Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1676 The system has collapsed

Chapter 1676 The system has collapsed
Chu Tian dared not believe it, "How is it possible?"

"It's true, he is one of the dragon masters."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "Master Feng Long?"

"Back then, the ancient dragon clan was affected by a kind of magic power. Many dragons changed and became aggressive dragons. They began to destroy everywhere. Humans formed a dragon sealer, intending to seal the nine strongest representatives of different dragons."

"Just you?"

"Yes, and this demon dragon, he is one of the members of the Dragon Master. He sneaked into a dragon, controlled that dragon, and then controlled me. As for what happened afterwards, I don't remember clearly. Sealed inside a ball."

Chu Tian began to wonder, "Master Feng Long, why do you always target me? Who the hell is he?"

At this moment, Chutian really wanted to catch this demon dragon, to be precise, the person in the demon dragon asked him carefully, but Minglong looked at Chutian, "I have said everything that needs to be said, so I mind you, please don't go Study the nine dragon balls, don't let me go back, otherwise I will fall into the trap of the dragon master."

After falling into deep thought, Chu Tian asked, "Who is the old man outside?"

"He? Actually, he is also one of the dragon masters, but he is a good person, and he threw me here to help me purify, and also helped me get rid of the controlled power. Now I have returned to normal, and I am no longer disturbed. You can Rest here in peace."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the old Taoist outside was also a dragon master, so he planned to go out and ask about the magic dragon.

When he was about to go out, he realized that it was easy to come in, but difficult to get out, because the place was closed everywhere, and there was no way to find the exit, so he looked at the dark dragon, "How do you get out?"

"This is a sealed world. The old Taoist said that once you come in, don't go out. You will always be here to prevent us guys from going out to make trouble."

Chu Tian didn't want to stay in this lifetime, so he started to fly into the air, but after a while, he saw layers of barriers. These barriers were nothing to Chu Tian, ​​it just took a little more time.

So Chutian began to purify, and a voice came from the system, "Ding ~ the system is about to split."

"What system is about to split? What the hell do you mean?"

At this moment, Chu Tian discovered that the purification ability disappeared, and he couldn't continue to purify, and the magical powers of the system also disappeared one by one, as if everything had disappeared.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the cultivation base, as well as the spells learned, and the magic weapons after exchange, etc. are still there.

"The purification ability disappears, the supernatural power disappears, is this playing me?"

Chu Tian tried to find traces of the system, and even threatened there, "Come out!"

At this time, a voice from the system flashed, "Ding ~ The system is damaged and needs to be repaired urgently."

"Broken? What, you still break?"

"Ding~ The system needs sentiment points to recover."

"Enlightenment? What insight?"

When messages flashed by one after another, Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry. The so-called perception has many aspects, such as cultivation perception, secular perception, and some life perception. Anyway, all in all, it is something that cannot be touched or seen.

Chu Tian took a deep breath and cursed, "It doesn't matter if you don't have your system, I will cultivate slowly by myself."

Chu Tian tried to break through this barrier, but this barrier was extremely hard, without a purification system, Chu Tian couldn't pass through it, so he could only continue to struggle there.

After a month passed, Chutian made no progress at all. He sat on the ground and looked at the sky and sighed, "This enchantment is really difficult. It seems that we won't be able to get out for a while."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for gaining a perception value of 10."

"Sentiment value 10? Why? I sighed and got 10? Are you kidding?" Chu Tian was not used to hearing this voice for a long time, but he couldn't help teasing when he heard the meaning of this voice.

However, the system did not recover, and Chu Tian muttered, "Sentiment? Does it count as a sigh?"

Chutian tried to sigh again, but this time there was no response, which made Chutian depressed, "It's really something that can't be touched or seen."

So Chutian got up and started to find Minglong, and the Minglong looked at Chutian, "How is it? What did you find?"

"Can't get out."

"That's for sure. There are many dangerous things sealed in this world. The old man will not let the things here go out at will."

Chu Tian smiled, "So, you will be trapped here forever?"

"That's not true. If you can change your heart, you can go out."

"Have you changed your mind?"

"Yes, here, there is a great hall called the Hall of Sincerity, where as long as you comprehend the essence inside, you can leave from here."

"Hall of Sincerity?"

"Well, I'll take you there."

The underworld dragon then led Chutian forward, and Chutian saw a big hall after a while, and there were even countless animals and some people around the big hall.

These people and animals are all sitting there staring at the hall to feel sincerely at this moment, but Chu Tian is curious, "This is it?"

"This hall has a kind of purification power, which can let down the killing and hatred in the human body one by one, and only those who have completely let go can leave."

Chu Tian wondered, "The power of purification?"

"Well, take your time, I have to stay here too."

After Minglong finished speaking, he found a place and sat down, then quietly looked at the hall in front of him.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he looked around and muttered to himself, "Is it really so magical?"

This made Chutian a little unbelievable, so he started to stare at the hall, but the sky eye can't be used, he can only use clairvoyance, but clairvoyance can't see through here.

Chu Tian was depressed, "I can't even use my eyesight, damn it."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for gaining enlightenment 10."

Chu Tian froze with a wry smile, "20?"

At this moment, the hall's light flashed, and someone shouted, "Look, the divine light is coming, hurry up and pray."

Those people and animals immediately prayed there, and the time changed little by little, but Chutian was curious about what this so-called divine light was, so he stared at the flashing lights in the sky.

I saw some words in these rays of light, Chu Tian couldn't borrow the system at this moment, he could only comprehend it by himself.

"What do these words say?"

Chu Tian stared at it slowly, sitting like this for a few months passed, but Chu Tian discovered that these words hide an immortal magic, and this immortal magic is called Influence Art.

The so-called influence method is to cross people. According to Buddhism, it is to influence people and make them be good. After seeing it, Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Influence people? It's absolutely perfect."

However, Chu Tian knew that he had nothing to do at the moment, so he might as well learn a little bit. If he could talk others into becoming a Buddha instantly, that would be a skill.

So Chu Tian went to comprehend it one by one. None of the people present thought that a humble Chu Tian would discover the mysteries of this hall so quickly, and he was still learning it crazily.

It wasn't until a few years later that Chu Tian came back to his senses, and his whole body changed, and he even smiled a lot. At this time, a voice came from the system, "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for gaining 100 points of insight for comprehending "Guanhua Jue". "

"100? That's 120? How much does it take to restart the system?" Chu Tian showed curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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