Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1663 Ghost Bone King

Chapter 1663 Ghost Bone King

The dragon ball emitted bursts of death breath, seeping into Chu Tian's palm, the shadow mocked, "Boy, you saw it, that's it, it will absorb all your life, and then this bead will be mine."

"Absorbed completely?"

"Yes, the Dark Dragon Ball must absorb enough power from a person to calm down for a while, and I will take it down during that period of time, how about it? Am I very smart?"

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "So, you lured me here on purpose, didn't you?"

"Yes, how about it? Regret it."

Chu Tian shook his head, "I should thank you for allowing me to obtain this."

Seeing that Chu Tian had already held the dragon ball and put it away, the shadow was shocked, "Impossible, boy, you can't absorb it."

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "You say you can't absorb it if you can't absorb it? Who do you think you are?"

The shadow stared and cursed, "Boy, you are really hateful."

"Now it's time to settle our grievances."

"Hmph, I won't, if I have the ability to continue."

At this time, the shadow disappeared again, and Chutian relied on the five dragon balls to locate the opponent's existence more easily. However, after Chutian chased them out, those underworld dragons came out one after another, and the underworld dragon who was dealt with by Chutian before stared at him in shock. Looking at Chu Tian, ​​"Impossible, boy, how did you do it."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Is this very important?"

"Important." The underworld dragon stared at Chutian, and Chutian said with a smile, "This underworld dragon ball is already mine, so it's not important anymore."

Then Chu Tian turned around to go out, but at this moment a skull appeared in front of him, and there was a light flashing inside the skull, the ghost dragon present was shocked, and they all knelt down and said, "I have seen Mr. Ghost Bone."

This Mr. Ghost Bone said hoarsely, "I felt that the Dragon Ball was taken away, so I came here to see what happened."

Those underworld dragons naturally pointed at Chutian, while Mr. Guigu stared at Chutian, his eyes flickered with black light and said, "Young man, I am the general of the Death Heaven Sect, Guigu, if you don't want to die, give me the dragon ball , or you will never want to leave here."

The ghost bone even stared at Chu Tian with an orderly tone, but Chu Tian smiled and said, "Are you ordering me?"

"Yes, any questions?"

"No doubt, but why should I listen to you?" Chu Tian asked back, and the ghost bone snorted, "You are going to die, so I will help you."

The ghost bone suddenly grabbed Chutian with one hand, and the bone hand was very hard. After Chutian attacked, the bone hand was not affected at all.

Seeing this, Chu Tian immediately retreated to avoid the attack, and then said, "I don't have time to play with you, goodbye."

After Chutian finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave his original position, but the ghost bone snorted, "Want to leave? Do you think it's possible?"

I saw a strange force on Ghost Bone, which was directly fixed in the space around Chutian, and that space began to distort, and Chutian disappeared from the original position the next moment.

When Chutian reappeared, he had already come to a mountain, and there were many ghost-like guys in this mountain.

This made Chutian curious about what was going on, and at this moment, the ghost who brought Chutian here smiled strangely, "Boy, welcome to the Death Mountain of our Death Heaven Sect."

"Dead Mountain?"

"Yes, all the people who come here are dead, and we are the generals here. If you come here, then you should die too." The ghost bone smiled strangely, and then countless ghost-like guys around suddenly opened their mouths.

Immediately, groups of forces surrounded Chutian, as if they wanted to tear Chutian apart, but Chutian's purification system blocked these strange airflows one by one.

This made the ghost puzzled, "Boy, why are you not afraid of our attack."

"Just this bit of corrosive power? Still want to deal with me? You guys are naive."

Seeing how Chu Tian dared to laugh at them, he said, "I will destroy you."

I saw countless chains released from Ghost Bone's body. These chains were things that shone with black light and carried a powerful death aura.

For a moment, Chutian was entangled by the chain, and the ghost bone stared at Chutian, "Boy, be scared."

"That's all? You want to trap me?"

"Boy, this is called a soul chain. Anyone who is locked will be fixed there, unable to resist."

But Chu Tian laughed, "Oh? Really? Then you really underestimate me."

Seeing Chutian's strength tremble, one by one the chains were turned into ruins by refining, those guys present were all frightened, and Guigu stared at Chutian angrily, "Boy, you are really hateful."

"Come if you have any means, don't talk nonsense."

Now that person was annoyed, "Okay, I'll come and meet you today!"

Then the ghost bone stood there accumulating power, while the power of the other bones gathered on him, and the power on his body became very violent, even a single thought would kill Chu Tian to death.

But Chutian held back, the purple armor opened, and the ghost bone snorted, "No matter how much you resist, you will die."

Chu Tian just ignored it, but at this moment Guigu roared angrily, and rushed towards Chu Tian with a force from a distance, as if to smash Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian didn't take it seriously and let the opponent attack.

The attacks hit Chutian one by one, but they didn't cause any harm to Chutian. Instead, Chutian stared at the ghost bone and said, "If it doesn't work, then I'll do it."

Guigu looked at Chutian suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

"I mean very simple, look at me."

At this time, Chu Tian cast the soul sealing technique, and the soul power in the ghost bone was affected and cursed, "Boy, you, to the end."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Don't compete with me, because you are not my opponent."

The other guys present were all startled, but that ghost bone was not willing to yell there, and finally stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I will let you know how powerful our king is."


"Yes, Ghost Bone King."

At this moment, the whole mountain trembled, and Chu Tian had a sense of foreboding. Sure enough, the mountain turned over, and then a huge corpse stood up from the bottom of the mountain. Chu Tian was surprised, "So that's what happened."

At this moment, what Chutian saw was that mountain, which turned into a big corpse.

He looked at Chu Tian and said solemnly, "Where are the human beings coming here to make trouble?"

Chu Tian stared at the mountain, "You have such a big body, can you fight?"

Those guys all laughed when they saw Chutian laughing at their boss, and some guys thought that Chutian was going to die now, and the Ghost Bone King rushed towards Chutian with a cloud of air when he opened his mouth.

For a moment, Chutian was surrounded by mist, and the mist was powerfully corrosive. Ordinary people have already turned into a pile of bones, but Chutian laughed and said, "I can even take the Dragon Ball, so I am afraid that you will fail?"

The Ghost Bone King stared, "Do you have the Dragon Ball?"

(End of this chapter)

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