Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1701 Recruitment Battle

Chapter 1701 Recruitment Battle

Seeing that Chutian didn't say anything but instead asked the woman she was a little displeased, "I said, son, I asked you first, you can't be so perfunctory to me."

Chu Tian didn't speak, but the people around him were booing, "Girl, what's your name? Where are you from? Maybe we used to be in the same camp."

"Yes, yes, girl, what's your name? Let's get to know each other."

The woman picked up the sword in her hand and stood up, pointing at them, "Do you believe that I will cut off your tongue?"

Those people laughed even louder, and some even pointed at the statue of the general, "Girl, under the protection of the general, you can't do anything, otherwise the general's guards won't spare you."

"There are so many rules." The woman rolled her eyes, but Chu Tian got up and looked at Zhou Yun, "Go, let's go."

"Let's go now?" Zhou Yun was obviously a little surprised. After all, he didn't expect Chu Tian to leave so soon, but Chu Tian smiled and said nothing, and Zhou Yun had to follow behind.

As for the woman, seeing that the two were about to leave, she immediately followed, leaving only those people to continue bragging, but when they reached the gate of the city, the gate was closed.

Zhou Yun was puzzled, "It's strange, why is the city gate closed?"

"Seal the city gate?"

"Well, usually when something goes wrong, the gates of the city can be closed to prevent others from attacking the city or preventing others from escaping." Zhou Yun explained, which made Chutian wonder whether it was someone who wanted to attack the city or to prevent others from escaping.

At this time, a group of guards came to the inner side of the city gate to post an announcement. Everyone gathered on the announcement, and saw that the announcement said, "There will be a war between gods and demons in the near future. , the more demons you kill, you can have a chance to enter the magic circle."

"Ah, we're going to fight again." There was a commotion all of a sudden, and Chu Tian looked at Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun said awkwardly, "Sometimes in order to recruit people, the city will close the city, and then slowly recruit people until the war Only when it is over will the city seal be lifted."

After Chutian understood, he said, "So, if you want to leave, you still have to sign up first?"

Zhou Yun nodded heavily, and Chu Tian had no choice but to calm down and say, "Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion."

Zhou Yun had no choice but to take Chutian and leave, but the woman followed suit, "I said, you really want to get rid of the demon."

"Otherwise? Are you taking us out?" Chu Tian asked back. The woman didn't know what to say, but she was obviously very anxious, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

As for Zhou Yun, he couldn't help asking, "I said girl, what's your name, we don't know you yet."

The woman froze for a moment and said, "Oh, Wushuang."


"Well, Wushuang." The woman nodded, but she breathed a sigh of relief, "I can only fool around like this."

Chutian laughed but said nothing, that Wushuang secretly wondered when he saw that Chutian was silent, "What the hell are you laughing at, kid?"

Zhou Yun didn't think so much, let alone doubt the woman's identity, but said to Chu Tian, ​​"Brother Chu, if you can really leave after signing up, you must leave quietly, otherwise you will be killed as a deserter if you are caught." Understand."


"Well, every time someone fled halfway, but they were all killed." Zhou Yun nodded and said, and the war that made Chu Tian sigh in the Shadowless Realm was much more complicated than imagined.

Zhou Yun has long been used to it, but he didn't think about it, while Wushuang looked around, carefully hiding himself, until he came to the outside of the city lord's mansion, where many people gathered.

In order to leave and to be able to go to the cave of gods and demons, these people participated in the registration one by one, and the registration is also very loose, as long as people register, they can be selected.

So after the three of Chutian came to the front and reported their names, they were led to a camp near the city lord's mansion, where tens of thousands of people had already gathered.

In addition to these, there were hundreds of people wearing golden armor and holding long spears.

Seeing these people, Zhou Yun said excitedly, "Look, these are the divine guards of the generals."


"Yes, golden armor, golden spear."

"So what, it's not used to supervise people." Wushuang sarcastically, Zhou Yun said awkwardly, "There is no way, so many people will definitely want to escape, so they are in charge of supervision, if anyone escapes halfway, they They can be killed on the spot."

Wushuang glanced at them disdainfully, not taking them seriously, but Chu Tian found that these guards were dumbfounded, as if expressionless.

Until there were more and more people here, a golden light fell from the sky, and after a middle-aged man appeared, the people present became lively, and the eyes of the guards also became energetic, like a robot that was charged.

Zhou Yun also pointed to the middle-aged man and said, "Look, the chief guard under the general's command."

"What's the big deal."

Seeing Wushuang's disdain, Zhou Yun explained, "Don't underestimate him, it is said that he has ninth-level Wuying strength."

"What about the ninth level? It's still so cold-blooded."

Chu Tian looked at Zhou Yun, "How many levels does Wuying have?"

Zhou Yun knew that Chu Tian was immortal, but there might be many people who didn't know, so he immediately introduced, "Wuying is divided into nine levels, from the first level to the ninth level, and each level is a gap, just like me, only the first level , but this lord ranks nine, that can kill me instantly."

After Chu Tian understood it, he watched quietly, and found that the middle-aged man was indeed not weak, and when he spoke, his voice was very loud, and everyone present immediately calmed down.

"Everyone, my name is Jiang Tian. From now on, I will lead you to the battlefield."

Someone said with some fear, "General, is it just us?"

Jiang Tian had a serious face, "No, we are just doing logistics. It is the people from our shrine who are really fighting."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Chu Tian looked at Zhou Yun, who immediately explained, "The palace in charge of the No. [-] Demon God Formation is the Jiang Shen Palace, and their Jiang family has countless generals."

Chu Tian retracted his eyes after understanding, and that Jiang Tian said after a while of blood, "As long as you behave well, I can let you go to the God and Demon Formation, and you will have the opportunity to go to the God and Demon Cave in the future."

This trick was really effective. Many people on the spot shouted that they wanted to kill the demon man, but Wushuang on one side sneered, "I really know how to blow it."

Zhou Yun didn't know why Wushuang was always against these people like this, but Chu Tian stood there quietly as if he had already guessed something, until a teleportation array appeared, and everyone was escorted by those guards one by one.

Zhou Yun looked at Chu Tian and said in a low voice, "Wait a minute, we must find an opportunity, but don't be seen by those guards, or it will be over."

Chu Tian hummed and didn't say anything, but Zhou Yun took a deep breath and led Chu Tian forward.

Until they walked out of the teleportation array and came to a misty forest, and those tens of thousands of people were just like Zhou Yun and Chu Tian, ​​wondering where it was.

(End of this chapter)

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