Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1711 Desolate Demon Forbidden Area

Chapter 1711 Desolate Demon Forbidden Area
Lord Zimoduan was relieved when he saw that Chu Tian didn't pursue the matter anymore, then he raised his head, looked at the mouth of the well, and pointed to the round of golden light to explain, "There is a legend in the cave of gods and demons, as long as you see the golden light combined with the devil's energy, Magic Light, then the God Demon Cave is very close to here."

Chu Tian didn't expect this round of golden light demonic energy to have such a background, but at this moment someone screamed, his body was rapidly withering, and Master Zimo Duan was shocked, "No, the demonic energy of death."

"Aura of death devil?"

"Yes, it is rumored that there will occasionally be a deadly devil's energy in the demon formation. If you are unlucky, you will directly wither your body if you encounter this devil's energy, just like theirs!" Zimoduan said with a frightened expression.

"Is it so magical?" Chu Tian was dubious, and then he walked towards those withered people step by step, and then strange demonic energy poured into his body, and these demonic energy wanted to swallow the power in Chutian's body.

Fortunately, the immortal seed emitted green light in his body, which made Chu Tian seem to be fine, while the purple devil Lord Duan twitched all over his face, his hands and feet trembled, and he shouted in horror, "Help, save me!" !"

At this moment, only Chu Tian and him are left here, and he is nothing more than asking Chu Tian for help.

Chu Tian took a glance and decided to save the other party. After all, the other party knew something he didn't know, so he grabbed his shoulder with one hand and injected a life force into the other party's body.

The withered aura on that Zimo Duan Lord disappeared instantly, and the convulsions on his body also stopped. This made Zi Mo Duan Ye heave a sigh of relief with sweat dripping down his face, and finally sat down powerlessly and stared at Chu Tian, ​​"Thank you very much!"

"I saved you because I thought you were worthwhile. Don't thank me." Chu Tian replied coldly, then looked around, and found that this was a formation, and the only exit was the top of the well.

So Chu Tian planned to fly up to have a look, but when he was about to fly, he found that his whole body seemed to be pulled by some force, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless.

After seeing Chu Tian's movements, Master Zimoduan on the side tried it himself, and finally his expression turned ugly, "The rumors are true!"

"what happened?"

"There is an infinite force in the demon formation, which can make people unable to leave the ground, and can only be trapped there forever." Master Zi Moduan became frightened, but Chu Tian was puzzled, "Could it be the same for other demon formations?"

"No, it is only possible when the God and Demon Cave is about to appear."

"Then you still dare to come?" Chu Tian stared at the Zimo Duan Lord inexplicably, and the Zi Mo Duan Ye sighed, "The God and Demon Cave is a mysterious place. I came here to fulfill my wish, and the others are In order to get the contents inside, I naturally wanted to try my luck, but it turned out.”

Chu Tian didn't feel sympathetic when he saw the other party sighing, but the frivolous force in his body was released, and his whole body became light and light all of a sudden, and then he started to fly up like a bird.

Master Zimo Duan was dumbfounded, "You."

Flying into the air, Chu Tian suddenly thought of something and lowered his head to look at Master Zimo Duan, "If you don't want to be trapped here, come up."

"Me? Can I go up?" Lord Zimoduan has tried it just now, so he doesn't think he can swim up like Chutian, but Chutian glanced at Master Zimoduan, "I have already strengthened the strength around me. , you can come up now."

Master Zimoduan was dubious, and then jumped up and found that his body was much lighter, which made him secretly startled, "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly got up."

Seeing the other party's surprised expression, Chu Tian didn't say anything, but leaped towards the entrance of the cave, and the purple devil Duan Ye immediately chased after him happily after regaining his senses.

But when Chu Tian stood at the mouth of the well, he was completely stunned, because there were barren hills everywhere, and the barren hills were full of black magic energy and golden light airflow.

When these two streams of gas collide in the air, they can emit bursts of flames, and this power is so powerful that there will even be a loud noise. Even Chu Tian and Master Zi Mo Duan who were at the mouth of the well were so shaken by the powerful sound that their ears almost rang.

"What kind of place is this?" Chu Tian couldn't help asking after watching it for a while, and Zimo Duan who just came up said in a daze, "Desolate Demon Forbidden Zone."

"Desolate Demon Forbidden Area?"

"Well, to enter the cave of gods and demons, you have to pass through several areas, one of which is the forbidden zone of wild demons."

Chutian thought the name was very domineering, but he didn't know what was so special about this restricted area, so he wanted to go over there to have a look, but just as he took a step, the golden light and demonic energy in the air suddenly rushed towards Chutian.

Master Zimo Duan shouted in shock, "Be careful, don't let these two forces collide."

Just as Chu Tian reacted quickly, he stepped back quickly, and when the two forces collided with each other, there was a loud bang, and the space where Chu Tian was originally located seemed to be torn apart.

Just as Chu Tian was wondering what was going on, these two kinds of power came around again, and the Purple Demon Lord Duan hurriedly shouted, "Quick, come here quickly."

Chu Tian immediately returned to Lord Zimo Duan and asked, "What's going on?"

"There will be two kinds of forces colliding in the forbidden area of ​​the wild demon, and the power of the collision is so powerful that even those strong above Wuying dare not go alone."

But Chu Tian said, "If I want to pass, I will pass."

Master Zimo Duan also wanted to go there, but the current situation made him a little timid, even scared, "But this is the case."

Chutian didn't say anything, but a sprint, and disappeared from the original position. When he reappeared, two forces came from the air, and Chutian avoided it again.

However, this deserted demon restricted area does not know which is the real direction leading to the cave of gods and demons, so Chu Tian could only swim around there and then returned to the purple demon Lord Duan and frowned, "It's like this all around, it's not like that at all. I don't know where the direction is."

Master Zimo Duan pondered and said, "It is said that the only way to know the specific direction is to find the demon body in the forbidden zone of the wild demon."

"Demon body?"

"Well, a terrible demon, but that person should be dead, just a shell left here."

Chu Tian didn't know who this demon body was, but now that he was going out, he could only try to find it, so Chu Tian began to sit down cross-legged, and then closed his eyes to feel that there was something special about this place.

However, apart from the magic energy and those golden lights, there is really nothing special in these places. When Chutian was about to give up, he found that there was a lot of golden light and magic energy in an area, and it was countless times that of the surrounding area, just like the center.

This made Chutian couldn't help opening his eyes and looking towards a certain direction in the distance, "There should be the center."


"Well, I'll go over and have a look, you wait here." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he rushed over again, and the golden light and devilish energy attacked him frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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