Chapter 1673 Escape

At this time, after the nine dragon balls gathered together, the sound of shackles came from the surroundings, as if something was pulling, and Chu Tian looked around and saw nine different rays of light surrounding there.

Not only that, but there was also an old aura radiating around, Chu Tian frowned, "Nine Dragons Lock?"

After about a while, nine different chains appeared, and each of these chains was very thick. The most important thing was that each of these chains was locked with a keel.

These keel bones were small at first, but they gradually became thicker. All of a sudden, the nine dragons were entwined around them, and the ropes gathered together, as if they were driving them.

This made the Nine Dragons very unhappy, even in that Long Xiao, the surrounding formations were shaking, Chu Tian was deeply afraid that the formations would not be able to trap the Nine Dragons, so he hurriedly wanted to grab a chain.

As a result, the chain was very strong, and it threw Chu Tian flying, almost spurting blood from his mouth, but at this moment, the dragon who ran out from the dragon ball went crazy.

Chu Tian frowned, and at this moment there was a vortex on the top of the underworld dragon, and a figure appeared in this vortex, Chu Tian had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, this figure quickly entered the body of the underworld dragon, and then broke free. The underworld dragon disappeared from the vortex in an instant, and the remaining eight dragons also wanted to go there. Chu Tian immediately gambled on this hole.

At this time, a strange smile came from the mouth, "Boy, I didn't expect that."

This is the voice of the magic dragon. He never thought that this guy would take his own fruit, so he said solemnly, "You are cruel enough."

"That's just the beginning, nothing!"

After the magic dragon finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave, but Chutian refused to let him. A mass of force entered the vortex, but the vortex disappeared. The magic dragon said with a smile, "Boy, I will not give you a chance when the nine dragons gather. ,Ha ha."

Chu Tian frowned, and the eight dragons stopped a lot at this time, Chu Tian stared at them, and these guys returned to the Dragon Ball one by one, Chu Tian said helplessly, "It seems that there is one thing missing, and they cannot be activated."

Chu Tian had no choice but to put away these dragon balls, and the voice of the magic dragon sounded around here, "Boy, you released these dragons, I really thank you."

"What's the meaning."

"The meaning is very simple, that is, I have controlled this dark dragon, and I will let it go to the world to destroy it later, and then you will know how terrifying it is."

Chu Tian frowned, and the dragon laughed loudly, "And you instigated all of this!"

Chu Tian didn't like this feeling, he wanted to take revenge, but the magic dragon didn't give him a chance, and instead disappeared, Chu Tian had to use other dragon balls to determine the whereabouts of the dark dragon.

After understanding, Chu came out of the Bright Tower, and the old man outside asked, "How is it? What did you find?"


"What? Run away?"

"Yeah." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he packed up his mood and left, and the old man wanted to know what happened. After Chu Tian said one by one, the old man sighed, "It seems that the world is going to be in chaos."

"Don't worry, I will definitely find the controlled dragon."

"It's hard, I can't get out here." The old man said helplessly, but Chu Tian said, "Don't worry, I will definitely get it back."

Chu Tian calmed down and disappeared from his original location. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the border of this world and took a deep breath, "I can only try a little bit."

Chutian was there to slowly attack the enchantment, and the purification system was very slow to help, but it was better than nothing, so Chutian just moved forward a little bit.

About half a month later, Chu Tian came outside. He looked outside and found that the world outside was lifeless everywhere, as if death shrouded everywhere.

Chu Tian quickly flew out and found dead people everywhere, so he flew to other star fields, the result was the same, the people in those star fields were either dead or seriously injured.

Chu Tian went up to inquire and found out that these days, a powerful death aura suddenly descends every day. People with low cultivation bases will naturally die on the spot, and those with high cultivation bases will also be seriously injured.

Knowing all this, Chu Tian calmed down and said, "It seems that we must find that dragon."

I saw Chu Tian cleared up his mood and disappeared from his original position. When he reappeared, he had already come to a place, and that place was surrounded by ruins of death.

At the same time, the dragon could be heard roaring like it was mad, but Chutian was very calm, and even wondered what happened there until Chutian approached.

Countless small dragons suddenly appeared from these ruins. These were miniature versions of the underworld dragons, and their bodies exuded a powerful death aura. As soon as Chutian approached, these little underworld dragons rushed in front of Chutian.

Chutian resisted the death energy calmly, allowing the death energy to impact until Chutian released a powerful breath of life, and these little ghost dragons disappeared one by one.

When Chutian came to the center of the ruins, he saw the underworld dragon, but at this moment the underworld dragon was no longer the previous underworld dragon, it was now even bigger, and when the body moved, the whole earth shook.

Until it stood upright, looking down at Chu Tian like a hundred-story building, he said coldly, "Ridiculous human being, are you coming to find me?"

"I want to seal you back." Chu Tian said bluntly, but the underworld dragon laughed and said, "Seal me? Do you think you have that ability?"

Chu Tian took out his whip and said, "You'll know if you try it."

"Hmph, I didn't let you bully me." After the other party finished speaking, he suddenly exhaled a cloud of air, and the air immediately entangled Chutian, not giving Chutian any chance.

But Chutian was very calm, until the air flow reached Chutian, Chutian released the breath of life, and after the breath of life confronted the breath of death, he was still intact, "Do you want to continue?"

The underworld dragon didn't expect Chu Tian to be so scary, and then snorted, "Boy, do you want to seek death? Well, I'll let you try this."

I saw that the underworld dragon began to accumulate power, and for a moment a strong death energy gathered in his body, and this death energy reached Chu Tian in the blink of an eye, but Chu Tian smiled strangely, allowing the death energy to enter his body.

After a while, all these death breaths were swallowed by Chutian one by one, and Chutian smiled proudly, "Is that so?"


Minglong was still not reconciled, so he continued, but he couldn't help Chutian for an entire hour, so he had to disappear here, but Chutian chased desperately until Chutian came to a star field.

This star field is full of demon energy, and the people here are not affected, but the underworld dragon disappeared. Even Chu Tian couldn't track it, and he frowned, "Damn it, the other eight dragon balls can't be tracked anymore."

Thinking of this, Chu Tian calmed down and planned to try again later. Then he entered this star field, and then stepped into a city, and the people here were ordinary people except for cultivating demons.

Chu Tian looked at them curiously, trying to find clues from these people.

(End of this chapter)

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