Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1684 Shadow Counterattack

Chapter 1684 Shadow Counterattack
The big man was a little surprised, apparently he thought it would be too unimaginable for Chutian to be an inheritor, but Chutian had already entered the depths of the altar.

Here, he saw countless reflective planes, like a mirror, and in this mirror, he saw countless images of himself.

When Chu Tian looked at these figures, seeing them shaking, Chu Tian wondered how these figures could move by themselves, and they still acted as if they had messed with them, and some even laughed at him.

Chutian had no choice but to try to attack a mirror, and the mirror immediately bounced back with a force, trying to shock Chutian to death, but Chutian quickly turned into nothingness and avoided the original position.

The attack also disappeared, and Chu Tian exclaimed in disbelief, "Here, what's going on."

However, at this moment, all the figures in the mirrors suddenly faced Chu Tian, ​​and then each of them released a white light, and these white lights were all gathered together and emitted.

The place where Chutian was immediately exploded. Chutian tried to turn into nothingness, but there was already white light all around, and he couldn’t hide at all. He had to open the earth god armor, that layer of stone-like skin, to protect his whole body .

As these white lights hit Chutian, they did not cause any harm to Chutian, and Chutian felt relaxed, "Go on, go on!"

But these mirrors became calm again, and those figures gradually disappeared, which made Chu Tian wonder, "It's strange, it was still here just now, why did it disappear."

At this time, a staircase appeared in front of Chutian, and on this staircase, there were countless Chutians standing there, they were laughing there, sad there, sad there, and crazy there.

"This, is it me?" Chu Tian couldn't believe it, but there was a reflective stone at the end of the stairs, and these shadows seemed to be reflected from these reflective stones.

"What do you mean?" Chu Tian stared at the reflective stone in surprise, until after Chu Tian strolled closer, these shadows also approached, as if they were about to explode.

"Could it really be a copy of me?" Chu Tian had a feeling, so he wanted to try it, and saw him rushing over, and saw these shadows rushing towards him crazily.

Chu Tian sighed secretly, "It really is a shadow."

At this time, a voice from the system flashed, "Ding~ I got [-] insight points."

Chu Tian was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that such a sentiment would have a sentiment value, which was beyond his imagination, so he calmed down and continued.

When these shadows touched Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian directly continued to protect himself with the earth god armor, and rushed up one by one to disperse the shadows until Chu Tian saw the multi-faceted mirror.

"Here, how many faces are there?"

Chutian held a fist-sized mirror with one hand and muttered. At this time, the mirror turned into white light and entered Chutian's body one by one. Chutian realized the immortal magic hidden in the mirror, "Phantom Art."

"Phantom technique? It actually allows the opponent to encounter multiple selves, and the attack can also be copied and rebounded."

Chu Tian sighed secretly, but he also found a word, although this phantom technique is powerful, as long as his defense is strong enough, those phantoms still can't hurt him.

So Chu Tian smiled, "Although you are powerful, you still can't do anything to me."

After realizing something, Chu Tian packed up his mood and left here, intending to go to the fourth place, but after flying out, the great elder stopped him in surprise, "Young man, can we have a chat."

"Chat? I don't know what you're talking about?"

"I wonder if you took the thing inside."

Chu Tian hummed bluntly, but the great elder could only say, "This thing is extraordinary, you must be careful and don't use it indiscriminately."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"It reflects others, and at the same time, it is easy to retaliate." After saying this, the elder bid farewell to Chutian, turned and left, and Chutian muttered to himself, "Retaliation?"

After meditating for a while, Chu Tian didn't think too much, turned around and leaped, and disappeared from his original position. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the star field where the fourth Heavenly Dao Formation was located.

This fourth star field is extraordinary, because after Chu Tian entered, he found that his whole body was light and light, and the attack he made also disappeared.

"Strange, what is this place?"

Chu Tian tried a leap, but the speed was very slow, which made him wonder why everything seemed to have changed when he arrived in this star field.

However, at this moment, a black light flashed in front of the sky, and finally a palace appeared in the black light, and a person stood outside the palace at this moment, looking at Chu Tian with a smile.

This person looked strange, but his aura was somewhat familiar. After thinking for a while, Chu Tian became surprised, "You are the one who snatched the Nine Dragon Sword."

"Yes, I am from the Shadowless Realm."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "How did you know I would come here?"

"I don't know, it's just that I've been hiding in this star field. I thought I'd find a way to deal with you, but you're lucky enough to send it to your door yourself, boy, can you blame me?" the man burst out laughing.

Chu Tian was puzzled, this world is so big and there are so many star fields, but he came to this guy's hiding place, so Chu Tian felt something was wrong and asked, "I think it's as simple as staying here, right?" .”

"What do you know?" The other party put away his smile and became wary, while Chu Tian said with a smile, "Six Dao Formation, a formation here, you should be very interested."

The man's eyes widened as soon as he heard it, and he said suspiciously, "Boy, how do you know what I'm here for?"

"Because that's what I'm here for."

The other party laughed when he heard this, "Boy, you should give up. I have already understood this star field. You can't step into it at all. But I, with this hall, can move around at will."

Chu Tian looked at the hall, and found that the hall was really extraordinary, but he said, "As long as I want to do it, no one can stop me."


"Didn't the dragon tell you?"

The corner of the man's mouth curled up, "Master Molong said that you are terrible, but in my eyes, you are nothing more than that."

"Then come if you have any means, I'm afraid you won't have a chance later."

But the man sneered, countless purple airflows suddenly flew out from the hall, and these purple airflows began to wrap around Chutian, as if to swallow Chutian.

Chutian's earth god armor blocked the airflow, and his eyes flashed with lightning, directly hitting the man standing outside the hall. After being hit, the man cursed, "Bastard, you."

"This is just the beginning." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he leaped over, and the man snorted, holding both hands, and suddenly a powerful force erupted from the opponent's palm.

Seeing this, Chu Tian immediately used the phantom technique, and as soon as the opponent's attack came over, countless shadows appeared instantly to counter the opponent's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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