Invincible cultivation system

Chapter 1726 Confrontation by the river!

Chapter 1726 Confrontation by the river!

Chu Tian didn't care whether the place was dangerous or not, instead he said seriously, "I'm going."

"What?" Patriarch Jian and the others stared at Chu Tian strangely, while Zhou Yun tried to persuade him, "Brother Chu, this restricted area is much more terrifying than this magical formation, so you'd better not go there."

Wushuang also catered there, "That's right, that place is simply not a place for people to stay. In my opinion, it's better not to go, or you won't know how you will die."

Chu Tian even went through a dead end, so he was not afraid, so he looked at everyone, "I have made up my mind, thank you for your kindness."

Patriarch Jian suddenly had nothing to say, and Zhou Yun and Wushuang didn't know what to say, but Chu Tian looked at them, "Please tell me how to get to this Wuying Ruin, everyone?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, and Wushuang also shook his head and said, "I only heard that this place is dangerous, but I don't know how to get there."

Chu Tian had no choice but to look at the Sword Patriarch, who hesitated and took out a picture from his arms, "This is the picture of Wuying Ruins that my Sword Family has been studying, but I can't see it through. If you are interested, you can go there, but I Remind you again, don't go in."

"Thank you, senior. I, Chutian, will remember your kindness." After finishing speaking, Chutian put away the yellowed animal skin picture and said goodbye, while Zhou Yun and Wushuang quickly followed.

When they disappeared, Jianmu came to Patriarch Jian and asked strangely, "Patriarch, did you give him the map of the ruins?"

"The map of the ruins is found in many places, and it is not very precious, but the most important thing is to really find the ruins and enter the ruins." Patriarch Jian sighed, and Jianmu asked after he said, "Patriarch, what do you want?" Why help him?"

"Then let me ask you first, why did you help him?" Patriarch Jian asked back, and that Jianmu scratched his head, "He is very powerful, I don't want to be my enemy."

"That's right, this guy will definitely be extraordinary in the future, and even the League of Gods can't help him."

Hearing Shenmeng, Jianmu was surprised. After all, Shenmeng is the abbreviation of any family and school.

Chu Tian didn't care about these things when he had already left. Instead, he walked out and looked at the two of them, "Both of you, it's time for me to say goodbye to you too."

Zhou Yun knew that Chutian was going to a dangerous place, and following him would only cause trouble for others, so he simply said, "Well, there will be a period later, if you need anything, you can come back to the original city to find me at any time."


Only then did Zhou Yun turn around and disappear with some reluctance, while Wushuang stared at Chutian with his arms crossed, "I'll follow you."

"Follow me? Why?" Chutian looked at her puzzled, but Wushuang said with a smile, "Because you are powerful, following you is better than meeting bad people and being bullied by others."

Chu Tian laughed dumbfoundingly, "I don't think it's that simple."

"What do you mean?" Wushuang pretended to be stupid, and Chutian didn't want to point it out, but laughed instead, "And you, you better not have any bad plans, otherwise I won't be polite."

Wushuang was shocked inwardly, she didn't expect that Chutian would say this to her, but Chutian turned and left with a half-smile, Wushuang immediately followed behind unwillingly, "What do you mean by that!"

"I mean, if you really want to kill me, do it as soon as possible, and don't wait for the opportunity." Chu Tian's words scared Wushuang, but Wushuang calmed down soon, "I wanted to kill you before, but you can save me today." me, so we're even."

"Even? How about that?"

"What do you want?"

"It's not very good, but I need your help."

Wushuang looked at Chutian curiously, "Are you looking for my help?"

Chu Tian took out the animal skin map, pointed to it and said, "It's marked with place names, but there is no road map, but I don't know anything about the place names in the Shadowless Realm, so I need your help."

Wushuang glanced at it and then patted his chest happily, "Yes, but I'll take you there. Will we be considered friends in the future?"


"Aren't you afraid that the cultivators will oppose you?"

"Right? Why?"

"Because it's a big taboo for you to come together with a demon cultivator."

But Chutian replied, "I want to be friends with whom I don't want to be friends with, no one can stop me, besides, people who cultivate gods also have a bunch of bad people, and they want to kill me. Did you let them go?"

These words made Wushuang admire, "I admire your words, much better than those hypocrites."

"Is not this nonsensical?"

Upon hearing this, Wushuang replied, "Just say you, and you will be in a good mood!"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Chu Tian laughing, Wushuang pointed to the animal skin picture, "Hurry up to this pier, otherwise this pier will be closed in an hour, and you will have to wait until tomorrow."

"This pier?"

"Yes, the God Demon River is one of the largest rivers in the Shadowless Realm, and this river cannot fly, so you can only reach the opposite bank by taking a special boat on it."

Chu Tian didn't expect to say such a thing, so he quickly said, "Then let's go."

Wushuang immediately led Chutian to a river, only to see what Chutian saw in front of him was white mist, and under this mist, he could hear the sound of water and see the pier just emerging.

There were many people gathered by the pier, including god cultivators and demon cultivators, but the two sides stood on their own sides, confronting each other, but did not make a move.

Seeing this, Chu Tian glanced at them, ignored them, and took Wushuang to the front of the pier, but just a few steps away, a demon cultivator drew a sword and stood in front of the two of them, "You two, you must guard rule."

"Abiding by the rules? What rules?" Wushuang asked back. The demon cultivator had long hair and covered half of his face at the moment, while the other half of his face was covered with poisonous pustules. The sword in his hand gleamed with demon energy. But there was a sneer, "We came first, you must line up to the back and belong to your camp of cultivating gods, don't jump in line."

But Wushuang glanced at Chutian, wanting to wait for his answer, but Chutian didn't answer, and continued to go his own way, and the people on the cultivating side immediately started talking, "Look, this kid is quite courageous."

"Isn't he afraid of being repaired by a demon cultivator?"

"Maybe it's the first time I've been here."

The people on Xiumo's side were furious, and some even yelled, "You, try another step!"

"Boy, do you want to die?"

"This is our place for cultivating demons! Stop!"

Just when everyone was clamoring for Chutian to stop, Chutian still didn't stop, but the sword in the hand of the man with the sword trembled slightly, and a stream of sword energy flew out.

Seeing that the sword energy swept out and was about to hit Wushuang, Chu Tian wanted to push Wushuang aside, and then spread out with one hand. The sword energy first touched Frivolity, and then was swallowed by Chu Tian's palm. The sword energy disappeared.

The people present were dumbfounded, and some even exclaimed, "Receive sword energy with bare hands? This!"

(End of this chapter)

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