Chapter 1700

A wave of air fell on the stone platform and hit Chutian, and after Chutian inhaled this air, he felt strange all of a sudden, but this air still didn't reveal anything unusual about Chu Tian.

"Pass." The city gate guard waved to Chutian, and Chutian walked down the stone platform. Zhou Yun immediately led Chutian into the city, and the city was very prosperous.

Not only that, these people are all cultivators of gods, not demon cultivators.

Zhou Yun walked in front and introduced the surrounding scenery and the situation of the city, and finally dragged Chu Tian to a teahouse.

This teahouse looks very ordinary, but there are many capable people gathered, especially when these people are chatting, they are all showing how powerful they are.

"I once killed a group of dragons with one arrow."

Hearing the magic dragon, Chu Tian took a second look to realize that these people were bragging.

Then someone said, "I killed countless monsters with one sword."

"What are you guys, I can scare away demon cultivators with one breath."

Chu Tian shook his head helplessly, but Zhou Yun smiled slightly, "People here love this."

Chu Tian also discovered that the people here are very comfortable, so comfortable that they can only brag here, but they dare not go out, and Zhou Yun sat down, ordered some refreshments, and then looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Brother Chu, I don't know What are your plans next?"

"I, I want to go to the twelve entrances of the God and Demon Cave." Chu Tian's words immediately caused everyone to laugh, but they didn't laugh at Chu Tian's intentions, but someone gave a thumbs up, "Brother, You play well."

"That's right, your tone is stronger than ours."

Everyone thought that Chu Tian was bragging too, but Chu Tian ignored it, and that Zhou Yun smiled awkwardly, "Brother Chu, you and I should stop joking."

"Do I seem to be joking?" Chu Tian stared at Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun's smile disappeared, and he sat up and stared at Chu Tian solemnly, "Brother Chu, you? Seriously?"

Chu Tian nodded, but Zhou Yun hesitated and said, "Five of the twelve formations are controlled by the generals, and seven are controlled by those demons. If you really want to go, you can only go near those five. Watch, and the demons can't get close at all, because there are many demon cultivators nearby, and once they get close, they will be arrested and used as traitors."

"Whether it's a god or a demon, it doesn't matter, you just need to tell me where the nearby ones are." Chu Tian replied without worrying about this question at all.

Zhou Yun frowned, his pupils widened, "Are you sure?"


Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Nearby, there is a god, called the No. [-] array."

"Number seven?"

"Well, the twelve formations of gods and demons are all set by numbers!" Zhou Yun nodded, and Chu Tianen said, "Alright then, tell me how to get there later."

"Okay!" Zhou Yun knew that Chutian was determined to go, so he couldn't say anything, so he could only nod. At this time, a woman suddenly sat down near Chutian. The woman looked strange on the surface, but Chutian always felt Where did the other party look.

Especially the woman looked at Chu Tian with resentment in her eyes, and when the people around saw the woman's eyes all focused on her, some people even approached and smiled and said, "Girl, are you alone?"

"Don't come near me." The woman directly rejected these men, but those men rarely saw such an amazing woman on the street, so naturally they didn't want to give up, and even the people here like to brag.

So someone sitting across from her pointed to the stone statue of the general, "Girl, I am friends with this general. If you become friends with me, I promise you can do whatever you want in the city in the future."

At this time, a dagger flew out of the woman's sleeve and landed on the table, with a strange smile on her mouth, "Is it okay to kill you?"

Seeing that the woman couldn't make jokes, the man immediately stood up and stepped aside in embarrassment, while the people around him laughed, but Zhou Yun rubbed his head, "Strange, this sword is so familiar."

Chu Tian stared at the sword for a while, and found that it was the same as the bloody Luoshuang's today, except that today's sword had flames emitting from it, but the opponent's sword emitted blue light, as if the spirit of water was flickering there. The air is completely opposite.

Seeing this, Chu Tian smiled slightly, "Interesting."

Zhou Yun saw something in Chu Tian's posture and asked, "Brother Chu, do you know?"

"Think about that witch from before."

These words immediately made Zhou Yun's hair tremble, but he quickly calmed down and said, "No, demon cultivators are not allowed in here. Besides, this woman is obviously not the same person."

"In this world, anything is possible." Chu Tian replied simply, but Zhou Yun still thought that this woman was not the witch before, so he guessed, "I think these two people may have some kind of connection, But it's not the same person."

"Maybe, maybe." Chu Tian couldn't be 100% sure, but he could be sure that there must be some kind of connection between the two, otherwise the way the other party looked at him, as well as the appearance of the sword, couldn't be the same.

After all, in the Shadowless Realm, Chutian only has the Demon Dragon as his deadly enemy. If there are others, that is the witch today.

At this moment, the woman suddenly got up and came to Chu Tian and Zhou Yun's table, then put down her sword and stared at them, "You two, have we met somewhere?"

After Zhou Yun and Chu Tian looked at each other, that Zhou Yun immediately asked strangely, "Have you really met us?"


Zhou Yun thought that if the other party was a witch, he would have killed him a long time ago, so he wouldn't be so calm, and the demon cultivators in the city would not be able to enter, so he immediately relaxed his guard and said, "I haven't seen it before, but I You can introduce yourself."

Zhou Yun quickly introduced himself to Chutian, and the woman stared at Chutian, "Your name is Chutian."

"Girl, do you have any questions?" Chu Tian asked back, staring at the other person's eyes to see if the other party was lying, and the woman sat down and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"No doubt, but I think we are destined to have a good chat chat."

Chu Tian didn't speak, but Zhou Yun was very interested, "Girl, if you have a relationship, let's chat."

However, the woman is only interested in Chutian, and she is still asking, "I don't know where Mr. Chu is from?"

"Are you checking the population?" Chu Tian asked back, the woman was embarrassed immediately, but reminded herself in her heart, "You must not wear gangsters, be careful."

So the woman came back to her senses and smiled, "No, I just think that the young master is destined, and I want to know more about it, why? Don't you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know where you came from, but girl, where are you from? Why are you here?" Chu Tian asked in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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