Chapter 1671 Warning
After standing still, the Dark Demon stared at Chu Tian with a very ugly expression, "Boy, who are you from the Palace of Light?"

The old man behind Chutian was also curious about Chutian's background and why he was so powerful, but that Chutian smiled slightly, "I was just passing by."

"Passing by? Then you go quickly, or I will make nothing grow here when my dark army arrives." The dark demon said arrogantly, and Chu Tian smiled and said, "Oh? Really? Then I want to see what your so-called dark army is. How is it?"

The dark devil said angrily, "Boy, I am the devil king of the dark star field, dark devil, you'd better get out of the way, otherwise I will call some experts at random, and I will make your life worse than death."

"Then hurry up, while I still have some time."

The Dark Demon was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but in the end he held back and said, "Just wait for me, I won't let you go!"

"Oh? Really? Then come quickly."

"Hmph, wait." The dark demon turned into a shadow and flew away after threatening, and those crows also disappeared, and the sky brightened again, and the light in the mountain flickered again.

The old man behind Chutian looked at Chutian and apologized, "I offended you before, sorry."

"Sorry, no need, I just want to borrow it."

The old man hesitated and said, "It's not that I don't give it to you, it's that this thing has always been in the forbidden area of ​​our Guangming Temple. I can't step into that place, otherwise my body will self-destruct and die."

"Oh? It's so powerful."


After thinking for a while, Chu Tian said, "That's fine, I'm going to have a look."

The old man thought that Chutian would not be able to meet him anyway, so he looked at Chutian and said, "Okay, let's go."

After a while, the old man brought Chu Tian into this hall, and saw that this hall was the strangest that Chu Tian had ever seen, because when he entered it, there were no walls or anything, just like an empty shell.

However, the old man injected power into a place, and a door suddenly appeared there. The old man pointed at the door and said, "This is it, you can try it."

Just as Chu Tian was about to open the door, the old man reminded again, "If there is danger, you must come out quickly, you understand?"


Chu Tian replied casually, but he didn't feel relieved at all in his heart, so he walked into the door and disappeared there, while the old man sighed, "Life and death have fate."

At this moment, Chutian saw a long tunnel, and he walked through one by one. After a while, he saw a dragon ball ahead, which meant it was the last one.

Chu Tian was very excited, even looking forward to it, but when he was about to touch the dragon ball, something unexpected happened. The dragon ball suddenly disappeared, and instead there were countless white lights around it.

These white lights converged on Chu Tian, ​​as if they were going to burn him, but he quickly protected himself, but he didn't understand why the dragon ball suddenly disappeared.

So he opened Tianyantong to see what's going on, but he didn't find anything around him, which made Chu Tian frowned, "Not here anymore?"

But at this moment, the white light merged into starlight around it, and finally the starlight turned into a person. At the beginning, this person couldn't see male and female, and couldn't see aura.

It wasn't until she spoke that Chu Tian realized it was a woman, which made Chu Tian sigh secretly, "Could it be a female guardian again?"

But then the woman said, "You didn't come here, let's go."

"I want the bead."

"I can't give it to you."


"You already have eight, if you give it to you, the world will lose its balance."

Chu Tian wondered, "Out of balance?"

"Yes, Nine Dragon Balls, also known as Nine Gods Dragon Lock, once the locks are gathered and opened, the world will change, and all the star fields will be chaotic, so you should not put them together."

"That's not right. I heard that when the Nine Dragon Balls gather, you can learn powerful things."

"That's right, there will be powerful things, but this thing, you have to be able to touch it. If you can't touch it, you will be busy in vain and become someone else's dowry."

At this moment, Chu Tian was deep in thought whether he should trust the woman in front of him, but the woman said, "Let's go, this thing is untouchable."

But at this moment, a black light suddenly eroded in, and the woman with white light was shocked, "It's you again!"

Then the woman with white light disappeared, and the dragon ball fell to the ground. As for the three strange people condensed in the black light, one had a red face, one had a black face, and the other had a white face.

At the same time, there was a demonic energy shining on his body, and seeing the three of them going to get the bead, Chu Tian quickly got it and said, "Okay, there's no more for you."

The black-faced man stared, "Boy, are you the one who injured the Dark Demon?"

"Who are you?" Chu Tian became suspicious, and the black face snorted, "We are the three demons of the Dark Star Region."

The red-faced one said, "Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him directly, and then get the things in his hands."

After finishing speaking, the three of them started to attack, and the three of them were so fierce that they blew up the space in an instant. Chu Tian was shaken out of the space, and even he himself didn't know what happened.

After he stabilized his body, Chu Tian was in an empty place, "It's strange, I was still in the hall just now, and the space was broken, how did I come to a place without people?"

Chu Tian felt that something was wrong, so he began to look around, but there was no one here, only piles of mountains, piles of water, flowers and plants, etc.

Just when Chutian thought it was a space, the old man from the Guangming Palace appeared. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Chutian was still there, "Fortunately, you are alive."

Chu Tian asked in confusion, "What happened?"

The old man said helplessly, "The three dark demons appeared, and they shattered the space. Our Guangming Temple automatically activated the space protection, sucking you and me into this isolated world."

After hearing this, Chu Tian asked, "Then, can we still go out?"

"This, I'm afraid it won't work for the time being. After all, this is self-protection, and it will take a while to disappear."

Chu Tian looked around, and after confirming that there was no possibility of leaving, he had no choice but to calm down, "If you can't leave, just study it."


"En." After Chutian finished speaking, he found a place for himself, put the nine dragon balls together, and then stared at them, "Nine Gods Dragon Lock? What do you mean?"

The old man was surprised when he saw that Chu Tian had nine, "You have so many."


But the old man hesitated and said, "I think, you should hide it quickly, if someone comes to this space to snatch it, it will be troublesome."

"Can someone else come in?"

"The space exploded, and I don't know how many people have entered here, so I can't be sure. I can only try to be careful to prevent others from sneaking in."

Chu Tian raised his brows and looked around. After finding nothing unusual for the time being, he said, "Let's take a look first."

Afterwards, Chu Tian put away these, and then planned to wander around in this space to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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