Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1720 The Suppressed Gods and Demons

Chapter 1720 The Suppressed Gods and Demons
Lord Zimoduan and Tuntian were curious about what Chutian was going to do, but at this moment Chutian moved, and saw the two guqins behind him suddenly buzzing, as if they had received Chutian's answer.

Soon two mysterious sounds flickered all over Chu Tian's body, and at this moment the big characters above his head turned into golden light again.

The golden light was released and shrouded Chutian's body, and was immediately blown away by the voice. Not only that, the voice also blessed Chutian's hands, and Chutian quickly and easily took them out.

Tuntian was overjoyed, "Amazing!"

Chu Tian didn't understand how the guqin did it, but obviously Shimen was also afraid of the sound, so Chu Tian let the sound bless Tun Tian, ​​and Tun Tian was free for a moment.

After everything was settled, Chu Tian took Tun Tian and took a few steps back. Master Zi Mo Duan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them were fine, but Chu Tian let Gu Qin be quiet and then came to Master Zi Mo Duan, "If I guessed correctly, this door It should be composed of its own ideology, afraid of the attack of this guqin."

"Then what are you going to do?" Zi Mo Duan showed a curious look, Chu Tian turned around and looked at the stone gate, "I want the sound to surround us, and then walk into this stone gate."

As soon as these words came out, Master Zimoduan hesitated a little, "I can't do it, this voice hurts me too."

Chu Tian knew that Zi Mo Duan Lord only had the devil soul left, so he hesitated for a while and said, "It's easy, I have a magic weapon, I can let you avoid it first."

"That's good." Master Zimoduan hurriedly responded, Chutian quickly settled him down, and then looked at Tuntian, "Well, you can also enter my space, I'm afraid there will be an accident next time."

Tuntian was not happy at first, after all he thought he was very strong, but under Chutian's persuasion, he finally agreed and had to obediently enter the space.

After everything was arranged, Chucai continued to control Guqin, "I'm counting on you."

The black and white guqin seemed to be conscious, and it was infected by Chu Tian, ​​and began to play mysterious sounds, like black and white lights protecting him.

"Awesome!" Chu Tian took a deep breath, then looked up at the stone gate, and walked over step by step.

Surrounded by the sound, Chu Tian quickly came to the outside of the stone gate, and then he walked over with his whole body, as if entering the water, he went in all at once.

When Chutian came out, he was already outside the stone gate, and in front of him was a long staircase, and there were two stone pillars under the staircase.

The left side of the stone pillar is engraved, "Gods are demons, and demons are gods."

On the right side is engraved, "Gods can die, demons can die."

Chu Tian wondered, what do these two sentences mean, and who inscribed them.

Chu Tian, ​​who really couldn't figure it out, got Zimo Duan Ye and Tun Tian out.

When they saw this, they were also puzzled, but Tuntian stared at the stairs with curious eyes, "There seems to be something good on it."

"What is it?" Lord Zimoduan has already been infected by the things here, after all, it is his first time to come to this cave of gods and demons.

Tuntian smiled strangely, "It's edible."


At this time, Tuntian ran a few steps, but just as he reached the steps, a powerful force bounced him away. Master Zimoduan was frightened, but Chutian stepped forward to touch him and found that he was fine, which surprised him, "Strange , why am I fine."

Tuntian got up depressed, "I don't know."

Master Zimoduan also wanted to try it, but he was walking past, and at this moment a flash of light sent him flying.

Chu Tian had no choice but to frown, and then looked at the two of them, "You should enter my space, and I will study the rest."

The two had no choice but to do so, after all they couldn't help at the moment, and after Chutian let them in, he started to walk up the steps, but when he went up the steps, he could hear a burst of sound.

The sound 'dong dong' was like a heartbeat. Chu Tian stopped curiously and found that the sound of the heartbeat was his own, but he couldn't understand why he could hear it so clearly.

When Chu Tian was curious, he saw the devilish energy surging in front of him, but the devilish energy contained the breath of countless people.

"These are also left behind after death? Or what?"

Chu Tian felt strange, so he continued to move forward. When the whole person entered the demonic energy, there were many voices.

"Hey, there are living people here."

"Still a not simple kid."

"So what, he still has to die."

"That's right, the cave of gods and demons. After death, the gods and souls can only exist in consciousness forever."

"That's right, no matter whether it's a god or a demon, they all have to die."

These voices seemed to be left behind by those so-called strong people who came here before and died, or those who were sealed in this cave of gods and demons. Anyway, Chu Tian heard it in his ears, but his blood boiled inside him.

"Attack me?" After Chu Tian felt that someone was affecting him, he immediately moved, and the sound of the guqin immediately sounded again, and that sound was simply a terrifying killing move for these dead.

Those guys on the spot immediately screamed, and some even cursed, "Bastard, put it away!"

"Boy, we didn't harm you, so don't harm us either!"

"That's right, boy, speak up if you have something to say!"

Only then did Chu Tian put it away, "Don't hurt me."

Those who were in the demonic energy all said they would not, and Chutian looked around in relief, "I want to ask, are you sealed here? Or died here?"

At this time, a figure gathered together, it was a middle-aged man, but he was staring at Chutian wearily, "We also came to the Shenmo Cave to hunt for treasures like you, but after death, the spirits can't leave, and we can only be suppressed forever. In this demon cave."

Chu Tian showed doubts, "Oh? Then you all died because you came here to hunt for treasure?"


Chu Tian had no choice but to continue to ask, "Where is the thing that is rumored to be sealed in the God and Demon Cave?"

The guy said he didn't know, but Chu Tian had no choice but to stop asking, and continued to move forward. After a while, he came to a corridor, but the corridor was empty.

But those guys on the stairs behind reminded Chutian, "Young man, don't go up this corridor, or you will be suppressed here."

"Yes, boy, look, those bones are all ours."

Chu Tian glanced at the ground in the corridor, and sure enough, there were bones everywhere, which can be said to be very difficult.

But Chu Tian still wanted to find out what was sealed in the God and Demon Cave, the real secret of the Nine Dragon Sword, and the secret of the God and Demon Cave.

So Chutian, surrounded by the sound of the guqin, started to walk towards the corridor. A deadly energy penetrated the long corridor, and the powerful deadly energy was rushing into Chutian's body crazily.

As if the immortal seed in Chutian's body was activated immediately, the green light flickered, making Chutian's whole body surrounded by green light.

"Fortunately, there are immortal seeds." Chu Tian took a deep breath, and then he thought of the immortal dead tree that he had caught before.

(End of this chapter)

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