Chapter 1695
Chu Tian looked at the timid Gorefiend and said, "I said, when did you become so timid?"

"Boy, you want to die, but I don't want to die!" The gorefiend trembled nervously, but Chutian was not afraid, he still stood there feeling the wind around him, and then Chutian felt the skin on his face dry up.

The gorefiend turned pale in shock, "Look, your skin is not good enough."

Chu Tian didn't expect that the air of death was so strong that he could make himself like this and laughed, "So what?"

At this moment, Chutian began to change. To be precise, the power of the immortal seed in his body had begun to explode, and his body quickly returned to normal.

The Gorefiend who was watching there was shocked, "You, why are you okay?"

"I'm fine, am I surprised?" Chu Tian asked back, the blood demon had nothing to say, and even stared at Chu Tian strangely, "You."

At this time, the wind in front was getting stronger and stronger, and suddenly a figure appeared in front of him. This figure was so huge that it seemed to eat Chutian, but Chutian stared at this figure and asked, "Are you the god of death?"

The blood demon looked at the shadow in horror at this moment, and the shadow was a mass of black flowing gas. You could see the black light flickering all over it. Same.

This made the Gorefiend look even more horrified, but Chu Tian was not frightened at all. Instead, he said, "Do you want to scare people like this? Do you think it will be useful?"

At this time, the other party said in an old voice, "You, do you want to die?"

"Me? I think it's you who is going to die."

The old voice snorted after hearing how crazy Chu Tian was, "It seems that I have to send you to die first."

The owner of the old voice stretched out a palm, and a mass of death breath condensed in that palm, and then the death breath rushed towards Chutian, wishing to destroy Chutian.

But Chutian blocked the death breath and said, "Is it useful?"

The so-called god of death suddenly stared at Chu Tian with blank eyes, "You were able to catch my ball of death. It seems that you are definitely not an ordinary person."

"What do you think?"

The God of Death stared at Chutian again at this moment, trying to see through Chutian, until he looked at Chutian and said, "I see, you have the power of that damned immortal seed."

"It's good to know."

"Hmph, do you think you can defeat me like this? It's ridiculous. I'll let you know that I'm not something you can invade." The man became arrogant, and even glared at Chutian with anger, wishing to make Chutian angry.

But Chutian smiled strangely, and at this moment his body was flirty, and the shadow felt that the power around his body seemed to disappear, and asked strangely, "Boy, what did you do?"

"It's nothing, I just don't want you to go." After Chutian finished speaking, he approached the shadow, and the shadow became impatient, wishing to kill Chutian.

But the corner of Chutian's mouth curled up, "Kill me? You are so naive."

At this time, the breath of life on Chutian's body became stronger, and surrounded these people all at once. The so-called god of death began to struggle there, releasing bursts of death breath, and shouted, "Boy, I I must kill you."

"Come as soon as you come, whoever is afraid of you." Chu Tian didn't show any face to the other party, which made the god of death curse, "Bastard, I'm going to fight you today."

At this time, the god of death suddenly scattered all over his body, and countless death air blasts exploded from the place where the original explosion occurred, and the powerful air suddenly shook Chu Tian into the air.

But Chu Tian quickly stabilized his body and stared at the god of death, "Is this all you can do?"

The god of death looked at Chu Tian angrily, "Boy, believe it or not, I will kill you right now."

"Come on, come on, I want to see your skills!"

The god of death roared, and the air changed color everywhere, and it suddenly became dark, and there were more and more dark clouds. These dark clouds were the stream of death, and they were pressed down little by little, making the whole sky covered with a death quilt.

Standing there, Chu Tian would also feel oppressed, and the god of death became proud there, "Boy, this is my sky, my land, and if you are here with me, you will be in danger of my god of death!"

"I don't care about your danger." After Chu Tian finished speaking, the power on his body radiated, and these powers made the sky push up little by little, and the god of death pressed down again unwillingly, but at this moment, a flash of lightning flashed in Chu Tian's eyes.

The lightning was sprayed from the eyes, and it hit the God of Death immediately. The God of Death screamed in pain, and even stared at Chutian in disbelief, "You."

"What? Do you think I only have this ability?" Chu Tian teased, and the God of Death cursed inwardly. He never thought that Chu Tian's eyes would have such a magical ability.

As for Chu Tian's weird smile, "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I'll let you see now, I'm amazing."

At this time, the lightning released from Chutian's eyes was even more terrifying, and it hit the Death God all at once. The Death God became more uncomfortable, and even cursed, "Bastard, believe it or not, I will kill you."

"Kill me? Come on, stop talking nonsense."

The God of Death had no choice but to shout loudly. At this time, the ground was shaking, and cracks appeared one by one, as if to suck that Chutian into it, but Chutian jumped into the sky, and that force couldn't absorb him at all.

The god of death snorted angrily, "Death."

The dark cloud in the sky fell down again, with two forces, one falling from the sky and the other attracting from the crack, it seemed as if Chu Tian was being suppressed all at once.

Chu Tian had no choice but to take a deep breath, and the power of frivolity increased again, allowing himself to shuttle through his own power, and he reached the death god in an instant, and finally the thunder and lightning in his eyes increased and hit the opponent.

This time the God of Death was completely enraged, and screams came from him, as if he had been electrocuted alive, and then the earth recovered, and the sky also recovered, Chu Tian calmed down, "It should be resolved, right?"

Then Chu Tian got the blood demon out again, and the blood demon looked around strangely, "Where's the person?"

"It flew away."

"Did it fly?"


The Gorefiend didn't believe it, and started to look around, but he couldn't see the whereabouts of the God of Death. He immediately looked at Chutian with some worry, "Is this true?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, take me to that entrance."

The Gorefiend had no choice but to look around anxiously, and then came to the so-called altar step by step, and there was a groove in this altar, which was where the stone tablet was placed. This passage is very strange, and I have never dared to go in."


"Immortal Demon Cave, whether it is a fairy, a demon, or a god, will be affected." The Blood Demon didn't know why, so he could only answer like this.

(End of this chapter)

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