Chapter 1707
After Chutian sighed for a while, he still wanted to try, so he collected his mood and began to walk towards the tree. At this moment, he found a strange thing, that is, all the trees here seem to provide energy for this fruit. As for the other Although the fruit is the same, it will not flash.

"This tree, the fruit." Chu Tian glanced there, as if he had found something serious, and then came under a fruit and touched one of the fruits, but the fruit would not emit red light.

So Chu Tian swallowed the power of the fruit, and the fruit turned into nothingness in an instant, and the tree withered immediately, and Chu Tian glanced at the two sides of the trail, there were at least hundreds of such trees, and he calmed down and went one by one Swallow all the fruits of these trees.

When everything was done, it was already a few days later, and the last remaining tree was the one with the shining red fruit.

"Now let's see what you can do!" Chu Tian looked smug, and then came to the tree, but he didn't fly up immediately, but held the tree with both hands.

For a moment, the energy of the big tree was swallowed by Chu Tian little by little, and then the tree began to wither, and the broken part of the fruit cracked completely, and the fruit fell off the tree completely.

The moment it fell off, the fruit had lost its luster, but it could be seen that there was a strange power sealed in the fruit.

When Chutian grabbed the fruit that everyone was fighting for, he wondered, "What is it, and why do those beasts look for it?"

When Chutian guessed, he injected a force into the fruit, and the fruit swallowed Chutian's power in an instant, "Damn, swallow it all like this?"

Unwilling to reconcile, Chutian tried again, but the result was the same, so Chutian used the force of gravity to suck the fruit in reverse.

I saw the fruit flickering red and began to resist, but Chutian's gravitational force was very strong, so the fruit finally compromised a little bit, until the red light disappeared completely, the fruit suddenly shrank and merged into Chutian's body.

Chu Tian wondered where the fruit had gone, so he checked up and down in the body until he felt the fruit on his forehead, and through the fruit, Chu Tian found that as long as he approached with strength, he could control the fruit to emit a red light.

"This, isn't it Yang Jian? Are you kidding me!"

So Chu Tian continued to study and found that this was not Yang Jian's third eye, but an eye that could attack the soul, and even this kind of attack could penetrate the hard body.

But this requires a lot of power to play once, which is why countless trees were needed to maintain energy just now, and Chutian uses it now, and it is estimated that it can be used once a day before it can be used again, otherwise the overdraft will be too large.

"Just once, it's better than nothing." Chutian laughed triumphantly, but Chutian was a little puzzled as to why there was such a fruit in this dead end.

However, no one explained to him at this moment, so he could only pack up his mind and continue walking, and the countless bones along the way were obviously those who died here when they were on their way to death.

Just as Chu Tian was curious about where the demon cultivators went after they came in, he saw a demon cultivator who had just died on a stone ladder in front of him.

I saw that this person was full of demonic energy, and then lay there quietly, motionless, as if he had lost his soul.

Chu Tian stepped forward to check and frowned, "It seems that he is really dead."

Chu Tian had no choice but to start walking up the stairs, but there were more similar corpses, which made Chu Tian puzzled, because these corpses had no injuries, as if they had fallen here without words and innocents.

"Strange, if the fruit attacks, then there should be holes in their bodies, but why don't they have holes now?" Chu Tian showed a puzzled expression.

Chu Tian continued walking without understanding, and saw a stone gate after a while, and there were many holes on the stone gate, as if it had been pierced by something.

"This hole, is it new?" Chu Tian touched the hole, and then smelled it, and there was still the burnt smell from just rubbing.

"Looks like it was just left." Chu Tian then pushed open the stone door, and what was printed in front of him was a desolate ruined city, and the ruined city was full of corpses.

Those corpses were the same as before, without any scars, which made Chutian feel that there might be something more terrifying hidden, and this thing could kill people invisible.

"what's going on?"

The moment Chu Tian stepped into the ground, his feet seemed to be stuck in mud, unable to move forward, and his feet were still sinking. Chu Tian immediately turned into nothingness and wanted to fly, but found a strong gravity that made him unable to fly.

Chu Tian immediately displayed frivolity, and only after his whole body became lighter did he float up, and the sunken place recovered, as if nothing had happened.

However, at this moment, a voice came from the air. The voice was a bit confusing. After Chu Tian was immediately attracted, he found that the airflow in his body began to become chaotic, and his own airflow attacked him again, and scars began to appear everywhere in his body.

"Killing people by sound?" Chu Tian seemed to understand something and immediately activated the Immortal Seed. Under the blessing of the Immortal Seed, the scar quickly healed, and the chaotic airflow was also suppressed, but the sound kept ringing.

Just as Chu Tian was about to fly over, the voice suddenly began to fluctuate. Chu Tian felt the blood in his body boil, as if boiling water was about to rush out of his body.

But Chu Tian resisted, and even clenched his teeth, "Damn it, this voice is getting stronger and stronger."

Unwilling, Chu Tian began to fly slowly to find the source of the sound. At this time, he saw a stone pillar in front of him, and there was a Guqin on the stone pillar.

The whole body of the guqin was black, but it was playing by itself at this moment, which made Chu Tian secretly startled, "It works by itself?"

Chu Tian looked around in disbelief, only to realize that the deserted city was actually covered by a formation, and the guqin was integrated with the formation. Once someone stepped into it, they would be attacked.

But Chutian didn't understand who left those holes on the door, and at this moment, a cloud of breath in the air attracted Chutian, and he saw that the breath came out of a cloud of mist.

Chu Tian looked at the cloud, and found that there were many people hidden in the cloud, and these people were all demon cultivators, and they stared at Chu Tian strangely.

"Aren't they affected?" Chutian looked curious after seeing the cloud and people. At this time, an old man with white eyebrows poked his head out of the cloud and stared at Chutian, and preached in a divine voice, "Boy, are you Who, why is it okay?"

"You guys are fine, so I'm fine too." Chutian replied, but the blood in Chutian's body was still vibrating, but the old man snorted, "Boy, believe it or not, I killed you."

"Kill me if you don't move, do you really think you are great?" Chu Tian didn't take the other party seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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