Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1670 Showdown Between Light and Darkness

Chapter 1670 Showdown Between Light and Darkness

Chu Tian grabbed the Thunder Dragon Ball with one hand, and instantly countless thunder and lightning rolled into Chu Tian's body, but Chu Tian resisted it all at once, and took a deep breath, "There are already eight."

Chu Tian knew that as long as the last one can be gathered together, this made him very curious about what he would get after the nine dragon balls were gathered together. As for the female messenger who was watching there, he dared not believe it, "How is it possible."

Chu Tian didn't want to say anything more to her, but calmed down and said, "Okay, I have to go, take my leave."

"Where are you going?"

"Of course get out of here."

The female messenger refused to let her go, and stopped her on the spot, "No, you can't leave after taking our things."

"Sorry, I'm not free." Chutian was about to leave after speaking, and the female messenger was going to make another move, but Chutian was so fast that he left in the blink of an eye, and the female messenger was unwilling to chase after him.

At this moment, a voice stopped her, "Don't worry."

The female messenger saw a huge face formed by Lei Dian, and that face looked at the female messenger, "Don't chase after him, you can't take him down."

The female messenger stared at the man and said respectfully, "Lord Thunder God, he took that thing away."

"Take it away, just take it away, anyway, this thing, I just got it by accident before."

The female messenger suddenly had nothing to say, but she was puzzled, "My lord, who is he?"

"He, a strange person who should not have existed in this world, but came here again." The man said strangely, and Chu Tian must be very curious if he heard all this.

The female messenger didn't understand, but the thunder and lightning gradually disappeared, as if disappearing out of thin air, the female messenger had no choice but to leave, and Chu Tian had already left the Thunder God's restricted area at this moment.

He looked in the direction of the last dragon ball and muttered, "This is a light dragon ball. I don't know what's special about it."

I saw Chutian packed up his mood and rushed to that place, but when he got there, he saw lights everywhere, and these lights were so powerful that they could burn people, making people feel hot.

Chu Tian hurriedly turned on the purification system, and then walked one by one in this place full of light, but there is no way to rely on the naked eye here, Chu Tian can only use Celestial Vision or Clairvoyance to scan around.

At this time, countless strange birds suddenly flew out from one place. These birds were formed of light, soaring into the sky, covering the light in the sky, and the surrounding light became much dimmer all of a sudden.

Chu Tian was surprised, "What kind of bird is this that can control light?"

At this time, the birds dispersed suddenly, and a mountain fell from the sky, and the mountain was shrouded in white light. Inside the white light was a small palace. Outside the small palace, there was an old man with closed eyes sitting there.

Chu Tian finally saw the person and respectfully said, "Senior."

The old man didn't speak, but his voice sounded around, "Young man, what's the matter?"

"Senior, I think."

"Thinking about what?"

"I want to fetch a bead."

The old man's voice still echoed around, "It belongs to our Guangming Palace, so you can't touch it."

"The Palace of Light?"


After pondering, Chu Tian said, "How about I borrow it?"


Chu Tian was depressed, but at this moment, black lights flickered in the sky, and it became dark in an instant. The old man suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the sky. At this moment, all the birds were killed, and a strange smile came from the darkness, "Haha."

The old man frowned, "Dark Demon."

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared in the black cloud, and this man was full of demonic energy, and there were countless crow-like blood-red birds with him, madly attacking those dead strange birds.

The old man's heart ached when he saw it, and he even twitched his face and said, "Dark Demon, don't go too far."

"I said old man, you are only guarding the Palace of Light, why bother?"

"As long as I am alive, I will stay to the end."


The man smiled disdainfully, then waved his palm, and the huge devilish energy rushed towards the mountain, directly shattering the mountain, while the light was guarding the mountain, and at the same time, the old man inside also poured power into the light. layer.

In this way, the entire light layer has a strong resistance, the so-called dark devil said with a smile, "I said old man, do you think you can resist me?"

"Can block it and calculate it."

The dark monster laughed, "It's so, then I'll give you a ride."

Then the dark demon's devilish energy became stronger and stronger, and finally the devilish energy seemed to blacken the sky, and it was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers.

Only the light of this mountain is still shining, illuminating the neighborhood like a lighthouse in the dark.

At this time, Chu Tian felt very small, as if he would be swallowed up by the night at any time. As for the dark demon, he sneered, "I see how long you can last with this broken mountain."

Then the darkness became stronger and stronger, and the light of the mountain became weaker and weaker. Finally, the old man inside suddenly spit out a bloodstain and his face changed, "Damn it, I won't let you go."

"Damn old man, dying is imminent, why are you still so addicted?"

"Hmph, Darkness Demon, as the guardian of the Temple of Light, I will not let you steal the contents inside."

"It's ridiculous, I'm going to take away everything from your Guangming Temple and kill you."

After finishing speaking, a dark demon in the air turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the barrier, smashing the barrier directly, and he came to the old man and knocked the old man away with his palm.

When the old man bumped into the palace and screamed on the spot, when he stood up again, his limbs had been broken to varying degrees. The dark devil was vicious, and he slapped the old man again with one hand, intending to blow the old man away.

But at this moment, Chu Tian suddenly appeared in front of the old man, and directly resisted the opponent's palm.

The dark demon stared at the unremarkable Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you?"

"I passed by."

The dark demon snorted, "You passed by? Then do you know what will happen if you offend me?"

"Is it important?"

"It doesn't matter if it's heavy or not, but I'll tell you, I'll kill you." The dark demon's palms condensed, and countless demonic energy around him turned into a specter.

These phantoms are like giant gods returning from ancient times, and these giant gods held big axes one by one, and then slashed at Chutian with force. The old man behind Chutian was shocked, "Be careful, it's a giant demon axe."

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously at all. He opened the purple god armor on his body, and also opened the demon magic. After all the opponent's attacks came, most of them were rebounded, while a small part was blocked.

Not only that, Chutian swallowed all the demonic energy that hit him one by one, and then turned it into his own attack, and a huge five-element ball flew towards the dark demon.

The dark demon thought that Chu Tian's attack was weak, so he didn't pay attention at all, but after the ball hit him, that person was directly sent flying.

(End of this chapter)

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