Chapter 1708
The old man was furious, he didn't expect Chu Tian to be so mad and then snorted, "Boy, do you know who I am?"

"It's just a demon cultivator hiding in a tortoise shell." Chu Tian disdainfully taunted, the old man was so out of breath that he almost rushed out, but luckily he was stopped by others, and only then did he think of the horror in this deserted city.

"Why don't you dare to come?" Chu Tian sneered, the old man's face was flushed with anger, but Chu Tian ignored it, and flew directly to the guqin. The people in the cloud were stunned, and someone pointed at him and shouted, "Look, he , he's going to rush over."

"How is this possible?" Everyone present thought it was impossible, especially the sound of Guqin's attack was very terrifying, even if they were demon practitioners, it would be difficult to get rid of it, let alone Chu Tian, ​​who seemed to have nowhere to go.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he accepted the attacks of the guqin one by one at this moment. Fortunately, although the blood in his body was trembling, it was not guided by the guqin to the point where he could not move.

So Chu Tian simply passed by, came to that guqin, grabbed the guqin with one hand, and a huge invisible wave from your black guqin hit Chutian's palm.

The palm immediately seemed to be hit by some heavy object, which almost sent Chu Tian flying, and the arm felt like it was about to be broken, but Chu Tian retracted his hand and took a deep breath after recovering, and the frivolity was entwined around him.

The Guqin's attack became relatively weak and weak, and after Chu Tian grabbed the Guqin with one hand, he found a strange consciousness on the Guqin, and this consciousness suddenly sneaked into Chutian's body at this moment, and said majesticly, "Who touched my ancient Qin?" Qin."


"That's right, I am the Ancient God of Desolation, Huang Haotian."

Chutian didn't know Huang Haotian, but the aura of the other party was very strong. Just this lingering aura seemed to be crushed by Chutian's soul, but Chutian quickly protected his soul and explained, "I didn't intend to come Disturbing your Guqin."

"My guqin is guarding here, no one can touch it!" The majesty continued to resound in Chutian's body, but Chutian was dignified, "But it attacked me."

"You? Is it to pass through this deserted city to go to the gods and demons?"

Chu Tian nodded heavily, "Yes."

"In my opinion, it's better to forget it. Your cultivation level, if you haven't reached the God Demon Array, you will definitely die!"

But Chutian said in disbelief, "I haven't gone yet, so why do you think I'm going to die?"

"What? Don't believe it?"


"Okay, I'll let you see your future." When the voice finished speaking, strange pictures appeared in front of Chu Tian's eyes, and this picture showed him passing through the city and finally stepping into a formation.

This formation is the No. [-] God and Demon Formation, and then the entrance of the God and Demon Cave was imprinted in front of his eyes. In the God and Demon Cave, he saw himself wandering there, and finally disappeared in the God and Demon Cave.

Chu Tian thought that the other party was just creating an illusion to fool him, and then said, "It seems to be nothing."

That Huang Haotian was surprised, "Impossible, you have been recognized by the God and Demon Cave."

"The approval of the God and Demon Cave?"

"That's right, only those approved by the God and Demon Cave are eligible to enter the God and Demon Cave at will!" Huang Haotian explained in shock, Chu Tian didn't understand the meaning of this, but Huang Haotian withdrew from Chutian's body.

The Guqin suddenly landed on Chu Tian's hands, and then a voice came, "Take it, it will help you in the cave of gods and demons, remember, don't let it break, or there will be endless troubles."

Chu Tian didn't understand what would happen if the guqin was broken, but the sound had disappeared, and the guqin suddenly returned to calm, as if there was no previous attack.

This made Chu Tian wonder what the origin of this desolate ancient god was, why he appeared here, and why he wanted to guard the desolate city here.

But no one explained it to him. On the contrary, when the people in the cloud found that the guqin had quieted down, someone tried to get out of the cloud, and then those people were pleasantly surprised, "It's all right, it's all right!"

Dozens of people came out of it at once, and the old man was the first to fly in front of Chu Tian and became arrogant, "Boy, there is nothing to stop me now."

"You think I'm afraid of you?" Chu Tian said disdainfully, the old man had already reached the end of it, and spread his hands, and in an instant, two groups of black flames appeared on his hands.

The black flame then turned into two skull flames, and the people present were gloating. Some even joked, "Boy, do you know who he is? How dare you provoke him? I really don't know how to live or die!"

"Who is he? It's none of my business." Chutian was not reconciled at all, but those demons laughed, and some even laughed at Chutian's ignorance and said, "He is a fire demon saint, kill him."

Chu Tian didn't know what a fire demon was and what a saint was, so he didn't want to argue with them, but turned around and planned to pass through this deserted city, but An Sha was furious, "Want to escape? There's no way!"

As soon as An killed the flames, the two skeleton flames rushed towards Chutian, but Chutian disappeared from the original position to another place, and said coldly, "If you mess with me again, I won't be polite."

Everyone didn't expect Chutian to be so fast, but that An Sha was stunned. His attack was so fast just now, but Chutian avoided it. This made him suspect that Chutian must have some important magic weapon, especially the guqin. Helpless, he showed a greedy look, "Boy, do you have a very powerful magic weapon?"

As soon as these words came out, all the eyes of the people present were brightened, and their bodies were full of demonic energy. They wished to carve up Chu Tian, ​​and that An Sha stared at everyone, "He is mine, don't grab it from me, Otherwise, I'll be in a hurry with him!"

But someone didn't agree with this and said, "I said An Sha, although you are a saint of the fire demon, I am still a saint of the water demon, so let's see who has the ability to take down this guy."

"Li Tao, do you believe that I'll take care of you?" That An Sha stared at a middle-aged man with blue eyes, and this middle-aged man was wearing a blue cloak, and his body was wrapped in aqua blue magic, as if there was a layer of evil around him. Layers of water waves swing the same.

Hearing this now, this Li Tao smiled disdainfully, "Really? Then let's make gestures!"

An was so angry that he wanted to do something, but at this moment an old man with a broken arm, white hair and purple hair stared at them, "I said two, have you forgotten our purpose?"

Li Tao said with a satisfied face, "Before entering the God Demon Formation, no internal strife is allowed. I have not forgotten this, but now it is An who wants to kill him, not me. So, Lord Zimo Duan, you can't blame me."

This Lord Zimo Duan obviously doesn't seem to have a simple identity, so he looked at that An Sha, and An Sha immediately said honestly, "Master Zi Mo Duan, I obviously fell in love with this guy first, but he Rushing to ask for it, can I not be angry?"

(End of this chapter)

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