Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1678 His Identity

Chapter 1678 His Identity
Chu Tian smiled confidently, and then his body flashed with green light. This is the green light released by the immortal seed, which has strong vitality and can also detoxify.

Under the green light, Chu Tian and Zui Xin had nothing to do, that Lu Kai didn't believe it, "How is it possible, why are you fine."

"This is my business, do I need to report to you?"

That Lu Kai stared angrily, "Boy, believe it or not, I let you try this formation to be more powerful."

"Oh? Then try it."

Lu Kai snorted, and then the fog around the formation disappeared, and a bunch of bugs appeared instead, and these bugs made a buzzing sound, and all of a sudden they reached Chu Tian and Zui Xin.

When Drunk Core saw the change of this bug, he was startled, "It's a man-eating bug."

"Is it great?"

"It ignores heat and cold and is very domineering."

Chu Tian didn't believe it, so he tried to attack, but these bugs could quickly avoid them. When Chu Tian released Huo Yao around again, these bugs could walk through the flames.

This surprised Chu Tian, ​​and that Lu Kai laughed loudly, "Boy, do you know you're wrong?"

"These bugs are really powerful, but they can't hurt me."

That Lu Kai thought Chu Tian was joking, so he laughed and said, "Boy, I hope you can be so crazy later."

"Really? Then I'll be crazy with you to the end." After Chutian finished speaking, the magic whip appeared, and it could beat up the beasts and trash.

Chutian naturally didn't pay attention to these rubbish bugs, and the whip was still twitching rapidly. The moment the whip hit, those bugs were directly blown away or split into two pieces.

The drunk core gasped, and couldn't believe that Chutian was so scary, but Chutian looked into the dark at the moment, "I said, is there any more? It can't be that much."

That Lu Kai almost didn't vomit blood from the anger, so he could only curse in the dark, and finally snorted, "Boy, let me tell you, even so, you can never come in."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, but continued to enter the underground palace, and soon the door of the underground palace opened automatically, which made Zui Xin anxious, "Is there something wrong with this door?"

"No matter what, you have to go in and have a look." Chu Tian was straightforward, and then walked forward step by step, and soon something unexpected happened, and the underground palace door automatically closed.

Soon, blue flames lit up around Chu Tian and the two of them, and these blue flames were embedded in the wall. As for that Lu Kai, he still proudly said in the dark, "Boy, this underground palace is called the Palace of Death, you actually came here Let’s just die here slowly.”

But Chu Tian asked back, "This is the underground palace left by Master Feng Long, so why can you freely enter and exit here?"

"That's my business."

"Do you have any relationship with these dragon masters?"

Lu Kai said arrogantly, "Why should I tell you? What skills do you have that deserve me to tell you."

"It's okay, when I catch you, you can tell me naturally."

"It's ridiculous, but you still want to catch me? You are so naive."

Chu Tian didn't speak, but looked at Zui Xin, "Follow me."

Zui Xin is not a fool, she knows that this place is full of dangers, if Chu Tian didn't lead the way, she would be looking for death here.

So Zui Xin followed Chu Tian carefully, not daring to make mistakes until Chu Tian came to the front and saw a fountain, and this fountain was carved out of a dragon stone statue.

At the same time, the fountain spewed out streams of air, and Chu Tian stared at the air, "What is this?"

Zui Xin was also puzzled, so he stepped forward, looked at the green gas that spewed out, and said, "This, could it be the legendary dragon gas?"

"Dragon Qi?"

"Well, according to legend, just a breath of dragon energy can make people infinitely stronger, but I didn't expect there to be so much dragon energy here."

Chutian didn't understand it very well, but he still grabbed the ball with one hand, wanting to see how powerful the qi was, and then the qi entered Chutian's hands, and Chutian immediately felt that he had become different.

It was as if the gas was spinning wildly in his body, which made Chu Tian suspicious, "What does this mean?"

After a while, Chu Tian really felt his power suddenly changed, as if he had become stronger, so Chu Tian continued to absorb it until he suddenly summoned the ancient dragon.

This was something Chu Tian didn't expect, and the sixth-generation ancient dragon stared at the scene in front of him and around him and sighed, "Dragon Palace."

"Dragon Palace?"

"Well, this used to be a place where many dragons liked to come, and this is the Dragon Palace."

Chutian didn't expect such a thing, and the giant dragon began to miss it here. As for the drunk core, she was stunned. She didn't expect Chutian to communicate with the dragon.

As for Chu Tian asked, "Here, are you familiar with it?"


"Can you help me?"

"what are you going to do?"

"I want to find someone, and I want to find something about Master Feng Long."

Julong was obviously a little disappointed when he heard the words Feng Longshi, "Feng Longshi, they may have been here, and they may even have destroyed this place. As for whether there are still people here, I don't know, I can only try my best to see." .”

"Well, then you help."

Seeing the dragon flying out and disappearing all of a sudden, the drunk core was curious, "Where did it go?"

"It roams around here and tells me what it sees." That Chutian said, Zui Xin didn't expect to be able to do this and then asked, "Then what is your relationship with it?"

"Let's have a partnership."

After Chutian finished speaking, he stopped talking, and this Zuixin always felt that things were not that simple. As for the dragon, he came back after spending about half an hour, and passed everything he saw to Chutian.

Finally disappeared, but before disappearing, he said to Chutian, "I have found everything I need to look for, and these are all I saw, and the rest is up to you to search slowly."

Chu Tianensheng, now he calmed down, sucked up the rest of the fountain, and then went with Zui Xin, while Lu Kai was hiding in a place at the moment, thinking that no one would find him.

But after a while, Chu Tian pushed open a stone door and stared at Lu Kai who was hiding in the secret room, "Do you think you can escape?"

That Lu Kai stared at Chutian in shock, "How is it possible, how do you know I'm here."

"This is my secret, I don't need to report it to you."

That Lu Kai started to panic, "Boy, speak up if you have something to say."

"Speak well? What aspect are you talking about?" This Chutian stared at Lu Kai, and Lu Kai panicked, "Me."

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I just want to ask, do you have anything to do with Master Feng Long?"

That Lu Kai gritted his teeth and said, "Did I tell you that you let me go?"

"Look at my mood."

That Lu Kai had no choice but to say, "I am the apprentice of one of the dragon masters, and my master used to be the dragon master."

Zui Xin was surprised, but Chu Tian asked as expected, "So, your master asked you to come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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