Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1715 Magic Flower

Chapter 1715 Magic Flower
Lord Zi Mo Duan really thought he was going to die, but at the moment it seemed nothing happened, he took a deep breath and looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Let's go."

"Don't worry, I've found my way."

Lord Zimoduan looked at Chutian in surprise, "What? The way in the past?"


After Chu Tian finished speaking, he turned around and came to the bridge transformed by the golden cudgel. The Purple Demon Lord Duan frowned when he saw the golden cudgel, "Isn't this the magic weapon of that monkey just now?"


Lord Zimoduan immediately took a few steps back, then stared at the bridge and became afraid, "Here, aren't you afraid that it will turn over?"

"Don't worry, it's under my control now." After finishing speaking, Chu Tian walked on the golden cudgel, and then walked forward, the purple devil Duan Lord was shocked, he never thought that Chu Tian would be fine walking on it.

Seeing that Master Zimoduan hadn't come up yet, Chu Tian asked, "Are you still coming up?"


"Come here, it's okay, it only listens to me now." After Chutian finished speaking, he continued to move forward, and after a while, he arrived at the edge of a cliff in front, and the purple devil duan took a deep breath, "Okay, I fought."

The Zimo Duan Lord had no choice but to go up quickly, but the Monkey King was halfway there, but he was teasing, "Damn old man, believe it or not, I will throw you down."

Master Zimoduan was so frightened that he quickened his pace and came to the opposite side all at once, while Chu Tian put away his golden cudgel, that Lord Zimoduan asked strangely, "What's going on here?"

Chu Tian didn't explain much but said that he surrendered it, then turned around and looked behind him. It was a cave with purple light shining inside, which looked terrible.

At this time, the devilish Monkey King in the golden cudgel was threatening, "Boy, there are countless tombs of gods and demons inside. If you are brave enough, you may be able to discover the magic weapons and supernatural powers left behind by them."

"You're so talkative." Chu Tian said something, and that Monkey King let out a devilish laugh, "Why? Don't dare, then just stay here in a daze."

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to him, but looked at Master Zi Moduan, "Let's go."

Master Zi Mo Duan knew that he had reached this point, and it would be meaningless to back down any longer, so he looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Okay, let's go."

When the two walked in, they could see demonic energy shining all over the wall, and the place where the magical energy gathered was the place where the purple light shone.

Some purple light even formed petals, and the purple demon Lord Duan was pleasantly surprised when he saw it, "This devilish energy is powerful."

"You know this magic energy?"

"Well, this is called a magic energy flower. Usually, it will be like this when special magic energy gathers together, but this magic energy flower is very strong, so you have to absorb it slowly. If you force it to absorb it, or if it is all washed into your body, your body may be broken. I can't bear it." Master Zimoduan explained, but that Monkey King laughed, "Coward, what's the matter, if it were me, I could inhale it in one breath."

Chutian ignored the Monkey King, but came to those flowers, and then touched the devilish energy with one hand, and soon the devilish energy sneaked into Chutian's body, and the Zimoduan who was there was shocked, "You, are you okay? .”

"It's okay." Chu Tian said something nonchalantly, and then absorbed the magic flowers one by one, not only that, but also touched other things, the purple devil said nervously, "You, be careful, these things .”

"It's nothing." Chu Tian continued to absorb it crazily, but that Monkey King laughed devilishly, "Boy, if you have the guts to absorb all this magic flower, then I admire you."

"Then you'll be fine."

Chutian continued to touch one by one, and once touched, the flower disappeared. Soon Chutian's face began to turn black, but he didn't know it. When all the flowers were absorbed and turned around, the whole person was already surrounded by demon energy. His face was like black charcoal.

The Zimo Duan who was there pointed at his face in fright, "You, your face."

Chu Tian didn't understand, then looked at it, and gasped when he saw that his face was covered with black devilish energy, "Isn't it, so exaggerated?"

Chutian then calmed down and began to sit cross-legged, then closed his eyes, and began to enjoy it slowly.

Monkey King on the side laughed, "Boy, can't you do it? It's going to explode!"

"I said you can't, you can't."

"Hey, boy, please, I can help you."

"Boy, tell you, no one can help you here now except me."

"Boy, listen carefully. These demonic energy are accumulated by those demons after death. It is a demonic energy with countless resentments. If you don't have me, you will not only go crazy, but your body will also be supported by them." Burst."

"You're so noisy!" Chu Tian suddenly opened his eyes and said this, but the Monkey King was stunned for a moment, staring at Chu Tian strangely, "Impossible, you, how can you be fine."

At this moment, Chutian really seemed to be fine, not only that, Chutian also realized one thing, that is the way of demonization.

The way of demonization is a way of compressing demonic energy into a flower, and then these flowers are injected into other people's bodies, and most people will not be able to bear it, according to what Sun Wukong said.

It’s just that Chutian didn’t understand why the magic flowers absorbed here would understand this, so he started to get up and walk forward, the purple demon master hurriedly followed, but Monkey King asked, “Boy, hurry up, tell grandpa, you How did you do it."

Chu Tian stared at the stick, "Believe it or not, I will seal you up so that you will never be able to speak."


That Monkey King immediately became more honest, and the reason why Chu Tian didn't hide it was because Monkey King obviously knew some secrets here, and if he could let him speak out on his own initiative, he could know a lot of things.

This Sun Wukong didn't know that Chutian was using him, so he always said some dangerous things there to scare him, and finally said, "Boy, let me tell you, there is a magic gun in it, it is a terrible spear , there is still a very strong evil spirit on it, if you have the guts to go there, it is guaranteed that the evil spirit of this magic gun will penetrate you."

"Magic gun?"

"Yes, why? I'm afraid."

Chu Tian smiled, "I really want to see it."

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he continued to move forward. After a while, he saw the so-called magic gun, which was inserted into the skeleton of a huge monster.

It's just that the owner of this magic gun has also turned into a corpse, but this magic gun can still emit powerful magic energy.

The Zimo Lord Duan who was watching there was even more frightened by the weird power and retreated, "This thing is so scary."

"That's the magic idea." Sun Wukong explained triumphantly, and Chu Tian didn't know what the magic idea was, but he felt the resentment from the spear attacking him crazily.

Fortunately, Chu Tian was not afraid of this resentment, and was still able to move forward slowly. Finally, he came to the side of the long spear, looked at the golden cudgel and said, "You say your stick is more powerful, or this long spear is more powerful?"

(End of this chapter)

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