Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1706 Miraculous Fruit

Chapter 1706 Miraculous Fruit
Jianmu couldn't believe that Chutian's speed was so terrifying, but Wushuang blinked, "Is he really crazy?"

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and laughed, "It's not crazy, he has long since stopped paying attention to the Jiang family."

At this moment, the members of the Jiang family were not happy, but once they stepped into a dead end, they didn't dare to go in, so they had to report the matter quickly, while Jianmu paid attention at the edge of the entrance.

As for Jiang Tian, ​​he never thought that Chu Tian would be so terrifying, let alone that Chu Tian would throw him in, so that he was frightened and cursed on the spot, "You, if you are going to die, don't pull me!"

After finishing speaking, this Jiang Tian turned around to go out, but found that the entrance to come in was no longer there, which made him look around in horror, "This, how could this happen."

Chu Tian had already looked around, and saw them standing in a small path in the forest, and on both sides were steep slopes, which were full of magical trees.

The reason why they are said to be miraculous is that these trees are red all over, and bloody liquid is flowing, and the leaves are rolled up like small balls.

Not only that, but where these leaves surround, there is a fruit.

The whole body of this fruit is red, like a red crystal stone, and there is only one on each tree, which makes Chutian wonder what these trees are and why they look so strange.

At this time, two ferocious beasts appeared, and Jiang Tian stared straight at the sight, "Greedy stone wolf."

Chu Tian only saw that these two beasts looked like a wolf in appearance, but the wolf was as big as a cow and had barbs on its body, just like a hedgehog.

But the two wolves were not coming towards them at the moment, but were staring at one of the trees, because the fruit of this tree was so bright that the red light almost dyed the surrounding area red.

But at this moment, the earth shook, and suddenly a head popped out under the tree. It was a giant snake head with colorful stripes, and it was shining with brown light. Jiang Tian saw that the tongue was knotted, "Colorful Stone Snake."

Chu Tian didn't know how powerful these big guys were, but judging by Jiang Tian's appearance, these guys seemed terrifying, but at this moment, there was a chirping of birds in the sky, and suddenly a flame appeared, and the flame immediately turned into a bird.

This bird's head is like a phoenix, its wings are like a vulture, and its claws are like eagle claws. Not only that, its whole body is as big as a small house, instantly making Chu Tian and Jiang Tian standing there feel oppressed, while the wolf and snake Immediately showed hostility.

"This, this is the Vulcan bird!"

Jiang Tian stammered and muttered, but Chu Tian still looked at them calmly, wondering what these guys were going to do.

But at this moment, there was a clicking sound, the trunk of the fruit seemed to be unable to support it, and the top of the fruit began to break. Seeing this, the snake suddenly entangled the tree and swam up quickly.

The wolf was obviously not reconciled, the two wolves opened their mouths, and two brown air currents rushed over and hit the snake directly, and the snake's body immediately split into three sections.

It looked very ferocious, and Jiang Tian thought the snake was going to die, but the snake head continued to move the next moment, and finally the body was suddenly connected together, as if it was not damaged at all.

This frightened Jiang Tian, ​​"Okay, what a scary snake!"

At this moment, the Vulcan bird spewed out a mouthful of flames, and the snake was blown away by the flames on the spot, and then the Vulcan bird rushed towards the fruit, intending to take it away. attack.

With a flick of Vulcan's wings, two streams of flame rushed towards the two wolves, and they were instantly sent flying.

"Vulcan bird, really domineering!" Jiang Tian said casually in surprise, and the snake and wolf were obviously unwilling to reconcile, and made a comeback again, but flames spewed out from the mouth of the Vulcan bird, directly knocking the snake and wolf away .

Then the Vulcan bird clawed triumphantly, wanting to claw at the fruit, but suddenly a bright light shot out from the fruit, directly piercing the head of the Vulcan bird, and for a moment the Vulcan bird hit the ground like a heavy body .

Seeing this, the two wolves jumped over to the Vulcan bird. After a while, the intact bird was torn apart, and the snake was obviously unwilling, and rushed towards the tree quickly.

But the fruit still shot out with a red light, and the snake head was blown away, and then disappeared into the ground, not daring to come out again, while the two wolves began to back away, even roaring unwillingly, and finally turned around and left helplessly.

Jiang Tian was dumbfounded, "This, what kind of tree and what kind of fruit is this, it's so terrifying."

Chutian didn't care what it was, he started to walk towards the tree, Jiang Tian saw that Chutian was going to die, and quickly threw stones there, "Boy, die, die quickly."

Chu Tian suddenly stopped, looked at Jiang Tianxie and smiled, "I think it's better to let you come first."

Jiang Tian immediately turned pale and begged, "I, what I just said casually, you, don't take it seriously."

Chu Tian flashed, came to that Jiang Tian, ​​grabbed him, quickly came to the tree, and then threw Jiang Tian up. Part of the strength in his body was absorbed, so he could only let Chu Tian manipulate him and scream there, "No, I don't want to die!"

But no matter how Jiang Tian yelled, it was useless, because that Jiang Tian had already entered the attack range of the fruit, and the fruit immediately flashed red and hit Jiang Tian on the head.

Jiang Tian didn't even have the spirit to escape in a hurry, he was shot through, and then fell heavily in front of Chu Tian.

Chu Tian squatted down to check, and sighed after confirming that the other party was out of his wits, "This fruit is designed to attack the head. Why?"

Chu Tian, ​​who checked there for a while, raised his head, still wanting to see if he could pick the fruit. After all, it was too miraculous, so Chu Tian jumped up.

When he was about to reach the fruit, a red light flashed across the fruit suddenly, and Chu Tian suddenly turned into nothingness, but this red light seemed to be able to chase and kill, Chu Tian hurriedly flew away.

But the red light kept chasing after him, Chu Tian was shocked, and immediately used his frivolity, the power of frivolity floated around, the red light became weaker, but he still pursued Chu Tian.

Chutian had no choice but to activate an earth-type body protection technique. The red light pierced through the earth armor continuously, but it was already much weaker when it reached Chutian, but Chutian didn't dare to be careless.

All of a sudden Chutian cast the phantom, and the remaining red light immediately dispersed, as if every phantom was about to attack, but after they separated, they became much weaker. When they really hit Chutian, Chutian only felt This red light wants to devour his soul.

However, Chutian blocked them one by one, but after blocking, Chutian found that his soul seemed to be injured and looked very tired, which made Chutian stare at the fruit with a strange expression, "What is this, it is so terrible?" !"

(End of this chapter)

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