

"You put it in, but you don't go out? What do you mean?"

"There lives a demon woman there. She is very scary. She took this soul when I escaped, so you have to take it to her. Don't, don't take me."

Chu Tian said coldly, "I want you to lead the way, not to take action. What are you afraid of?"

The snowman had nothing to say, and after Chutian asked him to find this place, Chutian saw that the hole was full of demonic energy, which made Chutian curious, "A demon cultivator?"

The snowman murmured, "Well, the scary devil girl."

Chutian had no choice but to put the snowman away, intending to go in, but he had just walked a few steps, but an old voice stopped him, "Young man, don't be impulsive."

Chu Tian turned around curiously, and what he saw was the old storyteller.

This surprised Chu Tian and said, "Why are you here?"

"I was wandering around, but I just saw you here, so I wanted to stop you."

"Stop me?"

"Yes, this world is extraordinary, so don't go in unless you have to."

But Chu Tian said, "No matter what, I will go in."


"There's a guy inside that took away a soul I wanted, and I want it back."

"Young man, do you know where this is?"

"Snow Soul Cave."

"Yes, the Snow Soul Cave, and there lives a person here, called the Snow Soul Goddess, who specializes in collecting all kinds of souls. Once a soul is caught by her, it can't be taken back, otherwise the person who enters will also lose it. soul."

Chu Tian was not afraid to say, "No matter what, I will try."

But the old man sighed, "Give up, it's useless, this is very difficult."

Chu Tian didn't pay attention, but packed up his mood and went into the cave, while the old man sighed, "Someone is going to die here again."

Then the old man turned and left, but Chutian walked farther and farther inside the cave, but he was a little puzzled what kind of place it was, and why he couldn't explore the situation inside while exploring the world.

"Could it be that this place exceeds this space?" Chu Tian continued to move forward with doubts, until after a while, he saw countless souls flying in front of him.

These souls have long since lost their consciousness, and some of them are just defensive. When Chu Tian is close to the moment, the soul will attack Chu Tian and prevent Chu Tian from approaching.

Chutian ignored these soul attacks and let them enter the body casually, but no matter what, Chutian looked on there quietly as if nothing happened.

Until Chutian continued to move forward, he saw a small palace, and this small palace was shining with purple light, and there were countless souls screaming in this purple light, which seemed very miserable.

Chu Tian was worried that something might happen to your soul, Yan Xian'er, so he hurried inside, and saw that many souls here were packed in special jars, Chu Tian hurriedly checked them one by one, but there was no Yan Xian'er.

Just when Chu Tian was wondering, footsteps came from the palace, and the sound of footsteps sounded extraordinary, Chu Tian wondered who it was.

After a while, the voice became more and more thoughtful, and Chu Tian hurriedly looked around until the clear and clear female voice came from around, "Young man, don't you think you have come to a place you shouldn't have come?"

Chu Tian frowned, "Are you the Snow Soul Goddess?"

"Does it matter?"



"You took the soul of one of my friends, and I want it back."

The woman gave a strange smile, "You know, once you get the things from me, you won't return them, so you better give it up."

Chu Tian was not reconciled and said, "No matter what, I will try."

The other party laughed, "Try? How do you want to try?"

Chu Tian began to look for the source of the voice, but the woman said, "Give up, it's useless, you can't find me."

Chu Tian still wanted to try, "No matter what, I will do my best."

"It's a good one to do everything you can, but you will only throw your life here, is it worth it?"


"Okay, then I'll give you a chance."

At this time, a door appeared in front of Chutian, and there were countless souls in this door. These souls were purple and looked terrible, and the woman in the dark laughed and said, "If you have the courage to walk through, I will give you the door." want."

(End of this chapter)

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