Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1662 Underworld Dragon

Chapter 1662 Underworld Dragon
The soul of this dead body has been sealed, unable to move, but he can speak, I saw him making a strange sound, as if asking for help from the surroundings.

I saw countless stars flickering in the sky, and they were fluorescent colors, even a little bit closer to the dead body.

After a while, the dead body swelled, and finally exploded. The dead body turned into a huge body, and it was glowing with fluorescent lights, and it was still chanting, "Boy, I will break you up today."

"Oh? Come on, let's see how you break me up." Chu Tian stared at this strange thing, and the corpse was annoyed, apparently not taking Chu Tian seriously.

Then the punches gathered together, and there were countless fluorescent lights flashing in that punch, and the moment the last punch flew out, it was like a flash of light, hitting that Chu Tian heavily.

Chu Tian found out that the attack was directly attacking the soul, but he was not hurt, but absorbed them one by one, and then said with a smile, "Attacking the soul? Then you miscalculated."

The corpse stared at Chu Tian in disbelief, "Why?"

"My spirit is very strong, unimaginably strong."

But the dead body snorted, "In the Death Heaven Gate, there is only one kind of person, and that is the dead soul, so no matter what happens today, I will destroy you!"

"Oh? Come on, let me see how capable you are."

This time, the huge body of the dead body rushed towards Chutian, and it immediately entered Chutian's body. After seeing him in his body, Chutian teased, "I think you made a mistake."

"Mistake? Boy, are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious, I made a mistake." Chutian laughed strangely, and then the white light of Soul Devouring wrapped around it, this guy wanted to escape in discomfort, but was blocked by Chutian.

Chu Tian was still teasing, "What, you're going to kill me for this? Are you underestimating me?"

That guy knew that he had hit a hard bone, so he hurriedly said to Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I was wrong, is this okay?"

"Then tell me, where is this Dark Dragon Ball?"

"In the Abyss of the Underworld Dragon."

"lead the way."

The dead body had to lead the way, and took Chu Tian away after a while. After about half a day, they came to the entrance of an abyss.

I saw that the roar of the dragon could be heard in the abyss, but the roar of the dragon was naturally a dead soul, not a living one, so Chu Tian asked, "Under here?"


Just as Chu Tian was about to go down, the guy said anxiously, "Don't go down."


"The underworld dragon here is very terrifying. It can swallow countless dead souls of human beings in one gulp. If you continue like this, it will not be enough for people to squeeze their teeth."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "This is my business, you don't need to worry about it."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he disappeared from his original position, and when he reappeared, he had already come to this abyss, and there were countless floating dragon souls here.

Those dragon souls are naturally dark dragons, and they want to attack people when they see them.

I saw countless rushing into Chutian's body on the spot, trying to swallow him, but Chutian wiped out these dragons one by one, until there was a gust of wind, and a person came in the wind.

This man is covered in armor, and he is not a dead soul. He has two horns on his head, and his skin is black. His eyes are red and he stares at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you, why did you come to us?" Underworld Dragon Valley is making trouble."

"You are conscious?"

"Nonsense, I am one of the patron saints of the Underworld Dragon Valley, of course I am conscious."

"Oh? Patronus, then I was about to ask you something."

"what's up?"

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Dragon Ball, I need this."

The man became even more annoyed when he heard that, "Boy, who do you think you are? Still want the Dragon Ball? Naive!"

"I really want it." Chu Tian said bluntly, and his anger became even more annoyed, "It's so, then I have to give you a ride."

With a wave of the man's hand, a cloud of air flowed towards Chutian, but Chutian stood there motionless and said with a smile, "What? Is that all you can do? It's too weak."

The underworld dragon looked at Chutian in surprise, thinking it was impossible, and even fixed his eyes on Chutian, "Boy, what have you done?"

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to have fun with you."

Minglong stared, "Damn it, I'll kill you."

This time, Minglong has more violent power around him, and there is only one purpose, which is to destroy Chutian, but the corner of Chutian's mouth curled up, "Destroy me? Let's see if you have the ability."

But Minglong didn't care about it, and rushed to Chutian with all his brains, wishing to kill Chutian.

Especially when he was about to reach Chutian, he turned into a dragon shadow, and this dragon shadow hit Chutian heavily. Chutian just backed up a few steps, and then took out the magic whip and threw it hard.

The underworld dragon immediately screamed, stepped aside and stared at Chutian, "Boy, you."

"Are you still coming? Then continue, I promise you will enjoy it."

This man was so angry that he gritted his teeth, he didn't even think that Chu Tian would be so scary, but he muttered to himself, "No, this kid is too domineering, I have to lure him there."

So the dark dragon snorted, "Boy, don't you want the dark dragon ball? Well, I'll take you there, but I'm afraid you won't have the guts to take it."

After finishing speaking, the underworld dragon flew into a hole, and appeared in another hole the next moment.

I saw that this cave is unusual, and there are countless holes everywhere, and there are different ghost dragons in these holes, Chu Tian, ​​who was watching there, said with a smile, "I thought there were all dead souls here, but I didn't expect so many ghosts." dragon."

The ghost dragon didn't want to talk to Chutian, but continued to lead Chutian forward. After a while, they came to the bottom of a ladder, and the ghost dragon pointed to a whirlpool on the ladder, "Go in if you dare, but I warn you, you will die in it."

"Thank you for your kindness." Chu Tian was not polite, and entered the vortex with one leap.

When Chutian disappeared there, Minglong sneered, "It's ridiculous, this is the death vortex, if you enter, you must die."

As for Chutian, after he came inside, he could feel more death auras, and these death auras poured in wildly. If it weren't for the immortal seeds, Chutian would have already turned into a pile of bones.

Fortunately, he is still intact at this moment, and he can still see the dragon ball placed on a stone platform in front of him. Just as Chu Tian went to get it, a voice laughed strangely, "Boy, you can find it like this."

Chu Tian knew it was the shadow, so he laughed and said, "The dragon ball is clearly here, but you didn't take it. Why?"

"That's because this Dark Dragon Ball is a dead thing. Whoever touches it will die. The reason why I don't touch it is to attract you to see your skills." The shadow appeared in a corner and smiled strangely.

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, "Then you really underestimate me."

The other party sneered, "Boy, don't be complacent. If you have the ability, go forward and get it. I'll see how capable you are."

Chu Tian didn't pay attention to the other party, instead he grabbed the dragon ball with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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