Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1692 Courting Death!

Chapter 1692 Courting Death!

When Chutian used the force of gravity, the blood demon was completely unable to move, as if the power in his body had been sucked away by something, which made him growl hastily, and then the blood light flickered on his body, and the red mist radiated, filling the narrow space. within the space.

In this space, it became extraordinary in an instant, as if the space was distorting, and the screaming voice of the Gorefiend filled the space, and the Gorefiend disappeared all of a sudden, but the space was still blood red.

Chu Tian knew that the blood demon was not dead, and it used its own power to create such a strange space. Even when Chu Tian closed his eyes, he could feel a pair of eyes staring at him.

At this time, a red shadow flashed across the sky, and a pair of crescent-like eyes blinked there, and even said angrily with resentment, "Boy, this is the first time I have been tricked by someone in so many years! "

"Then I have to be happy?" Chu Tian asked back, and the moon shadow in the sky snorted, "Don't be too happy, I have already used my last strength to create a blood shadow space, and this space will slowly grow. Shrink, and you'll end up crushed to death."

Chu Tian glanced around suspiciously, only to see that the day began to get shorter, and the surrounding rocks became smaller, and even some trees shrank slightly, as if the whole world was shrinking all of a sudden.

Standing there, Chutian quickly felt a strong binding force, and this binding force slowly spread all over Chutian's body, and he could still hear the crackling sound of bones, as if the bones were about to break.

As for the blood in the body, the blood is being squeezed everywhere, and the body is also squeezed into a smaller body. However, Chutian does not have a purification system, so he cannot purify this force, so he can only rely on his own body to resist.

So he immediately opened an earth god armor, and then released the frivolous power, and the surrounding power gradually disappeared in an instant, and the feeling of being squeezed also dissipated.

The Gorefiend in the dark couldn't believe it, "He didn't die?"

"If you want to hurt me just relying on this kind of strength, then you give up." Chu Tian challenged the blood demon, and the blood demon was furious and roared there.

Countless blood-colored clouds sprayed out from the sky, and the blood-colored clouds turned into huge palms and slapped Chutian, but Chutian suddenly turned into an afterimage, very fast, and came to the pair of moon shadows, and then stretched out his hands , grabbed the corner of one eye with one hand and snorted, "Look, I won't destroy you!"

At this moment, Chu Tian turned on the gravity-swallowing force, and the blood demon screamed.


Waves of sounds echoed in the space, and then the originally shrunk space exploded with a "bang", and Chu Tian stood there, grabbing the already weak Gorefiend, "Should we continue?"

The Gorefiend started to panic, "Let me go, I, I will never fight your doctrine again."

"If I hadn't been stronger than you, I'm afraid I'd be the one who died now!" After Chu Tian finished speaking, he slapped him with his palm, the blood demon's face changed drastically, and a stone tablet flew out in front of him immediately.

At first Chutian thought it was just an ordinary stone tablet and didn't take it to heart, but when he saw the large characters on the stone tablet, he was surprised.

"Fairy Cave"

Chutian has been in this place several times, and each time he found something unexpected, but the stele was obviously different from others, so he stared at him coldly, "What the hell is this?"

The blood demon became nervous when he saw that Chutian was attracted by this, "This, this is the key to a mysterious place, I, I carry it with me all the time."

"Oh? Carry it on your body?" Chu Tian asked back.

The other party nodded heavily, his eyebrows trembled non-stop, his eyes were even less blood red, and he returned to normal, but he looked at Chu Tian in horror.

Only then did Chu Tian forcefully ask the specific location of this mysterious place and put away the stele, "This is considered to have saved your life, but I won't let you go without a reason."

The Gorefiend was shocked, "You, what are you going to do?"

"Seal you first." Chu Tian then sealed him and placed him in the space to prevent this guy from lying when he turns around.

After everything was done, Chu Tian calmed down and walked out of the tower, but there were already countless people gathered outside, among them Shi Feng said to a man with big ears, "He, that's him."

This big ear does not look weak, and has even reached the immortal god, but in Chu Tian's eyes, he is still no match for him, but this big ear shook his ears and said, "Boy, you can now Choose to live or die."

"Of course I choose to live."

"Really? Then you are so naive." After the big ears moved, a strange airflow appeared from the two ears, and then the airflow poured into Chutian's body.

Chutian instantly felt a lot of weird voices in his body, as if he had countless ears, and the big ear sneered, "Boy, this is called the power of the thousand ears, as long as I put this power into your body, you You will hear countless noises, and these noises can torture you alive, and even kill you."

Chu Tian didn't expect such a strange power to exist in this world, and Shi Feng laughed loudly at this moment, "Boy, you see, this is our Shi family's big-eared god."

"Big Ear God Venerable?"

"Yes, if you are afraid, quickly kowtow and confess, and then hand over the Nine Dragon Sword."

Chu Tian immediately had an idea when he heard the Nine Dragon Sword.

He took out the Nine Dragon Sword, stared at the people present in front of everyone and laughed, "Everyone, I don't need to be polite!"

At this time, the Nine Dragon Sword was dancing under Chu Tian, ​​and suddenly eight strange dragon shadows rushed out, and rushed directly to the big-eared god, and the big-eared god was crackling quickly with his hands, sending out a stream of air, trying to kill the eight dragons. The shadow hits the fly.

However, Longying was very strong, and the airflow that broke through the opponent hit him, and instantly the big-eared god was sent flying from the spot.

The people present were stunned, but Chutian jumped again and disappeared from the spot. When the big-eared god was about to get up, Chutian grabbed his shoulder with one hand and injected gravity.

This powerful gravitational force began to crazily absorb the opponent's power, and the big-eared deity suddenly panicked, "No, don't, I don't want it, don't hurt me."

But it was useless no matter how much the Big-eared God yelled, the power in his body flowed backwards, and he immediately turned into a downcast old man, and only the only big ear was left to distinguish, the distorted face had already changed, and the whole body was in that place. Twitching.

The people watching from a distance were stunned, until Chu Tian came back to his senses, Shi Feng's face was pale, and he wanted to escape quickly, but Chu Tian disappeared from the spot, reappeared, and had already pierced Shi Feng with his palm .

Shi Feng was like a big bird being shot, with a bang, he hit the ground heavily from the air.

(End of this chapter)

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