Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1694 Death Comes

Chapter 1694 Death Comes
Chutian was short of the last Six Paths Formation, and he would not leave, so he glanced at the surroundings, and then jumped up in disregard of the objections of these people.

I saw that the flying speed slowed down here, because the strong gravity has been dragging him, but Chu Tian has frivolity on his body, and the effect has become slight, so that he can fly faster here.

The dwarfs were startled when they saw this, after all they had never seen such a person before, so they all got up and chased after Chu Tian with their hammers.

Seeing these people, Chu Tian teased, "Everyone, stop chasing me, it's useless, you can't catch up with me."

Soon Chutian stepped up his efforts, and finally saw a magical mountain, which was full of barrenness, but when he approached, there were streaks of golden light under his feet.

Chu Tian stomped his feet curiously, and the barren soil suddenly collapsed, exposing a golden mountain, shining golden, as if it wanted to cover the entire sky.

"It's amazing."

But what shocked Chu Tian even more was that a plant appeared on the golden mountain, and this plant began to grow there, revealing a big golden tree.

There is a small formation in this branch, and Chutian's Six Paths Formation is here, which surprised him, "Could it be that the Six Paths Formation is here?"

After Chutian sighed for a while, he calmed down and finally came to the tree with his whole body, and those people also arrived, and they shouted there one after another.

"Boy, don't come close!"

"Get out, get out!"

"The sacred tree is inviolable!"

Chu Tian didn't care about them so much, he jumped straight away, and when his whole body touched the formation, he disappeared, and those people panicked.

The short man holding the hammer became anxious, "No, I want to go into the guardian tree."

But someone said, "No, you can't enter this place at will, otherwise you won't be able to come out if you enter."

The short man hesitated, "Then it can't be like this all the time, can it?"

At this time, the sacred tree suddenly disappeared, and everyone was shocked. However, Chutian was in a space with greater gravity, and every step he took, there was a strong footprint.

But Chutian didn't give up, he kept walking towards one of the golden lights, and that golden light was like a sun, shining in the whole space.

Standing there, Chu Tian could still feel a scorching heat, but in order to get the golden light, he still accelerated his speed, even buffing his frivolity to the strongest, until he jumped and grabbed the golden light with one hand.

The golden light entered Chutian's body, and Chutian's whole body boomed, instantly multiplying countless times, causing him to fall heavily to the ground.

Chu Tian almost thought he was going to die, but thankfully the powerful recovery ability of the Immortal Seed made him wake up gradually, and Chu Tian slightly opened his eyes, his whole body became much more energetic, and there was a warm current in his body.

The most important thing was that he felt that the golden light had been gradually absorbed by him, and a message flashed, "Ten Thousand Lights"

"Wan Zhong? It seems to be entangled by a powerful force, unable to move forward." Chu Tian was amazed after looking at it one by one, and then a voice from the system flashed, "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host, all six arrays are activated, and the system is recovering. "

"Recovering? When will you recover?" Chu Tian was stunned for a moment, then cursed, but the system stopped talking, but Chu Tian didn't count on the system anymore, after all, he obtained six abilities after breaking the Six Path Formation.

These six abilities are enough for him to use for a long time, so he got up and flew out of this space.

Those dwarfs had undergone a mutation at this moment, as if the restraints they were originally subject to disappeared one by one, and all of a sudden grew up, looking down at Chutian like giants.

Chu Tian smiled, "It seems that I have helped you a lot."

These people were very angry at the moment, and the leader with the hammer snorted, directly enlarged the hammer, and then hit it hard, trying to beat Chutian into a meatloaf.

Chu Tian evaded with a smile and said, "Unhappy? That's fine, I'll let you continue to experience."

I saw Chutian releasing ten thousand layers of light, and immediately countless golden lights fell around, those giants were compressed little by little, and returned to their short appearance.

This changed the way everyone looked at Chutian, and Chutian smiled slightly, "How is it? Is it comfortable?"

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay, but the leader with the hammer threw the hammer on the ground, and immediately bowed down, as if paying homage to something, and the others followed suit. Finally, they said respectfully, "I have seen the saint."

Chu Tian didn't know what saints they were talking about, but this made him a little uncomfortable and said, "Everyone, what are you doing?"

"Whoever can gain the power of the holy mountain is a saint, that is, our master." The dwarf in the head said, Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, "I said, everyone, I don't accept subordinates, and you don't bow down to me like this."

"Saint, we are the giants of the ancient God of War tribe. We just caused trouble and were cursed. We can only be short for generations. Now you can undo this curse at will. Of course we are with you. We are willing to fight for you and fight for you. die."

Chu Tian didn't want these people to fight for him, so he said with a smile, "Everyone, I have something to do, so I leave."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian jumped away, but after looking at each other, these people disappeared all of a sudden, turning into streaks of golden light and disappearing. Chu Tian heaved a sigh of relief after leaving the star field, "Finally we got rid of it."

Then Chu Tian took out the immortal stone tablet, "It's time to go to the place that the blood demon said."

Chu Tian invited the Gorefiend's soul out, and then led him to travel through this star field, and finally passed through countless star fields before landing in an ancient star field.

This ancient star field was desolate everywhere, and after it fell, only deserted places were seen everywhere, not even a living thing was seen, even the plants were dry.

Chu Tian looked at the Gorefiend, "This is it?"

"Well, there is an altar in front, and there is an entrance there, and this stele is the key." The Gorefiend trembled and Chu Tian said with a smile, "I hope you are not lying."

Then Chutian led him forward, and after walking for a few steps, Chutian began to feel a strange wind blowing, and this wind carried death.

With this powerful force of death, even the deserted stones around them began to crack inexplicably, and even gradually turned into stone powder. This made Chu Tian frowned, "It's strange, this power can even turn stones into powder?"

The Gorefiend was terrified when he saw the surroundings, "Reaper, Reaper!"

"grim Reaper?"

"It is rumored that there is a terrifying immortal god in this star field. Wherever he goes, there is only death, so everyone calls him Death God!"

"Is it that scary?"

"Boy, this guy is very powerful, tell you, you, you better leave quickly." The blood demon started to frighten.

(End of this chapter)

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