Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1682 Earth God Armor

Chapter 1682 Earth God Armor
But Chu Tian glanced at these people, and then said politely, "Everyone, I'm here to do something, and I'm not here to disturb you."

But the leader put on a straw hat and pointed at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, no one is allowed to enter here, you should leave quickly, or today will be your death day here."

Others also shouted, "Back!"

Chu Tian came here for the second formation, how could he just leave like this, so he teased, "Sorry, I want to go in, no one can stop me."

The man with the straw hat snorted, "If you speak wild words, I will send you to death!"

Then the man went down with a sword, and the wooden sword looked ordinary, but the power it struck was strange, tearing a crack in the area where Chu Tian was.

The crack opened little by little, Chu Tian hurriedly retreated from the crack, he didn't want to stay here to seek death, but those people were unwilling and shot arrows again.

The arrow pierced through the space, as if trying to shoot the space to pieces, but Chu Tian disappeared from the original position as soon as he dodged.

Chu Tian was very calm, then stared at those people, "Do you want to continue?"

Those people were shocked, they never thought that Chutian was so scary, but Chutian laughed, "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense, now I should go."

Seeing Chu Tian disappearing from these people with a whimper, those people were shocked, and the man with the straw hat waited frantically, "Stop him, stop him!"

But Chutian still leaped wildly, passing through countless mountains and forests, and finally landed in a valley. Chutian looked at the surrounding valleys and took a deep breath, "It seems that it is near here."

After sighing for a while, Chu Tian began to calm down and planned to continue shopping.

But at this moment, the group of people fell down and surrounded Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian smiled wryly, "Everyone, I really mean nothing, don't stare at me like this."

"Hmph, anyone who comes to us will die."

Chu Tian was too lazy to argue with them, thinking how to quickly find the entrance of the formation, and just go in by himself, so he began to search around with his clairvoyance, and finally found some strange rocks not far away.

Chu Tian made a leap and flew towards those rocks from the same place. The people present were all shocked. They never expected Chu Tian to be so crazy, so they wanted to stop him again.

But when Chutian entered the stone forest, the leader shouted in shock, "Stop."

But Chu Tian didn't stop, but the group of them stopped. Obviously, these people didn't dare to enter the forest, as if there was something in the forest.

Chu Tian turned around to look at those people and said with a smile, "What? Don't continue?"

"Boy, don't be crazy, it won't end well."

"Oh? Really? Then I'll wait, I'll see what's in here." Chu Tian turned around indifferently, and then entered the mountain forest, where strange sounds resounded everywhere.

Rumbling, these voices lingered around, but Chu Tian looked around calmly, until he saw these rocks rolling by themselves, showing curiosity.

At this time, those rocks suddenly gathered together, blocking Chu Tian there, and at the same time, an old voice said from among these rocks, "Young man, you have to pay a price for coming here."

Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, but watched silently.

The voice asked strangely, "Why? No talking?"

"I'm just curious."


"Yes, I was wondering who you are and why you are here."

"I'm not a human being, I'm a stone spirit, and I'm the one guarding this formation." The voice said simply, but Chu Tian laughed, "Oh? Really? Then if I break this formation, don't I have to defeat it first? you."


Chu Tian had no choice but to say, "That's the case, then I will compete with you, and let me see how capable you are."

"Young man, I live as long as the sky, I am already very old, and I have seen everyone, do you think you can deal with me?"

"It's hard to say, what if there is."

"Okay, I'll test you right now."

At this time, the stone monster emitted strange powers, and the surrounding stones continued to squeeze, intending to kill Chutian inside, and Chutian's body was flashing with green light.

Seeing these green lights make these stones fall off one by one, the stone monster was puzzled, "How is it possible, how come you have immortal seeds."

"I just have it, and the immortal seed is wood, you are soil, wood overcomes soil, right?"

"Boy, you are right, it is indeed Mu Ketu!"

"Then you will retreat by yourself? Or I will break it."

After hesitating in the dark, the stone monster said, "Boy, I've just started, and it's not over yet."

"Oh? I don't know what else you want?"

At this time, the place where Chutian was was suddenly empty, as if the earth had split open, and a huge crack appeared. The stone monster was overjoyed, and then Chutian fell down.

When Chutian fell a certain distance, he entered a closed space, and there were stones everywhere, the stone monster said with a smile, "You will be trapped here forever and wait to die."

"I won't die."

"Won't you die? Kid, who do you think you are?"

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Chu Tian smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, then I will let you take a look."

Soon after Chutian finished speaking, he began to sit cross-legged, and then the green light of the immortal seed in his body was released, and it was extremely strong.

At this time, Chutian gradually turned into a big tree, and his whole body was like the fusion of heaven and earth. The stone monster in the dark was puzzled, "Strange, what's going on?"

After Chutian pondered there for a long time, the green light had enveloped the entire space. This was the first time that Chutian released all the green lights of the Immortal Seed one by one.

The purpose of doing this is nothing more than to fill the place with the power of wood, and then use the power of wood to destroy the power of the surrounding soil.

I saw these rocks collapsing everywhere, and the whole space seemed to lose its support all of a sudden. There was a loud bang, and the surrounding space gradually shattered.

The green light shot up into the sky, and Chu Tian walked through it like a green shadow, and everything he went was broken, until Chu Tian came to a place and looked at an old man with a brown light in front of him.

"I said senior, is this enough?"

That old man was the stone monster, and he sighed, "Maybe, you are really the inheritor."

After speaking, the stone monster turned into a brown light and suddenly entered Chutian's body, and Chutian found that he had an extra layer of hard soil armor, and as long as he had a thought, it would turn into a brown light to protect himself.

This made Chu Tian exclaim, "What kind of ability is this? It's amazing."

Then a message flashed, "Earth God Armor."

Chu Tian didn't expect that he could get a new ability after breaking a formation, and he was overjoyed. He even seemed to know what the third one was.

(End of this chapter)

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