Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1693 Extraordinary Gravity

Chapter 1693 Extraordinary Gravity
Shi Feng was like a puddle of mud on the ground, and he was still struggling in pain, "I, I don't want to die!"

Chu Tian stepped on him, "Say! How did you find the magic dragon!"

"He, he's in the Shadowless Realm, how do I know!" Shi Feng replied in pain, Chu Tian said coldly, "So, it's useless to ask for you?"

Shi Feng panicked immediately, "Our Shi family has a teleportation platform, and every once in a while, someone from the Wuying Realm will send a message, and Lord Molong arranges us to do things through that."

"Oh? Teleporter?"

"Well, that's an ancient magic weapon called Wuyingtai."

"Okay, take me there!" After Chu Tian finished speaking, he asked Shi Feng to take him to the teleportation platform, and that Shi Feng shook his head, "No, I can't go, Lord Demon Dragon, yes, he will kill me."

"Oh? You're not afraid that I will kill you?"

Shi Feng is neither left nor right at the moment, he only wants to not die, so he looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Well, as long as you don't kill me, I will take you wherever you go, but you have to protect me."

"depend on mood."

Shi Feng was very depressed, but he had no choice but to lead Chu Tian to the main altar of the Shi family, and the star field where the main altar of the Shi family was located was an area full of formations.

At this moment, Shi Feng, who was seriously injured, led Chu Tian through the large formations, and finally arrived at the gate of the Shi family, and the Shi family already knew that Chu Tian was coming, countless floating rocks appeared in the sky.

There are many people standing in these rocks, and these rocks surround a huge black palace.

I saw an old man in black robe sitting there in the black palace, staring at Chu Tian and shouting, "Who is so courageous!"

"Get out of the way!" Chu Tian's words resounded loudly throughout the entire star field, and those people in the mountains shouted, "Who is so courageous, dare to challenge our Patriarch like this?"

"This guy, really don't take our Patriarch seriously?"

"I think this guy is here to die."

But the next moment, when Chutian released a powerful gravitational force, everyone in the surrounding mountains felt as if they were going to be sucked away, and they all screamed, "Hey, what is this kid doing?"

"What kind of power did that kid use!"

The patriarch in the palace was shocked, "Swallow, swallow gravity."

"That's right! Whoever blocks me today will die!"

Afterwards, the gravitational force became stronger and stronger, and everyone present was dumbfounded. They never thought that Chu Tian would be so terrifying.

Some people started to look at the Patriarch and shouted, "Patriarch, I can't stand it anymore, help me."

"Patriarch, hurry up and get him away."

"Master, me."

All of a sudden everyone was shouting, wishing to blow Chutian away, but the patriarch was depressed at the moment, because he could not use his power at the moment, and felt as if he was about to be sucked away.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he directly sucked up all the strength of the people he sucked in, and then threw them aside, leaving corpses all over the place.

Even those who were not sucked away were panicked and even kept shouting there, and Chu Tian stopped there after a long while.

However, in the entire area, only the Patriarch was fine, but this Patriarch was already sweating, sitting there trembling, clutching the chair fixed in the palace.

At this moment, Chu Tian jumped in front of him, "I said, this patriarch, is he going to stop me?"

The Patriarch sat there and stammered, "You, what are you going to do?"

"I want a shadowless stage."

The patriarch looked at Chu Tian in shock, "How do you know Wuyingtai?"

Chu Tian glared at him, and the patriarch immediately compromised, "I'll take you there, I'll take you there!"

The patriarch almost sat on the ground when he got up, but he still held on stiffly in the end, and then he got up and jumped to a place. When he fell, he came to a cave.

I saw an altar in this cave, which was shining with purple light, and there was a square stone above the altar, and the purple light was emitted from this stone.

It was the first time Chu Tian saw this stone, and felt that it was a bit unusual, especially there were many weird runes on it, and the Patriarch stammered and pointed at the stone, "This is it."

When Chutian leaped over and touched the stone with one hand, a powerful force directly knocked Chutian away, and the patriarch hurriedly explained, "Only Lord Demon Dragon can activate this Shadowless Terrace, and no one of us approaches it. "

Chu Tian didn't believe it. He went over and touched it with his hand again. This time, he could feel a strong air current protecting the stone, and Chu Tian began to absorb the power on the surface of the stone.

Under the gravitational force, the surface force turned into air flow and entered Chutian's body little by little, until the stone gradually shrank, and finally became as small as a brick. Chutian held the Shadowless Platform, "It seems that this thing is not simple. "

Patriarch Shi, who was watching there, was already stunned, and couldn't even believe that Chu Tian had such abilities.

But Chu Tian put away the shadowless platform, and then looked at Patriarch Shi, who said in a panic, "We, we are also victims."


"Yes, it was the dragon who threatened us."

"Oh, really?"

The owner nodded wildly, "Really."

Chu Tian grabbed the other party with one hand, and the head of the family immediately turned pale with fright, "You, what are you going to do?"

Chu Tian swallowed the gravitational force directly and sucked up the opponent's cultivation base bit by bit, then threw it aside, and finally disappeared there, leaving only the Patriarch Shi lying there motionless like an old man.

Chu Tian had already left, but he didn't use the Shadowless Terrace right away, because he planned to go to the sixth six-path formation, so that he could untie the six six-path formations and assemble a new system.

But when Chu Tian appeared, he had already arrived at a star field with very high gravity, and he could not move even an inch in it, as if there were countless weights on his body.

Chu Tian frowned, his body was light and fluffy, and then the whole body was light and light, which formed a clear contrast with the strong gravity.

"I don't know if there is anyone in this star field." Chu Tian suspiciously opened his clairvoyance and looked around, wanting to see the situation in this star field.

But the starfield seemed to be empty on the surface, but when he got close, Chu Tian found many people, and these people were all dwarves, probably only as tall as a child.

So Chutian was a giant in their eyes, and they looked at Chutian very strangely, even a group of dwarves surrounded him, one of them pointed at Chutian with a hammer, "Boy, hurry up."

"Everyone, I have something to come here, and I didn't intend to disturb you."

"No, we don't allow outsiders to enter here, so hurry up." The dwarf still pointed at Chutian stubbornly.

(End of this chapter)

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