Chapter 1716
The monkey grandson immediately flew into a rage, "Are you kidding me, all my power is sealed in the golden cudgel now, you want me to touch it?"

Chu Tian liked to hear the monkey's angry and helpless tone, and then laughed, and then took out the golden cudgel in his hand, but this Monkey King was in a hurry, "Don't, don't! Stop it!"

Chu Tian smiled slightly, and still hit the golden cudgel forcefully on the spear. In an instant, the spear's magic energy flashed, and a purple light hit the golden cudgel heavily like a wave.

Suddenly a roar came from that Monkey King, "You, you took the opportunity to take revenge on me!"

"Of course, I was almost tortured to death by you, so why can't I torture you well?" Chu Tian said, and tapped again, and the purple light struck again.

Sun Wukong had to gnash his teeth, and Chutian hit it countless times like this, and the sound was very crisp, but that Monkey King kept howling.

That Zimo Lord Duan couldn't help but want to laugh, until Sun Wukong was furious, "Enough! Enough! I'll tell you how to get this spear!"

Chu Tian wanted to clean up the monkey grandson, but he didn't expect that he knew how to get the spear, so he recovered and said in surprise, "Oh? You know how to get it."

"Nonsense, who am I?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense! Hurry up!"

"The resentment of this spear has been beaten to peace by the golden cudgel just now, but it is still in this spear. If you want to take down this spear, you have to appease this resentment. To be precise, you have to communicate with it , make it happy to be a part of you."

"Part of me?"

"Yes, for example, if you promise it to restore its physical body in the future, let it out or something, I think it will be happy to be used by you!"

Chu Tian stared at the golden cudgel in doubt, "If I know that you lied to me, I will definitely let you enjoy it again."

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you this time." Sun Wukong promised, and Chutian held the golden cudgel with one hand, and stretched out his other hand to grab the long spear.

I saw purple light flashing on the spear, and there were countless lines on it, like ancient symbols.

As for Chutian taking a deep breath to seize the moment, suddenly a powerful force rushed into his body, still madly saying, "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Chutian didn't expect the resentment left by the original master to be so great, but fortunately he could bear it, especially when the resentment reached Chutian's consciousness space, Chutian resisted, and still said with a smile, "We can have a good chat." chat?"

At this time, an orc like a bull's head condensed in Chutian's body and stared at Chutian, "Who are you!"

"I just passed by, but I have a way to take you away." Chutian began to flicker according to what Sun Wukong said, but the orc stared at Chutian in disbelief, "You are a guy who can't even be regarded as an immortal saint. With what qualifications do you take me away?"

"You do not believe?"


"Then how do you believe it?"

That guy didn't want to give up the opportunity, so he stared at Chu Tian, ​​"It's very simple, if you can bear my strongest blow, I will let you take my long spear away, and I will follow you to the death, but if you can't, you have to die."

"Oh? The strongest blow? My soul?"

"Yes! It's your soul!"

After hearing this, Chu Tian laughed, "That's fine, just come! I'll follow!"

The guy's ideology in Chutian's body was filled with demonic energy immediately, but Sun Wukong, who was inside the outer golden cudgel, shouted, "I said, you kid is crazy, do you really let him attack?"

"What's the matter with you?" Chu Tian replied directly, but Monkey King teased, "Alright then, I'll see how you howl and beg me later!"

Chutian ignored Sun Wukong, and that ideology suddenly turned into a shock wave, approaching Chutian's consciousness space, wishing to shatter Chutian's space immediately.

But Chutian's consciousness space is very hard, after that guy spent a lot of effort to rush in, when he was about to look for Chutian's soul proudly, he saw Soul Devouring white light everywhere.

It shocked him, "What is this?"

"Of course it makes you feel good!" Chu Tianxie laughed, and then these soul-eating white lights surrounded it, and that ideology immediately felt the horror of this soul-eating white light and began to shrink back, "Okay! I won't try it! I will try it later. Follow you!"



Only then did Chutian put away the white light of Soul Devourer, and his consciousness immediately returned to the spear, not daring to make another mistake with Chutian.

Soon the spear began to shake slightly again, as if trying to break free from the animal bone, but Chu Tian didn't understand what was so special about the animal bone, which made it impossible for the spear to escape.

"Help me!" At this time, the demon begged, but Chu Tian stared at the animal bone curiously, "What kind of animal bone is this, it can suck your long spear to death."

"I don't know. I spent my whole life trying to kill it. In the end, I stayed here with it. But its bone is a spear that traps me, making it impossible for me to escape."

Chutian didn't expect such a thing, so he began to study the animal bone, and saw that the animal bone was extremely hard. After Chutian knocked on it several times, he could hear the sound of thumping, but he couldn't feel the animal bone. And the breath of life.

"Boy, don't look, this guy was amazing before." The Monkey King shouted there, Chu Tian was puzzled, "You know him?"

"Of course, it is someone who can swallow a planet in one breath, and can knock an immortal saint into the air in one breath."

Chu Tian was surprised, "How powerful, will you die here?"

"Do you really think it was stabbed to death by this guy? Then you are naive. It was seriously injured, and its strength was sealed, and it finally met this guy again, and what happened later."

Chu Tian didn't expect this animal bone to have such a background, so he planned to throw the animal bone into his own space, and turn around to study it slowly, but at this moment, a layer of purple light shone on the surface of the animal bone, and the consciousness inside the spear immediately screamed, "Ah, what the hell!"

Chu Tian asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"It, it's not dead! It, it's attacking me!"

Chu Tian didn't expect that this guy was not dead, but he didn't know it existed, but that Monkey King became terrified, "Quick, go, it probably really isn't dead!"

Who is Sun Wukong? He is a demon, and the guy who doesn't even pay attention to those immortal saints is so frightened at this moment. One can imagine how difficult it is.

But Chutian still held the spear, and then his consciousness penetrated into the spear, wanting to take a good look at what this guy looks like.

Before Naihe got close, a huge wave rushed out Chutian's consciousness, causing Chutian to back up a few steps in succession, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and fell on the ground.

Master Zi Mo Duan was shocked, "How are you doing!"

(End of this chapter)

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