Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1719 Strange Door

Chapter 1719 Strange Door
I saw that the number of steps was only eight steps, seven steps, six steps, and when it was approaching to only three steps, the sound of the white guqin suddenly surrounded, microwave vibrations, and rubble fell from the surrounding walls, as if they were about to collapse.

Chutian was holding the black guqin tightly, these sounds could not hurt him at all, but made Chutian move forward with peace of mind, only one step away, Chutian looked up at its true face.

The appearance of this white Guqin is similar to that of the black Guqin, but the color is different.

Chu Tian jumped up and grabbed the white guqin with one hand, and then bursts of white light poured into Chu Tian's body from the white guqin, wishing to explode Chutian's body.

Chutian endured the pain, watching the torn steps in his body, and after being repaired by the green light of the immortal seed, he quickly hugged the black guqin, and then the black guqin entered Chutian's body with a ball of black light.

I saw the two lights of black and white mixed together, and the surroundings became quiet in an instant, and the sound of the white guqin also disappeared, and most wish the black guqin flew out of his hand suddenly.

This frightened Chu Tian. He was afraid that without the protection of the black guqin, he would be killed. Fortunately, after the black guqin and the white guqin were entangled together, they stopped making sounds, and instead seemed like friends reminiscing about old times.

In the end, the backs of the two guqins overlapped and made a 'dang' sound. The two pianos merged into one body, one side was black and the other was white.

Chu Tian looked at the black and white guqin in shock, "What does this mean?"

But no one knew, and no one explained to Chu Tian, ​​so Chu Tian had to put it away, looked at Tun Tian and Zi Mo Duan behind him, "Okay, it's all right, come here."

Master Zimo Duan walked forward slowly, while Tuntian ran in big strides, and he came to Chutian in an instant and asked, "What is that thing, and why is it so terrible?"

Chu Tian also wanted to know, but he couldn't figure it out right now, so he could only say, "I don't know that either."

Lord Zimo Duan pointed to a path ahead and said, "Look, there."

Chu Tian looked over and frowned slightly, "Is this the entrance to the God and Demon Cave?"

"Maybe." Master Zimoduan replied, but that Tuntian was curious about what was on that path, so he ran over, as for Chu Tian and Master Zimoduan followed, they soon saw a staircase.

Above this staircase is a huge stone gate.

There are three bright characters on the stone gate, "God and Demon Cave."

The three characters "God and Demon Cave" revealed a golden light, which was not easy at first glance, but Tun Tian couldn't wait to run to the door, and after touching the door there, he frantically sucked in the air around him.

Chu Tian came to the door, and after knocking a few times, he found that the door was very heavy, and there was no echo. Just as Lord Zi Moduan was about to touch it, his whole body was illuminated by the golden light of those big characters, and he flew away on the spot. .

Chu Tian was shocked, "What's going on?"

Master Zimoduan is a divine soul, he flew away and then fell, but there was nothing serious, but he stared nervously at the big characters and said, "It is rumored that there are golden characters guarding the entrance of the cave of gods and demons, and these golden characters are soul-restraining." effect."


"Well, as long as the gods or demons approach, they will be shaken aside and unable to approach."

Chu Tian didn't expect this to happen, but he comforted him, "Don't worry, I'll take you there after I break open the door."

"Thank you."

Chu Tian just came under the stone gate and tried to push the gate, but the gate remained indifferent, so he attacked the gate, hoping to see if the gate could be opened, but the gate was still there and could not be opened.

Tuntian on one side was in a hurry, and he wanted to try, but he pushed hard, but no matter what, his strength was still not enough. After all, he could only swallow strength, and his attack power was not very strong.

This annoyed Tuntian, "If I had the strength at my peak, I would be pushing away."

Chu Tian stood under the stone gate very calmly, looked at the two sides of the stone gate, and found that there was nothing but a wall, and this wall was extraordinary. No matter how he touched it, it seemed that an invisible force bounced him away.

"Could it be that I can't go in?" Chu Tian was a little unwilling. After all, he just wanted to enter this cave after all the experience.

The Zimo Lord Duan who was there asked curiously, "How is it?"

"Difficult, this door is integrated with the surrounding walls, and it is impossible to step in or break through."

Master Zimo Duan was a little bit unwilling, but there was nothing he could do about it, but Chu Tian walked down the stairs and looked around, "There may be some information here that we have missed."

Lord Zimo Duan didn't know what he meant, but Chu Tian wondered why the guqin was guarded here, and what was hidden here.

Just when Chutian was puzzled, that Tuntian shouted, "Ah."

Chu Tian hurriedly turned his head and saw that Tuntian's fist was not inside the door at the moment, as if his whole hand was inlaid there, so scared that Chu Tian hurried forward and asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know why, I punched it down, and the door was just like this."

Chu Tian was puzzled, "I didn't have it just now, why should I do it now?"

"I just jumped up and typed the gold letters, and then I was bored and tried again." That Tuntian said depressedly, and Chutian looked at the few gold letters, "It seems that there is something wrong with the gold letters. "

So Chu Tian made a leap and touched the golden characters with one hand. He immediately felt a golden light on his palm, but it was very faint and could not be seen with naked eyes.

"Strange, what kind of ability is this golden light?" Chu Tian couldn't understand, and then he fell down, and touched the door with both hands, and his hands were sucked into it in an instant, and then it seemed to be frozen there.

This surprised Chu Tian, ​​"This is terrible."

"What should I do?" Tuntian was very anxious, obviously he didn't like the feeling of being restrained, but Chutian comforted him, "Try whether you can swallow the power of this stone gate with both hands."

"I tried and it didn't work."

Chutian had no choice but to try his own gravitational force, but it was useless, which made him depressed, "I'm not really going to be trapped in this lifetime."

Lord Zimo Duan stared at those words, "There is something wrong with this word."

Chu Tian raised his head again, just looking at the characters from below, and found that the characters had changed from gold to black, and Chu Tian looked at the black characters, "It's strange, how come one is gold and the other is black."

Master Zi Mo Duan returned to God, "Isn't that similar to the golden light and magic light we saw before?"

"It's a bit similar, but what's the connection." Chu Tian didn't quite understand.

"What should we do now?" Tuntian asked again. After thinking about it, Chutian decided to take out the guqin and try it out. After all, the guqin is at this door, so it must have a meaning for its existence.

So Chu Tian had a thought, and after taking out the guqin, the guqin floated behind Chutian, following as if following its master.

(End of this chapter)

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