Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1717 Beast Bone Mutation

Chapter 1717 Beast Bone Mutation
Chu Tian only felt a sudden blow to his chest, causing him to vomit blood, but the immortal seed recovered him all of a sudden, and he stood firm as if he was fine and said, "It's fine."

The power in the animal bone began to tremble after feeling that Chu Tian was fine, and the soul in the spear screamed very miserable, as if it was about to be swallowed.

Monkey King shouted to Chutian, "What are you looking at, run away quickly, it will be awakened."

"Wake up?"

"Yes, I guess I have been sleeping for a long time, and then rely on the surrounding devil energy to make up for my strength." The Monkey King explained, and Chu Tian walked over with the golden cudgel, and the Monkey King cursed, "You bastard, don't take me to death , I can't bear to toss."

"Aren't you very powerful? I want to see who is stronger than your opponent with the seal power inside your golden cudgel."

"Just kidding, my seal and I will be sucked dry by then!"

Chu Tian paused when he heard this. After all, he was not sure, so he put the golden cudgel back into his other hand, and then stretched out his right hand to the spear again.

"You're crazy, you're really crazy!" the Monkey King yelled, but Chutian just didn't listen, he was eager to find out the origin of this animal bone and find out its true face.

So the moment Chu Tian held the spear in one hand, the power in his body began to circulate crazily, trying to resist the airflow just now again, but there was no airflow in the spear, instead, the voice of the spear owner begging for help, "Help me!"

Chu Tian asked suspiciously, "Where is it?"

"gone back."

Chu Tian put his eyes on the animal bone, but thought in his heart, "Even this powerful demon is so scared, it seems that this guy is really not simple."

With Monkey King threatening at the side, Chu Tian thought about whether to continue exploring, but he couldn't help stretching out his right hand, and Monkey King cursed, "Crazy!"

At this moment, a purple light suddenly rushed into Chutian's body from the animal bone, and Chutian's whole body immediately swelled up like a big balloon.

The Monkey King was shocked, "I'll just say it, you're going to die now."

Master Zimo Duan stared dumbfounded, completely forgetting to be afraid, while Chu Tian only felt his skeleton being lifted up, and the opponent's force was still colliding.

"Get out!" Chutian cursed in his heart, but the beast let out a baby howl. Chutian couldn't understand what the sound was, and then his consciousness began to search his body.

Finally, I saw an ideology in my body, it was a baby who just sat up, crying there, but the voice and breath were very strong, Chutian was almost dizzy from the shock several times.

But this sudden change made him unable to bear staring at the child, "Who are you!"

The other party was still crying, and kept licking his fingers, as if he was very hungry. Chu Tian was puzzled. When the immortal seed in his body released the power to repair his body, the child suddenly saw something novel, blinked his eyes, and then pointed With those air currents.

These green airflows rushed in front of it one by one, it opened its mouth, and then swallowed non-stop, this frightened Chu Tian, ​​after all, he had never seen such a terrible thing.

Not only that, Chutian's swollen body also began to change a little bit, and finally Chutian returned to his original state, but Monkey King on the side couldn't help asking, "How is it?"

Chutian didn't answer, but continued to look at the child until the child's ideology in Chutian's body grew little by little, and when he was about three or four years old, he stared at Chutian like a lively little boy, "Who are you? "

Chu Tian was already frightened, "I should ask you this."

The child froze for a moment, then got out of Chu Tian's body, and then stood on the animal bone to form a real child. The Monkey King was stunned inside the golden cudgel, "What's going on?"

Chu Tian explained the matter, and then wanted to ask Sun Wukong if he had seen such a thing, but even though he was well-informed, Sun Wukong had never seen such a thing, so he replied, "Well, I really don't know gone."

However, the little boy suddenly opened his mouth, and the devilish energy around him rushed into his mouth crazily, scaring everyone on the spot, and then the little boy began to grow a little bit, and finally blinked his eyes when he was seven or eight years old, and pointed at the skeleton with his last hand.

The skeleton immediately turned into a purple armor, which was fused to the little boy's body. Immediately, the little boy had armor as clothes, and then he jumped down and hugged Chu Tian, ​​"Thank you."

Chu Tian looked confused, "Thank me?"

"Well, I'm finally reborn as a man."


"Yes, I have practiced for countless years. I was about to become an adult, but I was broken by some damn monks and Taoists. I had to seal my memory and practice here. If it weren't for the green gas in your body, I wouldn't be able to wake up , and I can’t restore it, let alone unlock my memory.” The little boy told the whole situation in a childlike voice.

Chu Tian was dumbfounded, and the Zimo Lord Duan stared at the little boy in disbelief. As for the man inside the spear, he said in shock, "Fortunately, you didn't eat me."

"You're too weak, it's boring to eat you." The little boy didn't piss him off on the spot when he said this, and Sun Wukong's whole tone changed at the moment, he wasn't as crazy as before, he was afraid of being swallowed by this unknown child up.

Chu Tian was overjoyed, and asked as if he had found a treasure, "Your family?"

"Me? I don't have a family. As soon as I was born, I was strengthened by devouring all kinds of things." The little boy said bluntly, and his memory gradually recovered, but Chutian hesitated and asked, "Then you follow me first. Bar."

"That's for sure. From now on, you will be my relatives. I will go wherever you go."

Chu Tian was stunned for a moment and then laughed, "Let's go."

Then Chu Tian pulled off the spear, put away the golden cudgel, and looked at the stunned Zimo Duanye. Zimo Duanye was a little afraid of the little boy at the moment, so he looked at him tremblingly.

The little boy didn't take it seriously, he was very happy as if he had just been reborn, he even walked inside and looked around, whenever he saw a place with devilish energy, he swallowed it with a single mouthful.

Chu Tian couldn't laugh or cry, until they reached the end of the corridor and saw a stone tablet standing at the entrance of a cave.

There are three big characters engraved on this stone tablet, "God and Demon Cave."

Seeing these three words, Lord Zimo Duan was very excited and said, "I, we are finally here."

Chu Tian didn't expect to come to the cave of gods and demons so soon, but the stone tablet was releasing an enchantment to block the entrance of the cave, and the little boy began to swallow the enchantment in one breath.

(End of this chapter)

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