Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1672 Bright Tower

Chapter 1672 Bright Tower

At this time, a red light flickered, and a red-faced man appeared. He was none other than the red face of one of the three demons. He looked at Chu Tian with a weird smile, "Boy, are you cool?"

Chu Tian stared at the other party and smiled slightly, "Can you solve me?"

"Boy, don't be crazy, I want to kill you, it's very simple."

"Oh? Really? Then you come!"

The red-faced palm was disdainful, and that palm shone red, seemingly ferocious, but Chu Tian disappeared into nothingness, the attack hit the ground, and the ground immediately trembled, and even cracks appeared.

It is conceivable how terrifying this person's strength is, but Chutian teased indifferently, "Oh? Is this the only ability?"

The red face didn't expect Chu Tian to dodge it, and then he snorted, "Boy, this is just the beginning, I'll let you see what's even scarier later."

At this time, a huge bow appeared behind the red face, and the blood on the bow flickered, and finally condensed countless bloody arrows, and then these arrows went out with a whistling.

Chutian turned into nothingness again, but these arrows could track him. When he reappeared, these arrows also appeared, as if they were going to swallow Chutian.

Chutian immediately retreated again, and these arrows were still chasing Chutian, wishing to destroy Chutian, but Chutian was very calm, no matter how the opponent attacked, he would avoid them one by one, even if these arrows came after him, he would not be afraid .

Unwilling to be reconciled, the red-faced man changed his bow again, and this time the arrows shot by the bow formed an enchantment, covering Chutian in an area, and then these arrows gathered together and all concentrated on Chutian.

Chu Tian looked at the flying arrows and teased, "Is it useful?"

The red-faced man didn't expect Chutian to be so terrifying, so he ran away immediately, wishing he could tear Chutian into pieces, and then the arrows exploded around Chutian, and there were bursts of crazy explosions, making the area where Chutian was in turmoil.

But Chutian said calmly, "Go on, go on, I'll see what else you can do."

"Damn it, when my people come, it will be your death."

Then the red face called, and after a while, the black face and the white face both appeared, and the black face teased, "I said old red, you haven't killed him yet?"

"He's good at hiding."

The black face teased, "Hide? Then I won't let him hide."

At this time, the black face released black light in the area where Chutian was, and Chutian was instantly dark, and no matter how Chutian turned into nothingness, he could quickly appear. You can’t get out at all.”

Chu Tian wondered what the black light was, and why he couldn't use it to transform into nothingness, but at this moment he said with a white face, "I'll add fire."

Then countless white lights flickered around Chutian, and as long as Chutian touched it, he would feel a strong burning sensation. He immediately avoided it, but it was either black or white, and it suddenly became very strange. At the same time, those arrows frantically flickered around Chutian break out.

For a moment, Chu Tian felt as if he was in a predicament. Faced with such a situation, he had no choice but to summon the Dragon King, but this time he summoned a more powerful one, that is, the fourth generation Dragon King.

I saw the fourth-generation dragon king descending from the sky, and it was a double-headed dragon at the same time. The two-headed dragon, with a blue light and a red light, merged into Chu Tian's body together, and then Chu Tian opened his magical powers again.

That powerful explosive power made Chu Tian very powerful, causing Chu Tian to look at the three of them coldly, "It's my turn."

The three of them were curious about what Chutian had done, but at this moment Chutian suddenly rushed out, came to the black face, and hit him hard with a ball of planetary balls coordinating with demon magic without any politeness.

The black face was blown away on the spot, the red face and the white face were startled, and they were about to help when Chu Tian shot again and sent the two of them flying, but at this moment the three of them gathered together.

Then a giant with three faces appeared, and the devilish energy surged from his body, and he spoke in unison, "Boy, do you know how scary we are?"

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously and said, "There's nothing to be afraid of, that's all."

"That's all? You kid, it seems that you really don't know what it means to be afraid."

"If you have the ability, don't talk nonsense if you don't have the ability."

The three of them got annoyed, suddenly three groups of strange forces locked onto Chutian and attacked frantically, and Chutian's Purple God Armor and his own defensive skills were activated, the powerful rebound hit that person heavily.

The giant took several steps back, but Chu Tian laughed, "It's not over yet."

I saw Chutian take out the magic whip, although it was used to whip the beast, but at this moment Chutian used the giant as a sandbag and whipped it hard, making the three of them scream.

Until the three of them turned into three lights and disappeared, Chu Tian muttered to himself, "Let's go like this? It's boring."

At this time the old man appeared, he had already seen the situation just now, so he couldn't believe it and said, "You are really amazing."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's okay, it won't be too miserable."

The old man looked at Chu Tian curiously, "How did you do it?"

Chu Tian didn't know how to explain, but instead asked, "Did the three of them escape?"

"Probably not. After all, this place is closed and cannot leave. At most, it is hidden."

Chu Tian couldn't sense them at the moment, so he had to say, "I can't go out, so I will study the nine dragon balls."

When the old man heard that Chutian was going to study that thing, he said anxiously, "You really want to study it?"

"Well, what's the problem?"

"I heard that these things are not easy, do you really want to try?" The old man was startled, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Yes."

The old man thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll take you to a place where you can concentrate on your research. Even if something is really released, it won't be able to escape."

"Oh? Where?"

"Here, there is a tower of light, which is a formation formed by the bones of countless immortal gods and ancestors. It has very domineering power."

Chutian didn't expect such a place to exist, so he said, "Well, let's go and have a look."

The old man immediately led Chu Tian away, and after a while, they came to the so-called Bright Tower, and outside the Bright Tower, it was indeed extraordinary, with white lights shining everywhere, and there were bones inlaid in every place. .

It looked very strange from the outside, but Chu Tian calmed down and came to the tower and asked, "Can I just go in?"

"Well, after entering, you can only come out if you want to come out, and no other power can come out."

After the old man finished speaking, he gave Chutian a unique pass, and Chutian took the token and came inside, only to see that the inside was empty and there was nothing, but the surrounding formations were very solid.

After Chutian tried to attack a few times, it didn't affect the formation at all. Then Chutian took out the Nine Dragon Balls and muttered, "It depends on what you have special."

(End of this chapter)

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