Chapter 1712

Every time Chutian dodged these attacks with quick movements, the golden light and devilish energy always exploded and tore apart behind Chutian. look of confidence.

Until Chutian came to the central area and saw the area filled with countless golden lights and devilish energy, he found that there was a strange barrier blocking the outside. When Chutian was about to rush over, this barrier flashed with light.

Chu Tian was directly blocked outside, and the outside attack had struck again. Chu Tian was shocked, and quickly searched for a way to enter around the barrier, but the attack continued to tear around the barrier, and made a hissing sound.

The sound was like an accompaniment, but Chutian didn't have time to enjoy it here now, because the golden light and the magic energy were getting closer and closer, no matter how powerful Chutian was, he couldn't stand such crazy tossing.

"Damn, if this goes on like this, you'll die here sooner or later." Chu Tian cursed inwardly, and the Zimo Lord Duan who was there wondered why Chu Tian revolved around that central area. After all, he couldn't find the existence of that enchantment at the moment.

At this moment, the golden light and devilish energy had hit Chu Tian heavily, and Lord Zi Mo Duan turned pale with shock, thinking that Chu Tian had just turned into ruins, but Chu Tian suddenly appeared in another place, but he was obviously in a panic, And the clothes on his body are already a little torn.

"Damn it, I don't believe that you can keep locking me with these things!" Chu Tian became anxious, and cast a phantom, turning into countless bodies at once, just like countless people outside the barrier.

Master Zimoduan couldn't tell which one was real after a closer look, which made him marvel, "What a terrifying ability."

But at this moment, there was a sudden rumbling sound in the sky, and instead of bursting out to attack Chutian, the golden light and devilish energy, instead a black hole appeared in the sky, and then a stone statue slowly fell down.

Chu Tian was curious about what was going on, and Master Zimo Duan was also staring at it suspiciously, until the stone statue fell heavily on the ground with a bang, and then stood there like a mountain.

At this moment, the stone statue turned its back to Lord Zimo Duan, but stared at Chu Tian directly, and Chu Tian stared at the towering stone statue and teased, "You are the one to blame?"

The stone statue is dead, but a remnant soul inside the stone statue said as if controlling the forbidden zone, "Only the dead can pass here."

"Dead? You mean to kill me?"

"That's right!"

"It's ridiculous, you still don't kill me!"

"Young man, don't think that with so many bodies, I won't be able to find out which one is you."

"Come on, I'll see what you can do!"

The stone statue suddenly dispersed golden light and demonic energy, and all those phantoms were blown away. Chu Tian stood there and cursed secretly, but he seemed to have thought that he still had a trick to deal with him, so he smiled strangely, "How dare you reveal your real body?" ?"

"To deal with you? Do you need a real body?" The stone statue didn't take it seriously, but Chu Tian teased, "It's hard to say, what if your remnant soul and this stone statue are pierced by me?"

The stone statue immediately clicked his tongue, "Boy, you are really crazy, but you have to be capable if you are crazy."

"It's enough to deal with you."

"Oh? Come on then, let's see how loud you are, a little guy who doesn't even have a shadow."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention, but suddenly a red light flashed on his forehead, and a beam of laser-like light burst out of Chu Tian's body. The speed of this light was very fast, and it hit the head of the stone statue on the spot.

The entire head of the stone statue was blown up, and the remnant soul inside was also hit, and there was a scream immediately, "Bastard, you!"

Then the stone statue made a bang, like a person falling down, and fell there, making a heavy impact sound, and Lord Zimoduan couldn't believe that this was done by Chutian, and even stared at Chutian weirdly, "this is too scary."

However, Chu Tian found that the surrounding demonic energy and golden light were no longer attacking him, which made him heave a sigh of relief. He jumped and came to the side of the stone statue. Looking carefully, the remnant soul in the stone statue had already disappeared.

After looking up and down suspiciously for a while, Chu Tian muttered, "It seems that he should be the controller of this restricted area."

Master Zimoduan didn't know what was going on, but stared at Chu Tian weirdly until he shouted to that Lord Zimoduan, "Come here."

"come over?"

"Well, come here."

Master Zimo Duan tried to take the first step, and then backed away, but there was no movement around him, which surprised him and tried again. After confirming that there was no problem, he ran out happily, and the last leap came to Chu Tian. Qian asked eagerly, "What's going on?"

Chu Tian pointed to the stone statue, "It probably controlled the surrounding forces, but I destroyed it, and now it can't control the surroundings."

Master Zi Mo Duan looked at Chu Tian in surprise, "You are really amazing."

"It's okay, it's nothing." After Chu Tian finished speaking, he turned and looked at the enchantment behind him. There was no one interfering at the moment, so he could slowly destroy the enchantment.

On the other side, Master Zimo Duan was curious about what Chutian was going to do, until Chutian exerted a little bit of gravitational force with both hands, and that powerful swallowing force swallowed up the power on the barrier bit by bit.

It wasn't until the barrier completely disappeared in a blink of an eye that Chutian put away his hands, and the place full of golden light and demonic energy immediately dissipated little by little. Then Chutian calmed down and asked, "Here, we should enter the next place Bar."

Lord Zimoduan wasn't sure, but seeing the calm surroundings, he became a little nervous, "It's hard to say."

"I'll go and have a look first." Chu Tian started to walk forward, and something unexpected happened after a while, because a phantom gradually appeared in front of them.

The phantom is that there is a river in front of them, and there is a cloud and mist under the river, and the sound of various huge waves rushing, and there is the only single-plank bridge above.

The single-plank bridge seemed ordinary, just a long fallen tree trunk. Just when Chu Tian was about to go up, the tree trunk suddenly began to twist, as if it was swaying.

This made Chu Tian look puzzled, and Master Zi Mo Duan came to the shore and said in a daze, "It seems that we can't pass."

"what is this."

"The Rumored Broken Soul River."

"Broken Soul River?"

"Well, there is a river in front of the God and Demon Cave. This river is the River of Broken Soul. Once anyone falls, their soul will be cut off by the river, and they will never return forever."

Chu Tian looked around in disbelief, "This bridge will change, which means there is some kind of power affecting it."

Master Zimoduan lamented, "It's useless, even if the bridge doesn't move, we will fall down if we go up."

"It's all here, I always have to try." Chu Tian was not reconciled, and then released a clone, and the clone phantom stood on the bridge and walked a little bit according to Chu Tian's instructions, but after walking a few steps, the bridge Just roll over and throw the phantom directly.

(End of this chapter)

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