Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1687 Flirtatious

Chapter 1687 Flirtatious
Chutian's whole body flickered there, and finally rushed into the crack, and then the crack disappeared, and the stone statue also disappeared, and Chutian was standing in a golden tower at this moment.

On this tower, there are still two people at this moment, one is the shadowless man, and the other is the city lord. The city lord is still hunched over and staring at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, why do you still want to break in?"

"You helped him, and I will clean it up with you." Chu Tian said without paying attention to the city lord, and the city lord smiled strangely, "Young man, don't be too crazy, you won't be too crazy. "

"Oh? Really? Then try it."

The city lord became impatient, and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Today, I must destroy you."

"Come on, just don't hide."

The city lord looked at Wuying, "Let's go together."

Wuying knew that Chutian was powerful, so he said, "This kid is not easy, he can't force it, he must find a way!"

The city owner immediately looked at Wuying, "Let's go."

The shadowless man didn't know what the city master was doing, but he kept up, and then the two of them exited the tower, and the tower's golden light barrier appeared, trapping Chutian inside, and then the city master said, "Now let's see how he dies in the tower." In this tower."

The shadowless man asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple, this kid must die today!"

Then the golden light in the tower flickered, and it began to attack Chutian frantically, and these golden lights were very violent, like bayonets trying to enter Chutian's body.

Chu Tian quickly protected himself with the Earth God Armor, and then said, "Come on, continue, don't waste time!"

Seeing that Chutian was fine, the city lord was not reconciled, and continued to increase the power on the tower, and then the attack in the tower became more ferocious.

Chu Tian smiled, "Think this will be useful?"

Afterwards, the Chutian demon magic was activated, the power in the body began to soar, and the five-element ball was also activated, and then the five-element ball began to expand. The city lord looked at the shadowless man curiously, "What's going on here?"

The shadowless man hesitated, "This is his attack, it's very scary."

The city lord didn't believe it, and said deeply, "Is it as powerful as me?"

"Don't underestimate him, he's really not that simple."

Chutian suddenly exploded the layer of light, and then the rays of light shot around, but Chutian flew out, and then looked at the city lord, "Are you still here?"

The city lord stared at Chu Tian in shock, "Impossible."

Chu Tian directly hit the city lord with a ball, the whole body of the city lord bang and hit the ground heavily, the shadowless man was shocked, he wanted to escape, Chu Tian suddenly came to him, "I won't let you go now."

"Hmph, boy, here I am, I can leave as soon as I want."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "Don't you want the Nine Dragon Sword?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can take it out, but I'm afraid you won't be able to take it away."

The other party's eyes lit up and said, "If you can take it out, I can definitely take it away."

"Okay, that's what you said." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he threw out the Nine Dragon Sword. The shadowless man was overjoyed, rushed to the sword, grabbed the sword with one hand and laughed, "Boy, my gone."

After the shadowless man finished speaking, he wanted to take the sword and leave, but Chu Tian smiled strangely, and suddenly the Nine Dragon Sword released an enchantment, and Nine Dragon Shadow entangled him.

The shadowless man was shocked, "How could this be?"

"I forgot to tell you, this Nine Dragon Sword can be used in conjunction with nine Dragon Balls, and then release an enchantment to seal you inside."

"No, it's impossible, Master Molong didn't tell me this."

Chu Tian laughed and said, "That's because I only found out about it recently, how is it? Is it cool?"

Wuying became anxious, and even stared at Chutian angrily, "Boy, I'm going to kill you."

"Kill me? Just you? Don't you think you are too weak?"

The shadowless man wanted to go out, but found that the enchantment of the Nine Dragon Sword was slowly shrinking. He was unwilling to roar, "Boy, Lord Demon Dragon, I won't, I won't let you go."

Chu Tian didn't care, he held the sword in one hand, and then eight dragon balls flew out of his body, "Although there are only eight dragon balls, it's no problem to control it at all."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, then stared at the city lord with his sword in his hand, "Now tell me how to get out."

The city owner became nervous, and even stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Okay, I, I'll just tell you."

Then the city lord opened the stone statue, and the two left here. The city lord had seen Chu Tian's horror before, so he didn't dare to hurt Chu Tian at will, but Chu Tian followed there calmly.

After a while, the city lord pointed to a stone gate, "This, here is the Six Paths Formation."

"Didn't lie to me?"

"No, no." The city lord stammered, and Chu Tian pointed at him, "I hope what you said is right."

Afterwards Chutian entered the stone gate, and a long staircase appeared in front of his eyes. In this staircase, Chutian saw the fourth formation.

This formation is very strange. When Chutian walked in, he felt his whole body was light and light, as if he was not under his control. This made Chutian curious, "The first few are thunder, earth, and phantom, but this is like this? Representative What's the meaning?"

Chu Tian didn't understand, so he began to look for the root of this formation, but this formation is not simple, there are other killing formations, Chu Tian hurriedly put on the earth god armor to protect himself, so as not to let himself be hurt by these attacks.

"This is a little different." After being attacked several times, Chutian found that although these attacks were coming, they could penetrate and directly reach the soul.

Fortunately, Chutian's soul was strong enough, these attacks could not touch Chutian at all, but Chutian approached the source of the attack little by little, and after a while, Chutian saw the magical side.

That is, there is a cloud of air in front of him, this air is very miraculous, it becomes colorful all of a sudden, and then disappears again, Chutian approached this airflow curiously, when it touched the moment, this airflow frantically rushed into Chutian's body.

I saw that these air currents were going to disintegrate Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian's powerful physical body, no matter how crazy the air currents were, couldn't do anything to him. Instead, Chu Tian took a deep breath, "This should be enough."

Soon Chutian discovered the ability of the fourth formation, that is, it can create a layer of airflow, and in this airflow, a lot of power in the whole person can't be used, and it even feels light and light, like a goose feather, just like Chutian It's the same as flying outside before.

"What is this ability called?"

Chu Tian looked at the message one by one and said pleasantly, "Frivolity, this name is quite magical."

So Chu Tian packed up his mood and left from this formation, and in this air current, he could move freely, just like his own world.

Just like that, Chutian walked out of here, and the city lord stared curiously at Chutian who came out and asked, "You, are you alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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