Chapter 1688
Chu Tian stared at the city lord and said with a smile, "What? You want me to die?"

The city owner shook his head, "No, no, I don't."

"Okay, I'm leaving." After Chu Tian finished speaking, Leaping disappeared, leaving only the city lord covered in sweat, "It's so scary."

When Chutian reappeared, he had already arrived outside this star field, and then took a deep breath, "It's time to go to the fifth six-path formation."

Chu Tian calmed down and disappeared from his original position, but after he leaped for half a day, he came across a floating mountain, and this mountain was covered with a layer of blood, and the whole mountain was also red.

Not only that, but a voice came from inside the mountain, "Boy, I found you."

"Who?" Chu Tian showed a curious look, and the people on the mountain said, "My name is Shi Feng."

"Do I know you?"

But Shi Feng said with a smile, "I came all the way to find you according to Master Molong's wishes."

"Thousands of miles? The magic dragon?"

"Yes, our Shi family is one of the top ten families in this big world. It's very far away here. Naturally, I came all the way to find you."

After hearing this, Chu Tian knew that the other party was not from the Shadowless Realm and laughed, "The magic dragon is not simple, even in this world, you have arranged for your existence."

"Master Demon Dragon is sacred and inviolable."

"It's an inviolable one, but I want it anyway." Chu Tian didn't take it seriously, but this Shi Feng smiled, "Oh? Really? Then try."

Then suddenly a person came to Chu Tian, ​​and he was wearing brown armor, which seemed not easy.

At this moment, he even showed a look of contempt, "Boy, I am the immortal god, and you, the immortal god, do you think you have the ability to compete with me?"

"Oh? You think you are very powerful?" Chutian asked back. This Shi Feng smiled strangely, stretched out his right palm, and then a brown air flow condensed on his palm, and then stared at Chutian, "Boy, if I If you slap it out, you will surely die."

"Really? Then I want to know what you mean when you say you must die."

"Okay, then go to hell." The brown light in Shi Feng's right hand gathered countless sharp small stones, and then hit Chutian, and turned into a huge sharp boulder in front of Chutian.

When Chutian was about to be torn apart, a stream of air entangled Chutian's body, and countless phantoms appeared at the same time. That Shi Feng was surprised, "What's going on?"

"Do you know which one is me?" Chu Tian teased, and that Shi Feng stared at Chu Tian in shock, then looked around, "Impossible, boy, you, how did you do it."

"There is no need to report this to you."

"Damn it, I'll kill you all." This Shi Feng planned to kill Chu Tian, ​​but at this moment, the air current around Chu Tian made Shi Feng feel that he couldn't use all his strength and was shocked, "This, this what happened."

"Frivolity, you are the first to experience it."

"What?" That Shi Feng didn't know what was going on at all, he just felt that his body was light and his strength was restricted, but Chu Tian said with a smile, "Okay, it's time for me to make a move."

That Shi Feng started to get nervous, "You, what do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple, that is, I want to deal with you." After Chu Tian finished speaking, a bolt of lightning opened his eyes, and with a whiff, it hit Shi Feng.

That Shi Feng was blown away all of a sudden, and his whole body was burnt. Shi Feng was so angry that he cursed, "Boy, wait, I won't let you go."

"I am waiting."

Shi Feng gritted his teeth, and then disappeared from the original position with a leap. When Shi Feng reappeared, he had already returned to the mountain, and then cursed inside, "Boy, I'm going to kill you."

"Come and kill me, don't hide in the dark and shrink back."

"Don't worry, I will definitely let someone clean you up."

Then the mountain disappeared, Chu Tian smiled without saying a word, and then continued to go. After a few days, he arrived at a star field, and finally walked according to the fifth six paths.

However, the Six Path Formation is in a mountain range in front, but when Chutian walked over, he always felt that he was spinning in the distance, which made him puzzled, "Strange, why is it like this?"

Chu Tian thought it might be a formation, so he went to attack again, and at this time the mountain appeared again, and Shi Feng said proudly inside, "This is a thousand-fold psychedelic formation, and it is composed of thousands of psychedelic formations. , even if you are a formation master, it will be very difficult to break."

"Why are you here?"

"This is a branch of my Shi family, what's the matter? Do you have any opinions?"

Chutian didn't expect that the six formations were in the Shi family branch, but he still smiled slightly, "You think this is interesting?"

"Boy, let me tell you, Lord Molong knows everything about you, and he also knows that you are looking for the Six Paths Formation, but I will not let you break our Six Paths Formation."

Chu Tian was startled inwardly, "What kind of dragon master is this demon dragon? Why does he know everything?"

"What? Are you scared?" The man teased, but Chu Tian smiled and said, "I'm not afraid, but I want to continue to learn from you."

Shi Feng who heard this laughed loudly, and then teased, "Boy, give up, it's useless, here, I am the king, and you are just a blind man who can't even get out here."

Chu Tian rushed over in a leap, but found that the mountain seemed to be in front of him, but he couldn't get close to it. He always felt that it was in an intangible place.

That Shi Feng laughed there, "Boy, don't waste your energy, it's useless, I'm far away, it's just that you see it right in front of you."

Chu Tian suddenly realized that he could only use clairvoyance because he could not use Tianyan, but there were illusions everywhere, and clairvoyance could not penetrate at all, so Chu Tian could only meditate there.

"Boy, give up, haha."

But Chutian started to attack the surrounding space. This illusion absorbed Chutian's attack all at once, leaving Chutian unable to do anything about it. That Shi Feng laughed complacently, "Go on, go on, boy, go on if you can, if you don't , just kowtow to me and admit my mistake, I’m in a good mood, so I’ll let you out, otherwise you’ll be stuck here forever.”

Chu Tian sat down cross-legged, and then meditated quietly with his eyes closed. Shi Feng wondered in the dark, "What the hell is this guy doing?"

At this time, Chutian turned into a big tree, and a powerful vitality erupted, and then the powerful vitality affected some surrounding things.

The corners of Chu Tian's lips twitched, because an illusion is an illusion after all, and will not be changed by his own immortal seeds, but real things will, such as flowers and plants.

So Chutian immediately judged which roads were real and which ones were fake, but that Shi Feng didn't understand until Chutian suddenly opened his eyes and laughed, "That's it."

(End of this chapter)

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