Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1675 The Secret of the Underworld Dragon

Chapter 1675 The Secret of the Underworld Dragon
Chu Tian stared at the mountain in front of him and said after deep thought, "Is that Taoist temple on this mountain?"

"Well, that's the Taoist temple."

After pondering for a while, Chu Tian said, "I'll go up and have a look first."

"No hurry, I'll take you up." The drunk core stared at Chu Tian, ​​and then led the way ahead, but just as he stepped into the stairs at the bottom of the mountain, the stairs twisted and suddenly disappeared.

Zui Xin fell down and disappeared in front of Chu Tian all of a sudden, but Chu Tian was shocked, jumped up and went directly to the bottom of the stairs.

After a while, Chu Tian came to a strange forest, and that Zui Xin was surrounded by green vines, making it impossible for her to escape. When Chu Tian appeared, Zui Xin said urgently, "Hurry up, it's dangerous here."

Just as Chutian was about to speak, countless vines suddenly appeared from the ground trying to entangle him, but the corners of Chutian's mouth curled up, "You want to entangle me? How naive."

Then Chu Tian made a move, and the flames on his body immediately flickered, and the flames directly burned the vines. Zui Xin on the side was dumbfounded. She never thought that Chu Tian's flames were so powerful that they could burn these rattans all at once. Everything burned.

Chu Tian looked around calmly, "It's almost there."

Then Chutian walked towards the drunken core, and destroyed the vines with one palm. The drunken core fell and stared at Chutian, "How did you do it?"

"What do you mean?"

"The flame just now."

Chu Tian smiled, "This is nothing."

But from Zui Xin's point of view, this is very scary, but Chu Tian looked around, "Is this a unique space in the Taoist temple?"

Zui Xin didn't know, so he could only shake his head, "I haven't been here, I just heard someone say it."

Chu Tian nodded slightly, then looked around, "Go, go and look around."

Zui Xin hummed, and followed Chu Tian's pace, and Chu Tian walked around in this space, until Zui Xin said, "I smell some breath."


"Yes, the smell of wine."

After pondering for a while, Chu Tian asked, "Smell of wine?"


Chu Tian could only take a deep breath and said, "Why didn't I feel it?"

"That's because I'm naturally sensitive to alcohol." After Zui Xin finished speaking, he led the way, but Chu Tian fell into deep thought, as if he was thinking about something, but Tianyantong couldn't see the surrounding situation at all, and he didn't know what was going on. He could only frown there and said, "It seems that it's not as simple as imagined."

"What? Did you find out?"

Chu Tianen said, "Yes."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian led the way ahead, and after about a while, he saw a trail ahead, "Go, let's go up here."

"Well, I also smell the alcohol coming off of this."

But Chu Tian calmly led the way. After a long time, they came to the top of the mountain, and there was only one Taoist temple on this mountain. In this Taoist temple, there was an old Taoist priest holding a wooden sword and holding a wine jug in his mouth. dance.

Zui Xin's eyes lit up when he saw the wine, "This wine is a good thing."

"Oh? Do you know him?" The old Taoist asked through sound transmission, and the drunk core said with a smile, "This wine should be the fusion of thousands of divine liquids, right?"

The old Taoist put away the jug and said with a smile, "It seems that there are people who understand this wine."

Zui Xin's saliva was drooling, she was no longer the reserved woman just now, but a kind of alcoholic person.

The old Taoist took out another jug ​​and threw it to the drunk core, but the drunk core fell silent in the wine as soon as he opened it, completely forgetting their purpose of coming here.

Chutian had no choice but to look at the old Taoist priest, "Should we have a chat?"

The old Taoist looked Chu Tian up and down and said with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

"Minglong, is it taken by you?"

"Oh? You said that bedbug, yes, it was I who was confiscated, why?"

Chu Tian hesitated, "Can you give it to me?"

"For you? Young man, this is not acceptable. That thing is dangerous. Once it comes out, it will destroy everywhere, and it will be messy when it falls."

Chu Tian needed the Underworld Dragon to solve the mystery of the Nine Dragons, so he hesitated, "But I need it."

"Young man, this thing is very dangerous. I have already sealed it in a place where it cannot come out, so if you want to find it, forget it."

Chu Tian knew that this old Taoist priest was not simple, so he said, "Senior, can you talk about it?"

"What? Are you really planning to go?"

"Well, I want to save."

After hearing this, the old Taoist said, "If you really want to, I can show you the way. Whether you have the guts or not is up to you."

"Please say."

The old Taoist pointed to a stone statue in the Taoist temple behind him and said, "In this stone statue, go if you have the ability, but it is very dangerous inside. If you die inside, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it myself."

After Chutian collected his mood, he left from here. When he reappeared, he had already arrived inside the stone statue.

As for that drunk core, he got up, "Where's the person?"

"He went to a Vientiane world."

"Vientiane World?"


That Zui Xin didn't understand, but Chu Tian was already looking around inside the stone statue, because there was nothing special here, as if it was no different from the outside world.

But Chutian knew that things were not that simple, so he began to search around here, and even after taking out eight dragon balls, he quickly determined the whereabouts of this dark dragon.

I saw Chutian leap and disappear from his original position. After Chutian reappeared, he came to a forest in front of him, and there was a lot of death in this forest.

Chutian walked forward step by step, then looked around and said, "Minglong, I know you are here."

At this time, a small dragon shadow appeared on a tree, floating in front of Chutian, and Chutian looked at this dragon, and frowned after seeing the miniature version of the dragon, "Why? Can't you use a small one to fool you?"

"No, this is me."

When the dragon opened his mouth, Chu Tian was puzzled, "You? How did you become so small?"

The underworld dragon said as if he had changed his personality, "This is the original me, and the previous me was controlled, so it was like that."

Chu Tian became serious, "Controlled?"

"Yes, I was controlled when I was sealed in the Jiulong lock, but later I broke through the shackles and was controlled by that person again."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Demon Dragon?"


Chu Tian didn't believe it, "The magic dragon is behind the Jiulong lock, and you are in front of the magic dragon. How can he control you."

"The magic dragon is behind the Nine Dragons Lock? Young man, who told you that."

According to the previous comparison, Chutian thought so, but Minglong said, "Don't be naive, this demon dragon was a terrible guy in ancient times, but he has been forbearing, and he has changed his appearance, and even changed his appearance. Let everyone forget his true colors."

(End of this chapter)

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