Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1689 Special Prisoners

Chapter 1689 Special Prisoners
Shi Feng who was in the dark didn't know what Chu Tian was doing, but Chu Tian had already left his original position very quickly and passed through the formation all at once. Looking at Chu Tian in surprise, "How is that possible?"

Chu Tian looked at Shi Feng with a smile, "What's impossible?"

Shi Feng was so frightened that he controlled the mountain, and the mountain disappeared into the mountain range all of a sudden, and Chu Tian opened his clairvoyance, so he could see clearly the situation in the mountain range at this moment.

There were quite a few people around here, and they seemed to be guarding something. Just as Chu Tian was about to approach, a large army appeared in the air. These people were wearing armor like Shi Feng.

That Shi Feng came out from the crowd and said to a middle-aged man, "Uncle Six, that's him."

This man named Sixth Uncle looked like a middle-aged man, and he was stroking his beard with one hand and staring at Chu Tian, ​​"Young man, you are causing trouble here, and you don't want to live anymore?"

"Troublemaking? It's ridiculous, obviously your people provoked me first." Chu Tian pointed to Shi Feng, and Shi Feng immediately said to the man, "Uncle Six, he is the guy in the mouth of the Demon Dragon, and I also found him , to clean him up."

When the man heard this, he immediately laughed, "Boy, are you that Chutian?"


The man was overjoyed, "Alright, I cleaned you up today, so I can explain to Master Molong."

Hearing this, Chu Tian laughed and said, "Oh? Explain to Master Molong? It seems that your entire family is related to Molong."

"That's right, without the magic dragon, our Shi family wouldn't exist. What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Okay, then I will destroy your Shi family."

The middle-aged man laughed out loud when he heard it, and then teased, "Boy, you are really talking out loud."

"Crazy or not, you'll know later."

A spear appeared in the middle-aged man's hand, and then he would swing the spear, and the people around him dispersed, and then these people began to attack Chu Tian, ​​like afterimages, very fast.

Chu Tian smiled strangely, "You want to kill me like that? Naive."

Seeing Chutian's speed was very fast, all the people present were dumbfounded and wondered how this immortal Chutian did it, but Chutian ignored it, disappeared from his original position, reappeared, and had already arrived. In front of the middle-aged man.

At this time, Chutian turned into countless shadows, which was a phantom technique. The middle-aged man was curious which one was Chutian, but he had no time to think about it. Chutian's power hit the opponent.

The middle-aged man was directly blown away and fell into the mountains. The people around him were dumbfounded, and then quickly retreated to the side, not daring to approach Chutian.

As for Shi Feng, he was so frightened that he hid in the mountain, but he cursed inwardly, "Damn it, why does this bastard have such strength.

The people present were also curious about why this happened, and at this time the middle-aged man who was beaten into the mountains stood up again. At this time, the armor of his entire body had changed, and he pointed the spear at Chu Tian again, "Boy, it's just the beginning .”

Seeing this, Chu Tian teased, "What? Do you want to continue?"

"of course!"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, "To be honest, with your strength, you can't take me down."

"It's ridiculous, I'm the spear master of the Shi family, I don't believe I can't kill you."

Chu Tian had a half-smile, "Then I'll see how you, the gunslinger, killed me."

The man glared at Chu Tian, ​​and the spear in his hand shot countless spear shadows, and each shadow was stronger than the other, making the space around Chutian distort.

But Chutian turned into nothingness at this time, and at the same time the air flow was released, the man felt light all over his body immediately, and the attack he made was weakened, and he said in shock, "Boy, what the hell is this."

"Frivolous, but to tell you, you don't understand either."

"Hmph, I don't care what method you use, I must be broken."

Then the man waved the spear in his hand confidently, and soon the spear began to grow bigger, and when he swung it, the surrounding air flow was affected, but Chu Tian laughed and said, "It's useless, don't waste your energy."

Unwilling to reconcile, the opponent increased his strength, but he didn't touch anything, but instead saw a bunch of phantoms of Chu Tian. He immediately became alert, "Boy, come out for me."

"Get out? Do you think I'm a fool?"

Then these phantoms attacked together, and saw countless five-element balls gathered together, the man was frightened immediately, he never thought that Chu Tian would attack people.

Just as he was about to withdraw, those balls hit him. It was okay at first, but the number increased, and he was gradually injured. In the end, he spat out blood and cursed there, "Bastard, I will let you come and go."

After the other party finished speaking, the surrounding mountains began to change, as if they were about to enter a phantom array, and the middle-aged man disappeared, but Chu Tian quickly saw two shadows in front of him.

This shadow belongs to the middle-aged man and Shi Feng, and Shi Feng said there, "Boy, I didn't expect that we have formations here."

"What? Another phantom array."

"That's right, but this time we have added a killing array, and I will give you a good experience at that time."

Chu Tian laughed strangely, "Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Seeing that Chu Tian was still so confident, Shi Feng said, "Boy, just wait, you will regret it soon."

Chu Tian didn't speak, but Shi Feng had already made a move, and then the surrounding formations changed again, and they all disappeared, instead, there was a pile of flames, and these flames fell from the sky, as if they were going to smash Chu Tian to death.

Chu Tian knew that it was produced by the formation, and he also knew that he must find a way to break the formation, otherwise he would be smashed like this and easily consumed.

So he started to quickly shuttle through the formation, looking for flaws in the formation.

But there are countless formations intersecting in this formation. After Chutian shuttled through countless formations, he came to a mountain top, only to see that the mountain looked very ordinary, nothing.

But Chutian found that there were people in the mountain, so he began to search, and finally found an entrance in a crack. When Chutian walked in, he heard the sound of various iron chains, as if he was imprisoned.

Chu Tian curiously opened his clairvoyance, and saw that many people were imprisoned here, and they were all trapped there with special iron chains, until Chu Tian appeared, and they stared at Chu Tian strangely.

Chu Tian looked at them curiously, "What kind of place is this?"

Some dying people sighed, "This is the prison of the Shi family, young man, you come here, don't you know where it is?"

Of course Chu Tian didn't know, but he thought that the people here were prisoners, so someone should know how to leave, so he tried to ask, "I don't know, I came in by accident."

When everyone heard this, they stared at Chu Tian strangely, and Chu Tian said, "Don't worry, I didn't come to hurt you."

(End of this chapter)

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