1683 Phantom
Soon Chutian sensed the whereabouts of the third Six Paths Formation, and then he packed up his mood and left here. When he went outside, he saw that group of barbarians were still here.

Seeing these savages looking at Chu Tian resentfully, Chu Tian laughed, "Don't look at me like that, it's useless."

The man with the straw hat fixed his eyes on Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, do you know what death is like?"

Chu Tian smiled confidently, "I don't have time to play with you, play slowly by yourself."

Chu Tian packed up his mood and disappeared from the original position. When he reappeared, he had already left there. The man with the straw hat looked around, even wanting to know what happened just now.

As for Chutian's leap, he disappeared from his original position, and when Chutian reappeared, he had already arrived at a certain place.

There is a huge formation in this place, so that when viewed from the outside, the formation flickers, and it is impossible to know what is behind the formation.

"Could it be that this is a phantom formation?" After Chu Tian pondered for a while, he planned to look around, but after Chutian entered the formation, the surrounding scene changed.

Chutian walked forward step by step curiously, but at this moment various laughter came, these laughter seemed to be teasing Chutian, and Chutian's eyes flashed with lightning.

The eyes with lightning swept across, there was nothing in front of him, and a bunch of shadows appeared immediately, and these shadows screamed there after being hit on the spot.

Some people were still angry, until a big man who looked like a phantom lantern came to Chutian, and then the big man stared at Chutian and said solemnly, "Boy, I am warning you now, don't step into the phantom star field again."

"Phantom star field?"

"Yes, this is the Phantom Starfield!"

Chu Tian said after saying, "I have something to do, please step aside."

"Jean? Who do you think you are?" The big man didn't take it seriously, he didn't even put Chutian in his eyes, but Chutian ignored it, and when he was about to make a move, the big man disappeared and appeared behind Chutian, and even said, "Boy , see, here, we can move freely, but you can't find me."

At this moment, Chu Tian opened his thunder eyes again, the lightning can penetrate the space, the other party immediately screamed and cursed, "Bastard."

"I said, don't stop me, or you will regret it."

After saying this, Chutian continued to move forward, but those people did not dare to touch Chutian, and the big man hurriedly left, as if he was looking for something, after spending half an hour with Chutian, he came flash city.

In this city, buildings and people flicker everywhere, and there is nothing special about them at all. As for the big man who fell from the sky, he brought a group of people down.

These people all stared at Chu Tian strangely, and the big man in the head said respectfully to them, "My lords, this is the outsider."

The leader was an old man wearing a purple robe, who was also twinkling. He stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Young man, what's your name, what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a six-path formation. As for me, my name is Chutian."

The other party hesitated and said, "I am the Great Elder of the Phantom Starfield, Ziying."

"Elder, I don't mean to harass you, I just want to enter that formation."

But Ziying said, "I think you are extraordinary, but I still have to remind you that you must pass our test to enter this formation. I don't know if you have the guts."

"What? Test? Say it and see."

That Ziying smiled slightly, and then looked at the people beside her, "Everyone, come on, let's fight him hard."


Those people suddenly turned into phantoms and surrounded Chu Tian, ​​who curiously said, "This is it."

"Take a good fight with you." That Ziying laughed, and Chu Tian said with a smile, "Then I won't be polite."

At this time those people moved, and I saw that the attacks of these people were very miraculous, like phantoms, they arrived in front of Chu Tian at once, and Chu Tian quickly avoided it.

That Ziying admired, "It's amazing, the speed is quite fast, but it's not enough, continue."

Chu Tian laughed, "Oh? Isn't it enough? Then continue."

Seeing that Chu Tian continued, avoiding the attacks of these people one by one, and hitting them one by one with lightning, when these so-called thugs were severely injured one by one, this Ziying couldn't calm down, and hurriedly said, " Alright, it's almost here, let's go here."

"that's all?"

"Well, that's it."

Chu Tian smiled, "That's okay, please make way."

The purple shadow had no choice but to lead Chutian away, and the others all wondered who this Chutian was and why he was so terrifying, but Chutian didn't speak, until they reappeared, they had already arrived at an altar.

This altar looks ordinary, but if you look closely, it is really different, especially the surroundings of the altar are strange, and there is a small formation wrapped around it.

"This altar needs our people to open it, and you only see an illusion now."

Chu Tian asked curiously, "Then how do I get in?"

That purple shadow said with a smile, "It's very simple. You can see that there are four pillars around you. You only need to break the pillars one by one to gain our power. Otherwise, you won't be able to open this formation."

Chu Tian didn't expect to open these stone pillars to open the formation, but he didn't give up, then stared at these stone pillars, and then came to a stone pillar, and just started hitting it, but this stone pillar had no effect at all.

Chu Tian had no choice but to take a deep breath, intending to try again, but the result was still the same, and he couldn't open it at all.

That purple shadow smiled, "Don't waste your energy, it's useless, you can't open it."

But Chutian was not reconciled, he still wanted to try hard, so he calmed down and attacked the stone pillar again. Soon the stone pillar was shaking, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

However, the corner of Chu Tian's mouth curled up, and then the power of the ancient dragon was activated in his body. In this way, the power increased dramatically, and the stone pillar was blown away in an instant.

Ziying was stunned, and Chutian used such strength to break the remaining three stone pillars, then looked at Ziying who was stunned and smiled and said, "How about it, is this okay?"

"Boy, you are much better than I imagined."

Chu Tian smiled, "Thank you for the compliment."

"Okay then, you can watch it."

At this time, the red light of the altar was flickering, as if it was about to change at any time, but Chu Tian stared at the altar until the altar was completely cracked and a space crack appeared. Once you go, you may not come back, you have to think about it."

"rest assured."

Chutian then made a leap and entered the space crack, and after Ziying watched for a while, the big man appeared, he asked puzzledly, "Grand Elder, why did you let him in?"

"He, maybe this inheritor."

(End of this chapter)

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