Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1718 The Scary Voice

Chapter 1718 The Scary Voice

The enchantment magically dissipated, and Master Zimoduan was very excited. After all, his lifelong dream was to come here to have a look, and the little boy strode forward as if he hadn't eaten enough, intending to continue to swallow.

But after walking a few steps, the little boy suddenly stopped and ran back, hiding behind Chutian, as if he was afraid, which shocked both Chutian and Zimoduan. It was very fierce, but now there is something to scare him.

Only Master Zimoduan asked tremblingly, "Xiaowa, is there something you are afraid of?"

The little boy looked at Master Zimo Duan with contempt, "You are the little boy, and I am Tun."

Suddenly he didn't know what his name should be, and Chu Tian laughed and said, "You can call it Tun Tianwa, or Tun Tian, ​​it's up to you."

"Tuntian? This name is domineering. I'm called Tuntian. I don't like babies." The little boy looked smug, but Chutian smiled and pointed to the front and asked, "What did you see and why are you afraid?"

"There is something there that will make people uncomfortable, as if a voice is hypnotizing me." This Tuntian stammered, Chu Tian didn't expect that there was something that would make Tuntian uncomfortable.

This made Chutian couldn't help saying to Tuntian and Master Zimoduan, "Then follow behind, and I will move forward slowly."

But Tuntian grabbed Chutian's back clothes, "This is too dangerous, in my opinion, let's forget it."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After Chutian finished speaking, he continued to move forward. After a while, Chutian heard a sound similar to a guqin, which reminded Chutian of the guqin he had encountered in the deserted city before.

So Chu Tian took out the Guqin, and when he saw the Guqin, Tuntian asked in doubt, "What is this thing?"

"It's similar to the sound inside."

Tuntian didn't understand very well, but Lord Zimoduan looked at Chutian strangely, "Are you sure there is a voice similar to this thing inside?"


"Then let's go back. The sound is very scary. In that deserted city before, people could kill people invisible."

"Don't worry, if I can subdue it, I can also subdue the inside."

But Lord Zimo Duan still had some disbelief, while Chu Tian continued walking with his guqin in his arms. Gradually, Lord Zimo Duan turned pale after hearing the increasingly powerful voices, until finally he was unable to walk.

Tuntian was slightly better, but he yelled, "I don't like this damn sound."

Chu Tian stared at the guqin in his hand, because he found that the guqin actually resonated and emitted a large echo on the same channel, and he could even see Qinxuan shaking wildly up and down, as if someone was playing it.

"It's really weird." Chu Tian was startled inwardly, but there was a cave of gods and demons in front of him, which still tempted him, so he continued to move forward, but at one point, they all stopped.

Because another enchantment appeared in front of their eyes, and this enchantment was transparent, and at the same time they could see a guqin as white as milk jade floating in it and playing independently.

The guqin in Chutian's hand also responded frantically, and Master Zi Moduan was so pale that he quickly sat down cross-legged to protect himself, while Tuntian covered his ears, but Chutian found that he was holding the guqin, and the sound would not enter him In the body, on the contrary, all of them are transferred to the Guqin.

"It's weird."

In order to verify his thoughts, Chutian handed the Guqin to Tuntian, "Hold it for a while."

"Huh? I hold it?"

Tuntian was puzzled by Chu Tianen's voice, and he still listened to Chutian. When he was about to reach out to hug it, the black guqin was released with a huge wave, knocking Tuntian Zhenfei onto a wall on the spot.

With the sound of Tuntian, Chu Tian was shocked, and hurriedly ran over holding the Guqin. Luckily, Tuntian was not seriously injured, and quickly recovered and stood up and stared at the Guqin strangely, "Don't, don't give it to me again."

Chu Tian frowned, because he wanted to verify that if he held the guqin, he would not be harmed, but just now he discovered that when others touched the guqin in his hand, they would be blown away instead.

This made him couldn't help but stare at the Guqin in his hand, thinking about the so-called ancient god who appeared before, and frowned, "It seems that it recognizes me, and at the same time protects me from any sound interference."

Tuntian didn't know what Chutian said, but Zimo Duan who was sitting there suddenly laughed out loud, his whole body went berserk, and then he clenched his fists and attacked him crazily.

Chu Tian was shocked, but it was too late to stop him. That Zimo Duan Lord's whole body exploded, his tendons and veins were severed on the spot, his cultivation base was completely abolished, and his dantian exploded with a bang, leaving only his soul to escape.

Chu Tian hurriedly protected him, Master Zi Mo Duan looked terrified, "Okay, it's so dangerous."

"What happened just now?"

Master Zimoduan was trembling slightly at the moment and explained, "I was sitting cross-legged just now, when suddenly a powerful voice rushed into my body, and then I was in a state of madness, and then my body was hot everywhere, and then my body started to explode, I was so frightened that I hurriedly fled .”

Chutian didn't expect the sound of the white guqin to be so terrifying, and Lord Zimo Duan had no body at this moment, so he could only hide behind Chutian and said, "Shall we continue?"

"Continue, but you have to rely on Tuntian to break this enchantment."

Tuntian was a little scared, "If I break, what if it attacks me?"

"Don't worry, I'm by your side. If it attacks you, back off immediately." Chu Tian told him, Tun Tian had to take a deep breath, enduring the pain, covered his ears and came to the edge of the barrier, then opened his mouth, It started to swallow all the power on the barrier, which was much faster than Chutian's gravity-swallowing efficiency.

At this moment, Bai Guqin suddenly flashed white light and approached Tuntian. Chutian knew that it was about to attack forcefully, and Chutian Hei Guqin immediately stood in front of Tuntian.

I saw the white light hit the black guqin, it was immediately absorbed by the black guqin, and then the rest was rebounded, as if the light was ejected. As for Chutian, he only felt a force hit the black guqin heavily, making him whole The person took a few steps back.

But Tun Tian was still fine, Chu Tian felt relieved, while Lord Zi Moduan asked nervously, "What's going on here?"

"I don't understand, but there must be some kind of connection between the black and white guqin, otherwise it would be impossible to fight against each other and resonate with each other." Chu Tian explained.

At this moment, Tuntian laughed, "It's done."

The barrier disappeared, and the white guqin floating not far away was imprinted in front of their eyes. As for Chu Tian, ​​he stared at the two of them, "Stand here, I'll go over and have a look."

Tuntian was worried, "Don't, what if it hurts you."

"Don't worry, I have this black guqin, it won't hurt me."

Tuntian had no choice but to say nothing, but Lord Zimo Duan stared at Chutian, "Be careful, it's probably not that simple."

Chu Tian hummed, then turned around and walked cautiously forward.

[Unknowingly, there are more than 400 million words. This book has been written for almost a year, with more than 400 million words a year. It has always been Lao Yan's style~ Thank you for your support. 】

(End of this chapter)

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