Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1714 Incomparably violent

Chapter 1714 Incomparably violent
The crazy Sun Wukong was shining with devil energy, and he could see golden light balls around him, and these golden light balls were shining around him like little suns.

"One, two, three."

There were more and more balls, dozens of them at once, and then Sun Wukong showed two fangs, like an angry gorilla, stared at Chutian with wide red eyes and shouted in a loud voice, "Boy, I will ask you if you are afraid." Don't be afraid!"

"The momentum is scary, but if you can't hit me, it will be in vain!"

"Well, you're in vain! Then I'll let you know that it's not something you can handle when my old grandson gets mad!"

Monkey King took back the golden cudgel, and then poured countless balls of golden light into the golden cudgel. In an instant, the golden cudgel became bigger and bigger, and then smashed towards Chutian.

Chutian used frivolity again, but this attack was very domineering. Under the frivolity, he could move quickly, flying towards Chutian like a pillar of heaven.

Chu Tian hurriedly jumped to avoid the golden cudgel, but the golden cudgel immediately formed a golden barrier around Chu Tian, ​​trapping Chu Tian there and not giving Chu Tian a chance to escape.

Chu Tian was stunned for a moment, then grabbed the barrier with one hand and released a powerful gravitational force, but the Monkey King laughed, "Don't waste your efforts, my power is very domineering, no one can break it!"

"not necessarily!"

Chutian increased his strength again, and a hole was sucked up all at once, and then Chutian leaped out and rushed out. The Monkey King was shocked, and he held the golden cudgel with both hands and slammed it down from the air.

Chu Tian dodged again, but the stick hit the ground, the ground immediately cracked, and countless boulders splashed, Zi Moduan was frightened and fled to the side crazily, even so, the strong air flow and boulders also knocked him away.

When Lord Zimo Duan fell heavily to the ground, he was already lying there depressed, "What a terrifying power!"

Chu Tian was floating in the air at the moment, staring at the crazy Monkey King and sighed secretly, "The crazy Monkey King is really domineering."

"Boy, I'm going to kill you." Sun Wukong was even more annoyed when he saw that he didn't succeed. He held the golden cudgel in one hand and swung it around, and then cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

The powerful airflows from these cracks appeared one after another, directly turning the splashing stones into powder on the spot, and when Chutian saw these cracks, he quickly avoided them. After all, who knows where the cracks in space will lead to. May not be found.

So Chu Tian quickly backed away from his original position and teased that Monkey King, "I said dead monkey, is that what you're capable of?"


Monkey King was unwilling to do it again, but at this time a golden light flashed in the sky, and then appeared with five palm prints, and soon these five palm prints turned into a five-finger golden mountain, hitting Monkey King heavily.

Monkey King flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground, causing his huge body to crash into countless boulders. Chu Tian wondered how the golden light came, so that Monkey King got up angrily and looked at the crack in the space where the golden light came, and said, "Dead!" Bald donkey, come down if you have the ability."

"It has been sealed for so long, and the evil thoughts have not changed, how do you want me to persuade you?" At this time, a golden light appeared in the sky, but Chu Tian couldn't see the figure in the golden light, but he could distinguish the voice, "This voice, so good familiar."

But Sun Wukong snorted, "Donkey, don't think that you have become an immortal saint, and with your immortal body, you can suppress Lao Sun at will."

"Wukong, your deity has already cultivated to a positive result, why don't you change your demonic nature?"

"Well, that deity? It's ridiculous, it is it, I am me, I am the real Monkey King, this is my nature, I am the Great Demon Monkey, Monkey King!"

Monkey King shouted frantically, but the golden light in the air was helpless, "Then I have no choice but to suppress you again."

"It's ridiculous. I'm a spirit monkey transformed from an immortal stone monkey. I can't be killed!" The Monkey King laughed complacently. The laughter made people feel numb, but a golden light came down from the sky and turned into a golden net, which immediately bound Monkey King's limbs. and neck.

All of a sudden, Sun Wukong was like a bound monkey, he could only struggle wildly and roll on the ground, while there were bursts of strange voices in the air that continued to chant, like chanting a spell.

Chu Tian immediately remembered that the other party might be Tang Seng's reincarnated monk.

"Damn donkey, let me go, let me go!"

"If you admit your mistake, I will let you go."

"Hmph, I want to become a Buddha right away, dreaming!" The Monkey King roared angrily, leaped into the air, collided with the golden light, and made a bang.

The entire formation seemed to be exploding, with golden lights shining everywhere, Master Zimo Duan was directly stunned by the shock, and Chu Tian was surrounded by frivolous protection, all those powers were weakened one by one.

It wasn't until the surroundings calmed down that Chu looked up at the sky. The golden light had long since disappeared. Instead, there was a golden cudgel not far from him, and the magic energy flickered on the golden cudgel.

The Monkey King's aura is still inside the golden cudgel, but it seems to be sealed, so he can only shout weakly, "Boy, how about our cooperation."


"Yes, that dead bald donkey sealed me and prevented me from coming out. If you are willing to release me, I am willing to tell you how to cross the river on the other side."

Chu Tian smirked, "I let you out just now, and I almost killed myself by you. Do you think I will listen to you?"

The Monkey King began to show weakness and said, "It was all a misunderstanding before, I will definitely not hurt you now, how?"

"You devil monkey, you are not only cruel, but also cunning!"

Monkey King was enraged again, "Boy, believe it or not, I came out and ate you."

"Okay, don't kill me and eat me at every turn."


Chu Tian grabbed the golden cudgel and laughed, "Although this golden cudgel is said to be your item, I have refined it before, so I should be able to use it."

Sun Wukong didn't believe it, "Hmph, you just got it, without its approval, it can't be used."

"Really? Then you are optimistic."

Chu Tian threw it out with one hand, and then with a thought, the golden cudgel became very large and stretched across the banks like a bridge. The Monkey King was shocked, "Boy, you, how can you control it."

"I've seen your real deity, the one Xiangshan, he gave this to me, so I can use it naturally."

That Monkey King suddenly became furious, "Damn it, bastard, I'm going to kill him."

"You should wake up slowly inside." Chu Tian sneered, and then came to the side of the purple devil Lord Duan, and after finding that he was not dead, a cloud of air flowed into his body.

Only then did Lord Zimo Duan slightly open his eyes, and when he saw Chu Tian, ​​he said in surprise, "I, am I still alive?"

"Of course, otherwise you thought you were dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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