Chapter 1677
The system still didn't reply, and Chu Tian didn't bother to bother. After all, he now has a new immortal magic, which he learned by himself, and he felt that the space had been opened for him to go out.

So he jumped into the sky and disappeared here. The people and animals present were all shocked.

As for when Chutian reappeared, he had already come outside the stone statue, but this Zuixin and that old man were still drinking, as if nothing had changed, Chutian stepped forward suspiciously, "You two, have you been drinking for so many years?"

Zui Xin was stunned, "Years? Didn't you just go in for an hour?"

Chu Tian was surprised, "One hour? How is it possible? I know it."

"Obviously what?" That drunk core thought that something terrible happened to Chutian, but Chutian looked around solemnly at the old man, who looked intoxicated while drinking.

Until Chu Tian asked, "Senior, is it a few years inside and an hour outside?"

"If you think it is, then it is not." The old Taoist replied with a smile, and Chu Tian said with a smile after confirming, "Senior, then I want to ask if you are the Dragon Master?"

"That happened a long time ago." The other party said bluntly, and Chu Tian hurriedly asked, "Do you know the magic dragon?"


"Senior, then you."

"Young man, he is not simple. If you meet him, you'd better stay away." The old Taoist obviously didn't want to say anything more, but turned around and disappeared, and the mountain also disappeared. On a flat ground, it seems that everything that happened before was a phantom.

The wine in that Zui Xin's hand was gone, so she came back to her senses, "What's going on here?"

Chu Tian looked around there, "It seems that this is an expert."

"My wine, my wine." Zui Xin was still thinking about that wine, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "Okay, let's just say goodbye."

"Where are you going?"

"I wandered around waiting for someone to come to me."

"other people?"

"Well, a horrible fellow."

Zui Xin suddenly thought of Master Feng Long that Chu Tian said just now, so he asked strangely, "Could it be Master Feng Long?"

"Well, do you know each other?"

"I've heard of it, but it's just fragments."

"Oh? Where did you hear that?"

"Want to know?"


"Come with me." After Zui Xin finished speaking, he took Chu Tian with him and left, and they walked around, and finally came to a deserted city, where the weeds had already entangled around the city walls, just like a grass city.

That Zui Xin led Chu Tian inside and said, "It used to be Master Feng Long's favorite city, but after the dragon seal was completed, they also dispersed collectively, but people often come here to explore, but they didn't find anything. "

After hearing this, Chu Tian asked, "Oh? So, it's hard to find out about them?"


Chutian had no choice but to open his clairvoyance and look around, until he saw thick smoke on the side, and he was cooking there, just like ordinary people, which made Chutian curious, "There are ordinary people."

"Ordinary people? How is it possible?"

"You come with me."

Chu Tian led the puzzled Zui Xin to a hut after a while, and there was indeed someone inside the hut, and it was an old lady.

The old lady was bending over to burn a match, and the fire was covered with medicine, which had a strong smell of medicine. Chu Tian frowned, but Zui Xin hurried forward and said, "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

"I, cough, stew medicine." The old woman's white hair was wrapped around her head, as if she was about to die, and Zui Xin said kindly, "I'll help you."

I saw Zui Xin triggering a flame to hit the medicine, but at this moment the medicine suddenly sent out a powerful airflow and rushed into the Zui Xin's body, and Zui Xin sat down powerlessly on the spot.

The old lady laughed and said, "Young man, how can you be so careless."

At this time, the old lady turned around and turned into a young man, and he was still a bit handsome, but he looked at Zuixin evilly, and Zuixin was shocked, "Could it be, you, you are the Wanshen who is rumored to be able to change his appearance with drugs."

"Wan Shen is my master, and I am his apprentice, Lu Kai."

Zui Xin was in a hurry and wanted to ask Chu Tian for help, but that Lu Kai stared at Chu Tian and said with a smile, "Boy, you can't escape either."

"I didn't intend to run away." Chutian was straightforward, that Lu Kai looked at Chutian strangely, "Oh? Are you not afraid?"

"Did you say these poisons?"

"Yes, these poisons are my unique formula. No one has an antidote except me."

Chu Tian has the Immortal Seed, which is a thing with strong vitality, and any poison can be cured, so he didn't take it seriously at all, and walked towards Zui Xin, grabbed her with one hand and said with a smile, "I'll do it."

This Zui Xin looked at Chu Tian in surprise, and Chu Tian injected a force into Zui Xin's body, and Zui Xin recovered, that Lu Kai was shocked, "Boy, it's impossible, what are you doing."

"Me? Of course it's saving people."

Lu Kai snorted, a puff of smoke rose from his body, and the smoke flew towards Chutian, wanting to swallow Chutian, but Chutian was very calm, as if it had nothing to do with him and said, "Why? Just this bit of poison, you want to hurt me?"

Lu Kai was surprised, and then planned to attack, but Chu Tian said, "It's useless, you can't do anything to me."

But Lu Kai wanted to move, and even grabbed Chutian with his palm, but Chutian's powerful force exploded, and the five planets hit him, and that person was immediately blown away.

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Do you want to continue?"

That Lu Kai didn't expect Chu Tian to be so scary, and then snorted, "Boy, let me tell you, I won't be afraid of you."

At this time Lu Kai disappeared, and Chu Tian looked at Zui Xin, "It's all right."

Only then did Chutian say, "Go, catch him, he should know something about this city."

Zui Xin had no choice but to follow quickly, while Chu Tian used his clairvoyance to scan around, and soon found the direction in which the other party was fleeing, and immediately chased after him until Chu Tian came to the entrance of an underground palace.

The door of that underground palace was closed tightly at the moment, and the drunk core worried, "This underground palace doesn't seem simple, let's not go in."

"It's all here, you must go in and have a look."

"But this."

"Okay, don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen." After Chu Tian finished speaking confidently, he walked forward step by step, but when he was about to approach the door, the surroundings suddenly became foggy.

That Lu Kai's voice sounded around, "Boy, what's the matter, I'm so scared."

"What? The fog will trap me?"

"It's ridiculous, this is a formation. When you get here, if you don't know how to walk, you will be swallowed by the formation. In the end, only bones are left, you know?"

"Bones? Are you trying to say that this formation is full of poison?"

"Yes, the formation is full of strange poisons, some of which I can't solve." That Lu Kai became proud.

(End of this chapter)

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