Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1691: Swallowing Gravity

Chapter 1691: Swallowing Gravity

The blacksmith wondered how Chutian found the exit, so he stared at Chutian strangely, "This is it."

"Just follow me." After Chutian finished speaking, he walked towards a certain place. After a while, they walked out of the forest and saw a bunch of buildings.

These buildings are naturally the branch of the Shi family here, and there is a tower in the center of this branch. This tower is shining with the light of the formation. Chu Tian couldn't help asking, "Is that place the Six Paths Formation?"

The blacksmith looked at Chu Tian curiously, "You, do you know the Six Path Formation?"


After understanding, the blacksmith said, "This is the Six Paths Formation, and it is rumored that a demon is imprisoned in it, so please don't go in, it's very scary."

Chu Tian didn't care and said, "You'd better go to my space first, and I'll solve the trouble here later."

The blacksmith didn't know where the space Chutian mentioned was, but he was still very grateful that Chutian hid him in the space after the hum, and then Chutian calmed down.

After a while, many people appeared in the air, and Shi Feng and the others were still the leader. Shi Feng looked at Chutian in shock, "Impossible, you, aren't you trapped in that formation?"

But Chu Tian said with a smile, "Just the formation breaking method? Do you still want to trap me? It's too naive."

At this moment, Shi Huotian appeared, pointed at him and said, "It's him who took the blacksmith away."

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that it was Chutian who took the blacksmith away, but Chutian stared at them and said with a smile, "What? Do you want to punish me?"

Shi Feng knew how terrifying Chu Tian was, and there was no one who could match him at this moment, so he could only look at everyone coldly, "Get out!"

All these people disappeared suddenly, and soon the buildings in the town disappeared, only the tower remained, and Chutian came here for this tower, so he smiled at everyone, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you either."

Chu Tian collected his mood and left from here. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the foot of the tower.

Everyone in the dark was wondering what Chutian was going to do, but Chutian had already entered the tower, that Shi Huotian said in surprise, "Is this guy dying? He dared to enter there."

Shi Feng sneered, "This kid is self-righteous, he really thinks he can enter any place at will."

"Then what should we do? Shall we go in?" Shi Huitian asked curiously, Shi Feng was very calm, and even said, "I have notified the owner's place, and it is estimated that someone will be sent to collect the corpse soon."

"That's good."

As for Chutian, he could already hear ghosts crying and howling wolves at this moment, as if he was very angry, but Chutian was watching silently there calmly.

When Chutian took another step, a huge red shadow appeared, like a huge ape-man, and the ape-man looked at Chutian and roared, as if to demonstrate.

Chu Tian looked at the ape-man, and then at the back of him. There was a red shadow, and it was mad, like a certain person, and this person was entangled by the surrounding formations.

Chu Tian then stared at the ape-man back to his senses, "What are you doing?"

The ape-man stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Boy, I'm going to eat you."

Then the ape-man suddenly rushed towards Chutian, about to catch Chutian, but Chutian suddenly rushed over his body, came to the man and said, "Do you think a beast can eat me?"

The man then raised his head, staring at Chu Tian with blood-red eyes, "Boy, I'm a blood demon. I've been around for many years, and I haven't seen anyone like you."

"Blood Demon?"

"That's right, I'm a great blood demon. Anyone who sees me will be afraid, but you are not."

"Why should I be afraid?"

The gorefiend laughed strangely, "That's because you haven't seen how powerful I am."

"Then show your skills, so I can see how good you are, otherwise I thought you were bragging."

The blood fiend who heard this said coldly, "If this formation didn't trap me, I would have destroyed you long ago."

"Oh? Formation, let's talk about it after I go in and break the formation."

"Broken array? Who do you think you are?"

When Chu Tian came here, he didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and then turned around and entered a formation. The blood demon couldn't move at all, and could only sneer there, "It's ridiculous, that's it, you still want to go in?"

Chu Tian had disappeared into the formation at this moment, and what imprinted in front of his eyes was a mass of suction, as if it was crazily devouring the divine power in Chu Tian's body. Chu Tian was shocked, and quickly guarded himself to prevent himself from suffering.

Then Chutian approached step by step, this mass of attraction has always existed, which makes people curious about what it is and why it is so terrifying, at this moment the mass of attraction entered Chutian's body and began to absorb Chutian's power crazily.

Chu Tian suddenly turned pale, feeling as if his body was going to be sucked dry, while the blood demon outside laughed, "Boy, this suction is very powerful, most of my strength is restrained by him, otherwise I would have left early."

"This is the fifth Six Paths Formation, the attraction must be extraordinary."

So Chu Tian tried to absorb this force, but this force was very violent, struggling there crazily, Chu Tian had to force in one by one with Soul Devouring White Light, and then let this force compromise a little bit.

When this power completely entered Chutian's body, Chutian discovered that he had a strange power, that is, the force of gravity, which could bind other people's power, and even swallow other people's power.

This stunned Chu Tian and said, "This gravitational force is too overbearing."

At this time, the blood demon suddenly recovered a lot after the gravitational force disappeared, then turned around and looked at Chu Tian in the formation in shock, "Boy, what did you do?"

"Subdued by me."

The Gorefiend's eyes lit up immediately, "What? You subdued that thing."


The blood demon immediately showed a greedy look, "Well, give me that thing, and I will give you whatever you want."

Seeing that the other party was for this thing, Chu Tian smiled and said, "Do you think I will give it to you?"

The blood demon stared at Chu Tian's ignorance, "Boy, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

"Kill me? Do you think it's possible?"

When the blood demon saw that Chutian dared to tease him, the ape-man in front of him immediately became bigger, and this time it was stronger. With a punch, Chutian felt that the space in front of him was about to collapse.

But Chu Tian immediately turned into nothingness and floated around and said, "Do you think you can destroy me?"

"Boy, it's easy for me to kill you, so you'd better hand it over."

"Kill me? Have you forgotten how you were bound?"

"It's ridiculous. I was restrained because that thing became the core of the formation, and this formation trapped me. Otherwise, it would not be able to restrain me by itself."

Seeing the other party's confidence, Chu Tian said, "Then, I'll let you see its true power."

At this moment, Chu Tian first released a stream of air, which made the blood demon startled as if he couldn't use all his strength, "What is this?"

"Frivolous, but then that's what you want."

(End of this chapter)

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